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Seeing the cold front appearing, Chu Yan lightly reminded.

The cold front that fell on the jungle, followed Chu Yan’s voice, rushed, and stood beside Chu Yan in the blink of an eye.

Almost at the moment when he stood firm, dozens of black armor silhouettes above the sky, like the 100 black mountain peaks, fell heavily.

thump! thump! thump!

It must be said that the bodies of these Maori warriors are really terrifying. Each black armored soldier has a body size of more than 5 feet. Standing in front of Chu Yan and the cold front, it looks like an adult watching a baby.

“Human Race, Yuanyuan, see where you are still fleeing, die … yi!? Why is there another one !?”

Among the 100 Maori black armored soldiers, he was the first to hold a black battle axe, just opened his mouth, and swept to Chu Yan at a glance, suddenly smiling.

didn’t expect today’s harvest is not bad, even encountered two Human Race mice, and it seems that the strength is not weak, as long as they are taken down, go back and dedicated to 2 Sir Sir, maybe a part of the flesh may be rewarded.

At the thought of the deliciousness of the meat element, the leader of the squad suddenly shone the pupil.

“One, 2, 3, ten, ten 5, 20 7 …”

Chu Yan just swept the team leader lightly, and looked towards a group of Maori warriors behind him, whispering something.

“En! ?? Human Race flesh yuan, what are you counting !?” The team leader asked suspiciously.

“Counting corpse! Just 50!”

With a grin, Chu Yan suddenly backhanded, pulled the sword in his hand, and cut it hard.

“Just kill them!”

In an instant, Sword Qi rushed, the smile on Chu Yan’s face solidified directly, the monstrous murderous aura swept away, and the roar resounded through the whole jungle.

With a single order, the Clear Sky Sword in Chu Yan’s hand waved out a dazzling sword glow and slashed straight to the front of the team leader.

pu chi!

There was a sound of soldiers cutting into the flesh, and the head of the team stared at the startled eyes, and the whole body, from head to toe, was directly split into two and a half.

After the blood light bloomed, behind Chu Yan, shuaa ~ came up with 100 9 imperial warriors while roaring, waving Spirit Armament, moved towards 10000 steps away from dozens of stunned Maori warriors .

In the next moment, the fatty on the left, Sun Yuan on the right, and Lin Wanru behind the Maori warriors, all shot together, urging 3 “broken army formations”.

Suddenly, three pieces of purple thunder and lightning, with fiery red flames, such as 3 Thunder Dragon bathing fire, roared, moved towards the already surrounded 10000000 Maori warriors.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under the sky, 10000 thunderbolt galloping, flames skyrocketing, lightning 4 overflowing, flesh and blood flying.

The first wave of attacks of 100 9 Imperial soldiers originally killed only 2 Maori warriors, just about to fight back, 4 sides of the Fire Dragon lightning in all directions, and the head fell and fell, instantly smashing all Maori warriors. .

“what’s the situation!?”

“Where ?! This is the attack from there !?”

“Spirit Array! There is an ambush in this jungle, bad! Quickly retreat!”

“Rush up and kill them all!”

“Lingzhen is there !? Why can’t you see it, get started, get rid of Lingzhen first!”


Dozens of Maori warriors, nearly half of them fell during the first wave of Lingzhen attacks. The remaining 20 people, some were going to rush, some were fleeing, and others were looking for a spiritual circle that could not be seen at all. in.

Without any suspense, the Malay warriors who lost their command fell into the pool of blood when the 3rd attack of the Spirit Array fell.

The entire process lasted for less than ten breaths, and all 50 originally powerful Maori warriors were lost.

Chu Yan’s broken army, in Divine Kingdom World, the first great divine prestige!

“I still want to escape! Die for me!”

In the hand of Chu Yan, the Clear Sky Sword was thrown away, with a cold light blade, as if a shocking light, pierced the last witch warrior who suddenly jumped from the corpse and rose into the sky, trying to escape.


Reach out and call back Clear Sky Sword with a touch of blood.


The sound of the long sword entering the sheath sounded, echoed in a dead jungle, suddenly breaking the original quiet atmosphere.

“No … isn’t it !? This … this is dead !?”

Sun Yuan trembles all over the body and comes out of the spirit array. His feet are a little confusing. He almost stood unsteady on several occasions. His eyes were even bigger than the bullseye. Looking at the corpse in front of him, he could n鈥檛 believe it. ,This is real.

“This … this is Wuman, when did it become so weak !? This is a whole team of Wuman! 50 authentic Maori warriors, who once slaughtered the existence of a Thousand Man Squad in our 9 Imperial Army, just … just … So dead !? “

Sun Yuan’s disbelief, he kept muttering in his mouth, his eyes lost.

Relative to Sun Yuan’s consternation, standing beside Chu Yan, with only a cold front chopped from the beginning to the end, he was so shocked that he couldn’t even close his chin. His eyes looked at the background of Chu Yan in front of him, completely silly.

Originally, he thought that this new master, Chu Yan, might have battle strength a little stronger than himself, but didn’t expect that he could even come up with such a terrible Killing Formation.

A small layout, even in the blink of an eye, actually killed a whole team of witch!

For 100,000 years, the 9 imperial troops in Divine Kingdom World, from the original 100 100000000 million army to the last 500 soldiers, when did such a terrible record! ?

Human Race Martial Artist, in the battle with the witch, whether it is Fleshy body, cultivation base, Spirit Armament, etc., it is far weaker than these powerful witch army, a war can fight one to ten The probability of loss is already 10000 lucky.

But in front of him, he wiped out a whole group of witchcrafts with their hands, and on their side, there were zero casualties, not even one injured, and even he cut it …

Is this scene in front of us today real? Is it just that you have just awakened, and there are some illusions caused by Divine Consciousness disorder! ?

“Chu … Chu … Lord! You … really strong!”

After a long time, Leng Feng finally uttered a word.

“Small meaning!” Chu Yan chuckled and said, “This is just the beginning …”

“Just started !?” Leng Feng hearing this, suddenly stunned, suddenly the pupil light lit up, and asked, “Lord, don’t you want …”

Chu Yan smiled, nodded, gently pats Leng Feng’s shoulders, and his face seriously said, “Yes! This is just the beginning, there are more surprises behind, waiting for these witchcraft, I want them to know, Human Race Divine Kingdom, not Where they spread wild! “

Just when Leng Feng had to say and so on, all 9 Imperial soldiers who had awakened behind him had already started cheering.

“Woo! Won! We won!”

“10000 years old! Invincible! My Lord 10000 years old! My Lord invincible!”

“Dog, shit, wicked, no matter how fierce, noble, Laozi can’t die you!”

“Victory! We really won!”


In this battle, all 9 Imperial soldiers reported their determination to die.

But didn’t expect actually won!

This kind of big ups and downs made their blood boil all over, and all kinds of cheers were shaken.

“Hurry to collect resources!” Chu Yan shouted.


500 9 The soldiers of the imperial army, all on command, rushed to the corpse and started to collect various spoils of war.

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