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Sun Yuan carried a huge long-handled battle axe, stepped out in one step, the spirit of Spirit Treasure in the whole body, surging like a tide, walked in front of Chu Yan, grinning with a smile

“Lord! This battle is so cool! This is the Wubarian Army Hall, a 10000-man army hall, and it was just broken!”

“I joined the 9 imperial army for millions of years. It was so happy for the first time, it was so cool!”

Hearing Sun Yuan ’s words, all the 600 remnants of the all around were all desperately nodded, and all said with a smile on their faces.

“Yes! That’s right! This battle is too happy!”

“He Jin, I have fought for 100,000 years. This battle is the most brilliant battle!”

“Lord, the 9 Imperial Army of the 100000000th Emperor’s Army did not have that general, and could lead the team to break through the Wubarian Army! You are definitely the first!

“Yes! Lord, it’s great to fight with you!”

“That is, if there was a Lord in the past, Wuman would simply be able to do us!”


Sun Yuan ’s words aroused the resonance of all the remnant soldiers. From their awakening in the Human Sovereign Palace, with 500 remnants, they fought with Chu Yan all the way. First they killed a whole witch squad and broke through a slave battalion. It even directly captured a 10000-person military hall in Wuman.

The splendid record, even those who have been 9 Imperial soldiers for a lifetime, has never had the past few days.

Following Chu Yan, few people were damaged from beginning to end, and the suffocation that was suppressed by the witchcraft for 100,000 years was completely released.

Up to now, even a lot of emperor-level Spirit Armament, each and everyone remnant soldiers have been robbed, all replaced by Spirit Treasure that the previous 9 imperial generals were not necessarily equipped with.

Cool ah!

It’s so cool!

“Hehe, these are farts!” Chu Yan was laughed, watching everyone said with a smile “Follow me, it will only get better and better in the future! More and more cool!”

“Good! Follow the Lord, absolutely can’t be wrong!” Sun Yuan directly nodded, his eyes shining brightly, “Not only doing witchman, doing a good job, but also grabbing things!

In the words of Sun Yuan, the 600 remnants were nodded. At this moment, the 600 remnants finally fully recognized Chu Yan and really regarded Chu Yan as his master.

Chu Yan’s prestige is deeply rooted in the hearts of these 600 remnants.

As a warrior, whether it is character or temper, it is much simpler than the outside human Martial Artist.

As long as you are strong, as long as you can take them to defeat Wuman, they will convince you, respect you, and even give your life to you.

But if you get up against it, you can’t do it here. With a rank and status alone, these warriors who crawled out of the fire will not care about you.

At this time, not only the 600 remnant soldiers, but also the cold front that had been standing beside him, fully recognized Chu Yan.

As the last Thousand-man Commander of the 9 Imperial Army, Leng Feng’s mind was very dignified from the moment he woke up, always worried that the last force of this person’s clan would be annihilated in his hands!

But now, after Chu Yan’s continuous and astonishing move, Leng Feng suddenly discovered that the main battle strength like Chu Yan and the ability to command soldiers are rare in the original 9 Imperial Army.

Can follow such a master, maybe …

On the occasion of thinking, in the cold front’s mind, for millions of years, the light of hope rose for the first time.

The single thought head that I didn’t even dare to think before, when he was staring closely at the new master Chu Yan in front of him, unconsciously rose.

“Lord, can it really lead us to recover … Divine Kingdom !?”

Leng Feng’s expression froze, his eyes became extremely complicated.

However, at this moment, a silhouette suddenly rushed into the military hall. It was the cold soldiers outside the city who were responsible for vigilance and ran back to report.

“No … not good! There is a large group of savage, moved towards Black Water City!”

“What !? So fast !?” Leng Feng complexion changed.

Leng Feng didn’t expect that they attacked Black Water City from start to finish, not even an hour, and those witchmen responded so quickly.

However, Leng Feng did not know that this witch who returned to the city was actually the Black Water City previous owner who hurried back, 10000 captain Wu Mosa.

Originally, Wumosa was faster, but on the road, he sent a lot of guards to call a few Hundred Men Squad nearby, which was slower, otherwise, before a pillar of incense, He can rush back to Black Water City.

After all, when the Black Water City military hall fell, he immediately received a warning from the core of the Spirit Array, of course it would not be slow.

“Go! Look at the situation!”

Chu Yan waved his hand and took everyone, moved towards the west city gate.

Rushing up to the West Tower, Chu Yan’s pupil of Qilin and Divine Consciousness were released at the same time. At a glance, I found that a large shadow in the distant mountain range corner was moving quickly.

Fortunately, in this Divine Kingdom World, Heavenly Dao collapsed, which brought some side effects and prevented Martial Artists with low cultivation base from flying. Otherwise, the speed of this savage flock to Black Water City will only be faster.

“Hiss! This … This seems to be the original Witchman in Black Water City. Look at the witchman, they are all elite witchman! It’s a 10000 captain’s guard, 600 guards!”

“Behind, look at the back, at least one Thousand Man Squad! I rely on, almost 2000 witch!”

“It’s hilarious now, we poke the horse honeycomb!”

“Nonsense, this Black Water City was originally a witch’s den, and it was broken by us, of course, desperately!”

“God ah! How much ah is this! 3 elite guards Hundred Men Squad, if in Black Water City just now, we … are dead!”

“Guardians !?” Chu Yan was laughed and said, “Why don’t you guard him, we have occupied Black Water City anyway, come back now, late!”

“That’s true!” Leng Feng hearing this, nodded, and said, “Lord, although we have all changed equipment, but only 600 people, against this nearly 3000 witch, there is no chance of winning!”

“Good!” Lin Wanru was also nodded, “If we fight hard, we will still lose!”

“Fight !?” Chu Yan chuckled and shook the head. “Of course not to fight with them! We will all withdraw!”

With a word, Chu Yan waved a big hand with 600 remnants and was about to leave.

But as soon as he turned around, Chu Yan glanced over, but saw Situ Fatty, in the upper corner of the city gate, tinkering with the spirit array core of the fortress Great Array.

At the next breath, Chu Yan stepped on the foot, and instantly stopped in the air, without falling.

Lin Wanru followed Chu Yan and couldn’t hold it for a while. He rushed directly to Chu Yan’s back, and suddenly a male aura fluttered, making her soft.

“What are you doing !?” Lin Wanru’s face was flushed, and finally he stood firm, looked towards Chu Yan, and said angrily, “Stop and stop, don’t tell people!”

“Hehe, really fragrant!” Chu Yan sniffed hard at Lin Wanru, who was watching with a smile.

At this moment, Lin Wanru’s face was so red that he could bleed, fiercely stomped his feet, and flashed aside.

“Ha ha ha, the 10000 captain of the family brought so many people to see us off, we left without being polite, as if not very polite ah!” Chu Yan said with a malicious smile

“Gu … polite !?” Leng Feng was completely ignorant by Chu Yan’s words,

What kind of escaping thing is polite! ?

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