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Raising his hand, Clear Sky Sword was half empty in the hall, circled around, and fell into Chu Yan’s hands.

Holding the Clear Sky Sword, Chu Yan long sword shook, and a drop of red blood dropped to the ground.

Immediately, Chu Yan slowly turned around, his mouth lightly, looked towards not far away, Lai 9lie, who fell under the column, gently opened the mouth and said

“Below, it’s your turn!”


This sentence fell to the ground, as if a blast of thunder, exploded in the Lai 9 lie Sea of ​​Consciousness,

Suddenly, the body fiercely trembling Lai 9 Lie, only feeling a horror-like fear, rising from the heart.

At the next breath, Lai 9 glared in horrified eyes and looked at Chu Yan, the whole body trembling violently to bear.

As a Martial Emperor, mighty, with millions of years of lifespan!

Therefore, if you work hard and experience 1000 difficulties and 10000 risks, it is not easy to cultivate to the Martial Artist of the Realm of Martial Emperor, even more afraid of death than ordinary person!

“You … you can’t kill me! I am holy … holy messenger!”

Seeing Chu Yan’s eyes looking at himself, the fear in Lai 9’s heart erupted instantly, his face pale.

“I am the Holy Envoy, I represent the Demon Emperor kingdom, kill me, the Great Demon Emperor will send an army and destroy the entire 10000 Golden Empire!”

Lai 9 shouted hysterically and threw out the last chip.

“Seal Demon Emperor !?”

Holding a long sword, Chu Yan heard Lai 9lie’s slaughtered pig-like howling, but his mouth was lightly raised, completely remained unmoved, and as soon as he lifted his foot, moved towards Lai 9lie.

tread! tread! tread!

In the empty great hall, the footsteps echoed, unusually loud.

This sound fell in Lai 9’s heart, but it was like a path of thunderbolt, and it was like the grin of Death God before harvesting his life. He only felt that his whole body was like an ice cellar and a cold body!


At the next moment, I saw Chu Yan step by step holding the sword. The monstrous death in his heart almost swallowed him up. With a horrified howl, Lai 9 turned his eyes and swept to Lin Tianxiong in the distance.

“10000 Golden Emperor, you stop him! Hurry … Do you want to destroy the 10000 Golden Empire !?”

This howl finally made Lin Tianxiong and all the 10000 golden empire belong to it, woke up, and his face changed suddenly.

Not bad!

As Lai 9lie said, if Chu Yan really did it, he killed two holy envoys. Although it was not the people of the 2 golden empire, the two holy envoys died on the Golden Palace of the 10000 golden empire.

This hard fact, even if it is to make a guilt afterwards, will not extinguish the anger that sealed Demon Emperor.

In the end, bad luck must be 10000 golden empire!

Thinking of this, Lin Tianxiong’s face was instantly pale, and he didn’t dare to hesitate any more, directly body flashed and blocked in front of Chu Yan.

“Little Brother, this man can’t kill!”

“En !?” Chu Yan startled, raised his eyebrows, looked towards 10000 Jin Emperor Lin Tianxiong.

“The two of them are really messengers who sealed the Demon Emperor Kingdom. They were ordered by the Crown Prince Demon to come to my 2 Golden Empire. If all of them die, my 10000 Golden Empire would bear the anger of the Demon Emperor Kingdom. But in terms of strength … “

Speaking of which, Lin Tianxiong’s face was reddish, and the head was slightly taken.

This expression, the meaning is obvious, but Lin Tianxiong wanted to say that with the strength of 10000 gold empire, fundamentally impossible is the opponent of the Demon Emperor country.

“I have my own concerns about this matter!”

Hearing Lin Tianxiong ’s words, Chu Yan was nodded and replied.

Chu Yan is not a reckless husband. From the guidance of Youtian Martial Emperor, Chu Yan knew that this 10000 gold empire has a very close relationship with his own Divine Kingdom.

In addition, if you want to enter Divine Kingdom later, you need the help of Lin Wanru, 10000 gold princess.

In addition, even if there were no such reasons, Chu Yan was impossible to let the 10000 gold empire happen because of his Divine Kingdom entrance at 10000 Golden Empire Imperial Capital.

Otherwise, if your own Divine Kingdom entrance is occupied, it will be troublesome.

So, when Chu Yan stepped into this Golden Palace, he had already made plans!

And this plan was also approved by Youtian Martial Emperor. After all, the reason why the 10000 Golden Empire exists is to protect Human Race from the mission of losing the last entrance of Divine Kingdom.


Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Lin Tianxiong’s face suddenly started, and his head was covered with mist.

“I came from Youtian Martial Emperor’s wood house!” Chu Yan continued.

“What !? Emperor Zun !?”

Chu Yan’s words suddenly made Lin Tianxiong, including the audience of 10000 people from the Golden Empire, all tremble together, complexion changed.

At this moment, Lin Tianxiong looked towards Chu Yan’s gaze and instantly changed.

Of all the 10000 people in the Golden Empire present, only Lin Tianxiong and Lin Wanru knew what Chu Yan meant!

“Don’t you … you are …”

Lin Tianxiong’s face was full of excitement and excitement, and he looked at Chu Yan in a daze, but he couldn’t say anything clearly.

“Good! It’s me!”

Chu Yan nodded, then, glanced away, looked towards not far away, Lin Wanru, who was also in amazement, grinned.

“Ha ha ha… ..”

Seeing Chu Yan’s expression, Lin Tianxiong finally confirmed that he burst into laughter.

The identity of Emperor Lin Wanru’s successor, he naturally knows, and now, looking at Chu Yan’s expression, it is obvious that Lin Wanru came to him.

This shows that Chu Yan really received the guidance of Emperor Sir.

“Very good! My 10000 Golden Empire is finally waiting for this day!”

Lin Tianxiong’s face was full of excitement, almost roaring, making a roar that had been silent for nearly million years.


With Lin Tianxiong’s roar, in the sky in front of him, a fuzzy silhouette, slowly appeared, it was Youtian Martial Emperor.

“Pay respects to Emperor!”

“Pay respects to Emperor!”

“Pay respects to Emperor!”

Seeing that Youtian Martial Emperor appeared, Lin Tianxiong first started, and immediately took everyone, bowed and saluted.


You Tian Martial Emperor waved his hand, first smiled at Chu Yan nodded, then turned to Lin Tianxiong opened the mouth and said

“This person is the one who has been waiting for millions of years for my 10000 gold empire! You should wait for your full help!”

“This matter is related to the fate of my 10000 gold empire, but also to the survival of the entire Human Race lineage! Remember!”

“Yes!” Lin Tianxiong hearing this and quickly responded.

“Wan Ru, you come!”

You Tian Martial Emperor nodded, immediately raised his hand, and called the Wan Wanru not far away, calling.


Lin Wanru lotus step moved lightly, walked to Youtian Martial Emperor, and saluted.

“Okay! Let me introduce you to you. This person is called Chu Yan, but he is the man on call. Starting today, my mission will let you complete it for me!” Martial Emperor of You Tian said solemnly to Lin Wanru.

“It must not be a disgrace!”

Lin Wanru was saluted again, but after getting up, a pair of smart eyes looked directly towards Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan! Starting today, I will sit in the 10000 Golden Empire and guard this imperial palace!”

You Tian Martial Emperor looked towards Chu Yan again, then said

“However, you know my situation! There is not much time! So, you must be as soon as possible, and no more than half a year at the latest, otherwise …”

The following words, You Tian Martial Emperor did not go on, but Chu Yan was solemnly nodded.

“Half a year, enough!”

“Okay! Go ahead!” Youtian Martial Emperor chuckled.

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