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In less than breath breaths, Leng Feng returned to Chu Yan with more than 100 silhouettes

“Lord, only more than 100 20 people were found!” Leng Feng said.

“It’s just that !?” Chu Yan startedled, glancing behind Leng Feng, then more then 100 captives, all weakened, with two eyesless, obviously obviously tortured by Wu Man.

“How many people are in your slave camp?” Chu Yan asked a captive.

“Reporting back to Sir, there were 15,000 people. After 5000 years, they are still alive, only … so many!”

The captive standing at the front, look pale, even a little speechless.

Not only him, the more then 100 captives standing behind him, all of them trembling slightly, seemed to have no strength to stand still.

“Hurry up and swallow Golden Pill, heal and recover, we are about to leave here!”

Chu Yan looked at the more then 100 captives in front of him, brows slightly wrinkle, waved his hand, took out nearly 40 bottles of Golden Pill, threw them to the captives, and said.

“金… .Golden Pill!” All the captives heard Chu Yan’s words, and the complexion changed at the same time.

Chu Yan ignored them, called Leng Feng and Lin Wanru, but walked directly to the witch corpse who first fought with Leng Feng.

After some exploration, Chu Yan’s face changed slightly, his eyes turned to Cold Front and Lin Wanru, and the pupil light kept flashing.

“There is something wrong with this witch!” Chu Yan said.

“Good!” Leng Feng is nodded, “This witch’s power is far more than other people, and it is obviously not an ordinary witch’s warrior!”

“Have you met before?” Chu Yan asked.

“No!” Leng Feng shook the head, thinking for a moment, then said, “I have killed the most powerful witch before, a 100 captain! Compared with this witch, it is still weaker!”

“Yes! This is not an ordinary witchman!” Lin Wanru also opened the mouth and said “You see his brow position, unlike other witchman’s black witchmarks, his witchmarks are white!”

“Yi !? Really!” Leng Feng stepped up, flipped the corpse on the ground, and at a glance, the witch mark on the brow’s position was gray and white.

“This is an elite warrior of the Matriarch of the Matriarch! Generally it is a high-level Maori guard, how can it appear here !?”

Lin Wanru said while watching the corpse on the ground carefully.

“The senior leaders of the Wu people !?” Chu Yan suddenly shined his eyes.

“Hurry up, go over there and see if there is any live breath! Just a breath!”

Chu Yan suddenly turned around and said to Leng Feng.

“Nuo!” Leng Feng quickly turned around, rushed to those wretched corpse piles, and began to find a live mouth.

Chu Yan is confident that as long as he has a living mouth, with his Divine Consciousness power, he can definitely break through the other person’s mind and find some valuable information.


On the other side, the City of Dust, outside the East Gate …

Three Hundred Men Squad, each Hundred Men Squad, is a full series of 3 warriors, a total of 300 witch, almost digging 900 feet within 10,000 li of the east side of the dusty city, but no root hair was found.

The Human Race Thousand Man Squad, which wiped out the entire squad, had no remains, and even corpse did not find one.

The three 3 captains discussed it, dared not delay, and sent someone back to report the search result to 100 captain Sir, Wumosa.

“What !?” Wu Mosa stared at Guard Captain with unbelievable expression, his face sullenly “Not found !?”

“Yes, Sir 10000!”

Wudeng’s eyes twitched twice, took a deep breath, reproduced cautiously “Three Hundred Men Squads have been searching for a long time, and the Thousand Man Squad of that Human Race seems to disappear out of thin air!”

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible!” Wu Mosa shouted, “Wu Deng, this is a Human Race Thousand Man Squad, according to the preparation of the Human Race 9 Imperial Army, at least has 3000 Human Race warriors, so many people, how can it be said If it disappears, it disappears, there is no trace at all? “

“This …” Wu Deng’s face was pale and his brain was running fast. He knew that Sir 10000 was already angry. If he didn’t say anything, he wouldn’t see the sun tomorrow.

“According to the subordinates’ guess, this Human Race Thousand Man Squad may have Spirit Mark sent!”

