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In the eastern mountain range, Chu Yan leads the stealth.

To ensure privacy, Chu Yan not only sent Leng Feng to explore the way ahead, but also pushed his Divine Consciousness to the limit.

It covers a range of 5000 miles. Although the results of Divine Consciousness are extremely vague, this effect is enough.

Along the way, it was not calm. I met 3 batches of Wuman before and after, but Chu Yan chose to bypass.

And the witchmen who were spared by them were almost moved towards the direction from which they came and ran away without even noticing that there was a team of Human Race Martial Artists nearby.

Leng Feng dived on a small mountain bag and watched with great nervousness, each and everyone Wu Man rushed past him.

Until now, Leng Feng finally realized how important it was that Chu Yan took them outside the dusty city to kill a witch squad.

In this piece of Divine Kingdom World, which is full of savages, Martial Artist who wants to take a 500 people and leave the dense area of ​​savages quietly is not simple.

According to the patrol and garrison strategy laid out by Divine Kingdom World of Wumanman, their 9 emperor remnants, who want to pass the radius of 10,000 li safely, are very likely to be found.

But now, these wandering warriors who wandered in the vicinity seemed to have received any orders, all moved towards them. They had just wiped out the battlefield of the witch brutal squad and ran away.

As a result, there are some vacuum zones between the patrol points and the lines, creating opportunities.

“Could this time be designed by the Lord in advance !?” Leng Feng was full of surprise in his heart.

Leng Feng absolutely believes that with the battle strength of Chu Yan, after lifting the seal, they can completely take them and evacuate directly from the Dust City without having to meet the force with force of the witch squad.

After all, the 500 9 imperial army had just awakened and the battle strength had not recovered at all. That ambush was simply gambling.

Obviously, Chu Yan’s approach is to mobilize these witchmen, so that the wandering wanderers within 10,000 li of the dusty city can be transferred away.

In this way, they can easily pass through this densely guarded area.

This plan, this resourcefulness, made Leng Feng think more and feel more horrible!

Chu Yan, who suddenly emerged, not only has amazing battle strength, but also the power of only one person outside the east city gate, 2 moves bombed 2 witchs, those fleshy bodies such as iron, battle strength amazing witch, in his The hands are like killing chickens and slaughtering dogs.

Now, under the tactics, these witch gangs are playing around again, simply let them do what they do, just do it, this is too powerful.

Waiting for the line of sight, the last wandering ranger disappeared, and the cold front finally determined that the area was safe, and quickly called Divine Consciousness to inform the team behind Chu Yan.

The news came out that within ten breaths time, a silhouette surged in the mountain range, led by Chu Yan, with 500 9 imperial army, moved towards the hill where the cold front was located.

Among the ranks, next to Sun Yuan, an ordinary 9 soldier of the imperial army, full of surprise, asked Sun Yuandao

“Little Captain, it’s so strange ah! We walked for almost 2 hours, almost 3000 li distance, how could a witch never met !?”

Sun Yuan glanced at the soldier and smiled strangely, saying, “Strange! Ha ha …”

“It’s ah! It’s really weird. I remember before, not to mention that 1000 miles, within a few 100 li, can meet at least 3 or 4 wandering rangers. That level of density cannot be spared at all!” The soldier continued. . “Is it possible that all these savages have been transferred back to the barracks !?”

“Return to the barracks !? The beauty you think!” Sun Yuan sneered. “There is no witchman of Divine Consciousness. Their intensive parade is the best way to deal with the remnants of our Human Race Martial Artist. It is absolutely impossible to transfer back! Actually, these Wuman, have gone to the dusty city! “

“The Dust City!” The warrior was stunned, raising his hand and scratching his head, blankly said, “Why is Wuman going to the Dust City !?”

Sun Yuan chuckled and glanced up. The black robe silhouette at the front of the team explained, “Of course it ’s to deal with our Thousand Man Squad ah, our 9 imperial army!”

“Thousand Man Squad !?” The soldier became more and more confused. “We only have 500 people. How could it be Thousand Man Squad !? Little Captain, don’t you count?”

“Get lost!” Sun Yuan kicked on the soldier’s ass and scolded, “I can’t count, nonsense! Of course I know that we only have 500 people, Iron Pagoda, I ask you, you said these savage battle strength ,how about it?”

“Very strong!” The warrior didn’t think about it, and directly replied “These savages, whether it is Fleshy body, cultivation base, secret skill, Spirit Armament, or even Spirit medicine, are stronger than us by a few levels, although some sorry , But speak frankly, normally, a witch can deal with us in a 1-player team! “

Sun Yuan was nodded, and then asked, “Then think about it, we were outside the dusty city just now, and we wiped out the Wuman and a 50-person combat team in one fell swoop. What would the Wuwu Sirs think?”

“This …” Warrior Iron Pagoda frowned, a little stunned, then said, “If one to ten battle, according to the battle strength of the 2 Martial Artists, they will think that there are more than a 1000 people on our side. 1000 people … his! “

Speaking of which, the warrior Iron Pagoda finally got around and was startled by what he said.

Sun Yuan grinned, looked towards Iron Pagoda, said with a smile “Now, you know, what do those witchs do in the dusty city !?”

“It turns out that …” I figured out the key warrior Iron Pagoda, and immediately smiled. “These witchmen are really stupid, and I thought … ha ha ha!”

“No! You are wrong!” Sun Yuan shook the head, shoulders of a pats warrior Iron Pagoda, said with a smile “It’s not that the witch is stupid, but this game that our Lord has set up and played them!”

“En! Hmm!” Warrior Iron Pagoda hearing this, suddenly nodded again and again, “The Lord is so powerful!”

When the 500 emperors of 9 people rushed to the hill, there were 4 directions in all directions, and within 500 miles, there was no wandering wanderer.

Chu Yan walked to Leng Feng’s side and carefully explored his surroundings again before asking: “Is there still 9 soldiers left in the vicinity?”

“Yes!” Leng Feng hearing this, frowned, solemnly nodded, and said, “And there are a lot! It’s just that I don’t know the place of detention!”

“That’s right, the 100000000 imperial troops with more than ten 9 million, the light of the impossible killing by the witch! There should be less live!” Chu Yan said.

“Just to figure out where they are being held, it’s a little troublesome!”

“I know!”

At this moment, Lin Wanru walked over gently, opened the mouth and said squeakyly. “Continue east, at 9 100 li, there is a slave battalion with more than 1000 captives of 9 imperial troops!”

“Up to 1000 !?” Chu Yan startled, his eyes flashing slightly, looking at Lin Wanru, and then asked “How many witches are guarding !?”

“About 20 witchs!” Lin Wanru thought for a moment before replied.

“How did you know !?” Chu Yan asked.

“This …” Lin Wan was like hearing this, but it was graceful eyebrows twirling, and his small face was hesitant.

“Okay! You don’t want to answer, I won’t ask anymore! I believe you! Let’s go!” Chu Yan saw Lin Wanru’s complexion, instead of continuing to ask, but waved his hand and moved directly towards the east.

Chu Yan moved, 500 9 The imperial army immediately followed, all on foot, dived into the mountain range forest to the east, and drove all the way to the east.

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