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3 Layer Ship Bunker is the location of Wu Shixiong.

Although it rushed through the first layer and the 2 layer, the elite witch brutal guards killed by Chu Yan only had less than 50 people.

In other words, in the 3rd Layer ship barn, at least has 150 guards, guarding against death.

If you rush up, even if it is Chu Yan, facing more than 100 attacks hiding the sky and covering the earth, even if you move art fast, no difference and no dead ends, it is also a dead end.

Moreover, there is no doubt at all, on the current 3 Layer deck, the position of the staircase from the 2 Layer, at least has a few No. 10 witch is very elite, with swords drawn and bows bent’s guarding, just waiting for Chu Yan They went to die.

“What are you doing !?”

3 The Wu Shixiong in the layer of the ship ’s barn ca n’t stand the death-like wait, and finally broke out and shouted loudly

“Rush me down and kill him! Kill the demon! Don’t let him appear, never let him appear!”

The roar of Wu Shixiong made all the Wuwu’s guards in the audience change their faces at the same time, turning their heads together looking towards Jin Spear Emperor Tito.

“Team 2, Team 3 and Team 1, go down and kill him!”

After a long silence, Tito finally sullen his face and spoke ordered.




Three small Captain accept the order, each with their own team, cautiously moved towards the stairs leading to the 3 Layer boat house.

Originally, according to Tito’s idea, he was naturally unwilling to let the forces be dispersed. However, in the face of the clan elders whose emotions were close to the state, he did not dare to rebel.

Three teams, a total of 3 elite silhouettes, disappeared under the stairs.

Tito saw it clearly. At that time, the number of the Human Race warrior who rushed through the cracks of the Spirit Formation was about ten.

Out of 100 I am an elite Malay warrior, killing ten Human Race Martial Artists, that simply is a piece of cake.

Even for this team of Human Race Martial Artists, the battle strength is stronger than that of the ordinary person clan Martial Artists. It is ten times more powerful. How can it be enough?

However, the development of things seems not at all to develop as Tito predicted.

Soon, a burst of air and various fighting sounds passed through the stairs from the 2 Layer ship barn to the 3 Layer. Tito and they heard these sounds, and their expressions became more tense.

Immediately, after less than 5 ten breaths, screams also came …

Then again, the entire 2 Layer ship silo fell silent, and no more sound came …

At this moment, all the savage eyes of 3 Layer became extremely dignified, staring at the staircase stupefiedly, all the people’s minds were all extremely nervous.

3 In the Layer warehouse, Wu Shixiong quietly protruded half of his head, and looked nervously through the window towards the staircase that was almost stunned by everyone.

“Clan … Clan elder, are we going to die !?”

Next to Wu Shixiong, the slender beauty of the Wu clan, her face pale and her eyes softly whispered.

“What !? Die !? No … impossible!”

Hearing the beauty of the Maori beauty, the original nervous Ushio suddenly shivered all over his body, involuntarily fought a cold war, and suddenly turned his head towards the eyes of the Maori beauty, full of terror and trembling.

“No! We will never die! Soon, the army of Wumosa will arrive, kill these Human Race flesh, and we will be saved!”

However, upon hearing Wu Shixiong’s words, the Maori beauty seemed to have no response, but just kept shaking her head, saying

“Are we going to die !? Are we going to die !?”

“Why ?! Why die?”

“If ….. if our Malays do not come to the World of God of Human Race, there will be no racial wars. We treat Human Race like this, and now it is their revenge, so we will all die!”

“Why !? Why is there a racial war, why do we Matriarchs invade Human Race, should we just fight !? Why can’t we get along well !?”

“I … missed that red sea of ​​flowers on Wu Hai Pingyuan! Now, maybe they are blooming …”

A pair of Wuzu beauties condensed into needles and looked up slightly, as if caught in endless memories and thoughts.

This look, falling into Wu Shixiong’s eyes, suddenly made his face suddenly startled.

“To shut up!”

Immediately, a brutal and bloodthirsty color appeared on Wu Shixiong’s face, and fiercely stared at the Maori beauty.

“You are a woman, you know what a fart! This is Holy War! It is related to our Matriarchs, whether they can become the Supreme and glorious Holy War that really controls this Ten Directions Star Domain!”

“All races are lowly, and only our Malays are the most noble races. Therefore, those lowly races are not worthy of such a rich Divine Kingdom World. All of this should belong to us, the Malays!”

The repeated roars, coupled with the emotional outburst of the psychologically suppressed, Wu Shixiong almost exerted his strength, howling at the already sluggish Maori beauty.

His eyes were red, and his entire brain was crazy. He had been completely brainwashed and could not be considered a normal person.

“Big … Sir, I was wrong!”

The witch beauty who was awakened, staring at the crazy Wu Shixiong, scared the whole body to tremble, and quickly knelt down to the ground, begging for mercy.

Seeing the beauty of the Wu clan with tears in her face, and the pitiful appearance, even the fierce and wicked Wu Shixiong gradually calmed down.

“Forget it! You will remember in the future that as a noble clansman, must is holy …”


Wu Shixiong’s words, without speaking at all, were directly interrupted by a qi burst.

Suddenly turned his head to see, I saw the position of the stairs from 2 Layer to 3 Layer outside the warehouse. A group of waves rushed to the weather, pulled up, and moved towards the 4 directions all directions.

shua! shua! shua! shua!

Even the weak base of the cultivation base, Wu Shixiong, clearly saw that in the thick air wave, a path of silhouette flew by, moved towards all around, and the tense witch and barbarous elite rushed past.

what! ?

Those Human Race flesh element, did not die! ?

Not only Wu Shixiong, but also all the witch elites on the 3 Layer deck, were shocked by the sudden scene in front of them. They were so shocked that they could n’t even miss it. This is true! ?

However, in the Life and Death Battle game, this short-lived absence is fatal!

And Chu Yan has precisely used this countlessly …

Since fighting with the elite witch of this golden building ship, Chu Yan has discovered these witch, the actual combat experience is extremely lacking.

In some unexpected situations, the response is often slow, and this is the only opportunity for Chu Yan to launch this raid on the 3 Layer deck.

Just after fighting in 2 Layer, Chu Yan simply set the trap and waited for the 3 squads to go down.

With mental calculations and no blood, 100 witchs are killed in less than 5 ten breaths!

Although Chu Yan also paid nearly half of the loss of the soldiers, but … it was worth it!

3 7 Imperial soldiers rushing to the 9 Layer deck, all eyes are blood red, like Ominous Beast, roaring and waving Spirit Armament, without any fear of rushing to each and everyone The dull witch is elite.

Chu Yan took the lead, with his hands up and down, and the five savages guarding the stairs. He didn’t see Chu Yan’s silhouette at all, and he was directly shot by a sword and turned into a dead corpse.

Just as Chu Yan took seven 7 Imperial soldiers and launched a deadly charge on the 9 Layer deck, the mutation burst!

Boom … Rumble!

The entire building ship shook suddenly, the defensive spirit array that enveloped the golden building ship burst out, and completely collapsed.

On the river, a large number of Human Race 9 imperial warriors, holding Spirit Armament, like the Nu River, launched a charge from all directions moved towards the golden building from 4 sides.

Situ Yang spent nearly one hour and finally broke the defensive spirit array of the golden building ship. All the 9 imperial warriors waiting anxiously launched the final charge.

“Chong ah! Kill ah!”

“Slay these witchcraft!”

“Protect Lord! Kill …”


In the roar of the sky, dozens of witches standing on the deck of the 3 Layer are very elite, including the eyes of the wicked male in the 3 Layer barn, and at the same time reveal a look of despair.

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