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Wumosa has ordered to slow down the march, riding on a Monster Beast barbarian that he found casually, and walking slowly along the road.

Behind him, 1000 savage warriors, lined up neatly, follow closely from behind.

After capturing the Black Water City, Wumosa didn’t even enter the city, so he roared with half his strength, moved towards black liquid and hurried away into the sea.

However, after taking a section of the road, Wumosa gradually calmed down.

After thinking about it, he had already guessed the general situation, and guessed that most of it, so he ordered to slow down the march.

It was really a coincidence that just after the slow marching order was issued, a summons from Heavenly Punishment was sent over to confirm the news that Elder Elder had been damaged.

At the same time, Wumosa also learned that the strength of the other 4-person military hall that was originally supported in 10000 all directions has been ordered to return to the station, and their branch was asked to rush to the battlefield and bring back the blood of the emperor. Elder’s corpse, while searching for the trail of the Human Race remnant.

Obviously, not only did Umosa guess that the Human Race remnants had fled, but even Heavenly Punishment was also guessed.

“Sir 10000, Sir, we only take 1000 warriors, isn’t it a bit risky !?”

Wu Deng followed Wu Mosa and was always nervous. He looked at it from time to time and opened the mouth and said.

“You don’t really think that the human race remnant soldier dared to stay around after attacking Emperor Blood Elder, waiting for us to kill them !?” Wu Mosa glanced at Wu Deng, his face full. There is a bamboo path in the chest.

“No, the subordinates just feel that this Commander of the Human Race remnant is really a weird person. Every shot is unpredictable, as if everything is under his control. Even now, I still do n’t understand, how did he capture the Black Water City? “Wu Deng brows slightly wrinkle.

It must be said that this question, after Wu Deng knew that Black Water City was captured and Emperor Blood Elder was attacked again, he always felt that there should be a connection between the two.

Moreover, what made him wonder most is that Black Water City, despite its lack of strength, is also guarded by 2 Hundred Men Squad, and there are also a few elite witches stationed, and trifling a few 100 Human Race. In such a short time, captured Black Water City?

Facing Wudeng’s doubts, Wumosa has completely relaxed, he hooked the head, said with a smile

“Wu Deng, I don’t know if we can still fight together, maybe we will separate, so now, I can teach you some core battlefield thinking.”

“I don’t know. Have you ever heard of an allusion?”

Wu Mosa now, the worst result of all guesses in his heart has already happened, so the pressure in his heart has been relieved, and his abnormal expression has relaxed, and he talked to Wu Deng about the way to lead troops.

“What allusion !?” Wu Deng asked.

“A group of sheep led by a lion can beat a group of lions led by a sheep! Do you know why this is !?” Wu Mosa’s face, with a rare smile, asked softly.

“This … shouldn’t be possible! After all, the difference in battle strength between lions and sheep is too big!” Wu Deng started.

“No! You are wrong! As a general, it is the leader of all warriors, so the general’s role, although great! You think, when a sheep sees a lion moved towards himself, how will it react? !? “Wumosa asked.

“Uh … It should be frightened to escape!” Wu Deng replied casually.

“Then as generals have escaped, will the warriors stay in place !?” Wu Mosa said with a smile.

“This …” Wudeng started, and seemed to understand something, but, looking up towards Wumosa, he asked suspiciously, “10000 Sir Sir, what do you mean by this allusion …?”

“Oh, I mean, the Black Water City Human Race remnant that we just wiped out is the most heroic Human Race warrior I have ever seen, so the general of that remnant soldier should be the powerful Human Race. Commander “

“So, he is already upstairs in Black Water City, Self-destruction is damaged! And now, the remaining Human Race soldiers have lost this powerful general, even if they have lion-like battle strength, it is not enough. For fear! “

“So that’s how it is!” Wu Deng nodded, suddenly said.

“But, will it …” Wu Deng thought about it, still worried, but just about to speak, a little Captain walked to Wu Mosa and told him.

“Informed Captain 10000, the patrols sent to investigate, have all returned, and found that within 2000 miles, there is no trace of human activity! Do you want to continue to explore the direction of the black liquid river into the sea !?”

“No need! Those human race remnants, have already escaped!” Wu Mosa waved his hand, beckoning understood.

“Captain 10000 Sir wise!”

Wu Deng also heard the little Captain’s notice, and the situation was exactly the same as Wu Mosa’s guess, and suddenly a flattery was photographed.

“Order to accelerate the march, rush to the sea within an hour!” Wu Mosa ordered.

“Yes, Sir!” Wudeng nodded, and immediately issued a military order, so the marching speed of the entire team increased again.


The battle of Black Water City, not at all ceases, and the same turmoil is not limited to Divine Kingdom World.

With the news that Elder the Blood of the Wicked Emperor was killed by the Human Race 9 Emperor Army, spread throughout the Divine Kingdom World, the original backwater-like Divine Kingdom World also gradually made some waves.

Bibo City, the closest giant city to Heavenly Punishment, is a huge human race gathering city, at least has nearly 200000000 Human Race, where you can live and breathe.

Over time, Wuman’s high-pressure rule over the occupied area of ​​Divine Kingdom World has gradually relaxed a lot.

Therefore, in some prosperous cities, Human Race activities are also increasing.

On this day, Li Tiebao stood hesitantly in front of a tall building on the main street of Bibo City.

At this time, it was almost noon, and the whole street was already very lively. The streets were full of pedestrians, which could be described as car traffic and vast crowd.

This city of Human Race has fallen into the hands of aliens. For 300,000 years, the life of Human Race has been at a minimum. However, this will not affect the survival of the ordinary person.

However, for a Martial Artist, the impact is much greater.

It seems like now, Li Tiebao clearly knows that behind this “Fire Cloud Sect” is witchman control, specializing in training the human race martial artist Sect, but he still has to choose in front of reality, humiliating Join it.

Li Tiebao’s cultivation base has reached a bottleneck. If you don’t choose a more powerful Sect, I am afraid that you can’t improve the cultivation base and strength a little bit in this life.

However, all of the breakthrough realm’s cultivation techniques and resources have been concentrated by Sorcerers such as Fire Cloud Sect. Once they choose to join, they must swear loyalty to the Sorcerer aliens.

Therefore, Li Tiebao struggled for almost a year, and he still had no choice. Finally he made up his mind and entered the door of Fire Cloud Sect.


Suddenly, a group of pedestrians walked past him in a hurry, almost in the blink of an eye, and turned into a building beside Main Street.

These people all had an unexpressible surprise expression on their faces, and Li Tiebao’s eyes swept, but they found that there were more people on all sides of the four directions, all moved towards the building, and the whole building was in front , Surging like a tide.

“Human Race Martial Artist Guild !?”

Li Tiebao recognized at a glance that in the depths of this alley, there was only one large building, which was the location of the Human Race Guild, where people rarely appear.

And now, people on the whole street seem to be crazy, moved towards Human Race Martial Artist Guild.

What’s happening here! ?

Is there a major event! ?

Li Tiebao froze for a while, then turned directly, and rushed into the alley at the same time, quickly moved towards Human Race Martial Artist Guild.

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