“Send Spirit Mark !?” Wumosa’s face suddenly changed, said solemnly “Damn! The Golden Pill division and Spirit Mark division of Human Race, haven’t they been extinct already? Isn’t it …..”

“Good! Sir …” Wudeng quickly said, “I suspect that in this Thousand Man Squad, there is a person who missed the Spirit Mark division. It is for this reason, so this Thousand Man Squad can survive. Until now! “

“Asshole!” Wu Mosa swarmed the stone table in front of him with anger.

“Sir! If there is a Spirit Mark in the Human Race Thousand Man Squad, it would be difficult to find and strangle them!”

Wumosa took a moment, stood up, and fiercely stared at Wudeng, shouting, “No matter how hard it is, it will be hanged! One will not stay! And be quick!”

“Yes, Sir!” Wudeng dared not speak any more, and quickly responded.

At this moment, a silhouette walked into the military hall and reported to Wumosa, “Sir! Just received the news that the general Elder’s team has entered our jurisdiction and is expected to arrive at Black Water City at noon tomorrow!”

“What !? General Elder has arrived !?” Wumosa was startled and the complexion greatly changed.

Guarding Captain Wudeng heard, suddenly said in one’s heart, no good!

As Captain of Wumosa’s guard, Elder sent by the general tribe at this time is dry and so on, and he is naturally clear.

This is related to the future of Sir 10000 Captain Sir. If there is a problem, Wumosa not only has a bad future, but will also be punished.

“Order the Guards to gather!” Umosa said.

“Sir, you are …” Wudeng asked with a stern expression.

“Those 100 captains are pigs! Not even a trifling Human Race Thousand Man Squad. I have to go in person. Before Elder arrives tomorrow, kill all that Thousand Man Squad!”

In a word, Wumosa stepped out, near ten zhang high’s body, each step stepped out, and the whole military hall would be slightly trembled.

“Sir… Sir! This kind of thing, you don’t need to go out, I …” Wudeng was startled and quickly said.

“No!” Wu Mosa directly interrupted, and said with an angry face, “I’m going to kill these 3000 Human Race meatballs personally, and use their flesh to make Elder’s delicacies!”

After all, the silhouette of Wumosa has disappeared outside the military hall.


Black Water City, located in a huge basin deep in the mountain range.

A black 10,000 zhang large river, which surrounds the Black Water City 3, then diverges to the west.

Because of the existence of this big river, the name of Black Water City came into being.

At this time, a team of more than 600 people rushed into the mountain range on the back of Black Water City, quickly moved towards Black Water City.

“Lord, what news have you got in that witch’s mind !?”

Leng Feng found that Chu Yan was taking them all the way to the Black Water City, and asked suddenly.

“Hehe, good thing!” Chu Yan grinned, but didn’t answer directly.

“No! Going 5000 miles further, it is the area of ​​Black Water City, there is a witch’s heavy city!”

Seeing Chu Yan’s expression, Leng Feng became more anxious, opened the mouth and said.

“Black Water City! That’s right, we just went to Black Water City!” Chu Yan didn’t look back and directly replied.

“We, more than 600 people, go to the heavily guarded Black Water City, simply to die!” Leng Feng said.

“Everyone, stop and rest!”

Hearing Leng Feng’s words, Chu Yan frowned, stopped his body and ordered aloud.

The 600-person team suddenly all looked relaxed and sat down quickly, and began to recover interest rates.

Especially the more than 100 captives who have just been rescued. If it is not the Golden Pill of Chu Yan, I am afraid that even walking is difficult. Although the medical power has already begun to work, it still takes some time to restore the battle strength.

Chu Yan is of course clear about this, and there is one more important matter that must be resolved as soon as possible.

“Leng Feng, are you frightened by the brutality !?”

Chu Yan looked at the cold front and directly said solemnly.


When Leng Feng heard Chu Yan’s words, he immediately flushed his face flushed and wanted to argue, but he felt a little guilty.

“And you …”

Chu Yan looked away, shouting loudly at all 9 Imperial soldiers behind him.

This sounded, more than 600 pairs of eyes, all looked towards Chu Yan.

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