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“Oh, Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, the owner of our dusty city, Sect created by Sir Chu Yan, is currently the Number One Great Sect in our dusty city!” 9 Imperial soldiers explained patiently.

“As long as you can join the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, you can directly become a 9 captain in the 100 Imperial Army!”

“Uh … Sir, Captain 100 !? I heard that the Dust City is only a few hundred !?”

Li Tiebao and the others were stunned. According to the news they received, did n’t the 9 imperial troops in the dusty city have only one remnant soldier?

How can I become a 100 captain as soon as I join that Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect! ?

“Ha ha ha, you said it was the Guard flag. It was a guard army owned by Sir Sir a month ago. At present we have 50,000 9 Imperial soldiers in the dusty city. We have prepared 2 2 flags, and the Guard army will stand alone. , Not within the ten 1 flag! “

Captain said with a smile.

“His …! 5 … 50,000 !?” Li Tiebao was stunned, his jaw almost fell to the ground.

“Yes! Hurry up and go to the conscription office, the past few days, come to the Human Race Martial Artist in our dusty city. More and more, three days later, when the city master retreats, he may personally review all the newly added 3 emperors. Army soldier! “

Captain Jr. finished speaking, bowed his hand, and then took a team of soldiers behind him, moved towards another street.

And Li Tiebao and a group of people stood in front of the city gate in a daze for a long time.

“Quick! Go and sign up!”

After a long time, I do n’t know who shouted. Suddenly, nearly 2000 Martial Artists who had just entered the city moved towards Qicheng Square.

Li Tiebao followed the crowd and looked around for 4 times, his eyes constantly glancing toward the city Central Square in the distance, his eyes shining.

To be honest, Li Tiebao has just heard what the warrior Little Captain said. How much has been understood that the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect in this dusty city was created by the protagonist of the city, but it is the real Number One Sect.

Therefore, if you want to develop in the 9th Imperial Army, joining Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect is probably a shortcut.

However, Li Tiebao looked towards Central Square while walking, and found that Martial Artist above the square, who participated in the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect test, was not much.

“Do you want to try !?” Li Tiebao hesitated.

“I came to the Dust City for the purpose of killing the witchman and joining the Sect to have a chance. Otherwise, I might become an ordinary 9th emperor soldier of the ordinary class and be assigned to the fortified city, then there is no chance!”

After hesitating for a moment, Li Tiebao took a long breath, finally clenched the teeth, made up his mind, left the crowd running towards West City, and moved towards Central Square.

What surprised Li Tiebao was that there was more than one person who had such an idea. Martial Artist, who was separated from the crowd, had nearly 100 people. Together with him, he moved towards Central Square.

Obviously, these people are also preparing to participate in the Sect Entry Examination of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect.

Li Tiebao walked along Main Street all the way to the depths of the city. The more he went forward, the more Li Tiebao was shocked by the pedestrians on the street.

He has discovered that among the pedestrians on this street, simply no ordinary person, all are Martial Artists.

Moreover, Martial Artist, which is not weak in cultivation base, is basically more than half. The cultivation base reaches above Martial Venerable Realm. That is the strong capital of Martial Sovereign Realm, with a minimum of 20%.

What is this concept! ?

Looking at the city of the vast crowd, there are at least 2 100000000 million people!

And these 2 100000000 million people are all Martial Artists! ?

In this way, this dust-covered city is almost equal to all the soldiers. As long as the city master orders, 2 100000000 Martial Artist can immediately become 9 Imperial soldiers, heading to the battlefield with the witch.

When did the strength of Human Race suddenly become so powerful! ?

All this, is it brought by the Chu Yan city master! ?

More and more doubts appear in Li Tiebao’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, including with him, to other Martial Artists in Central Square, who also have a look of shock.

However, when they finally passed 100 li long street and walked to Central Square, they were shocked again by the scene in front of them.

I saw the back side of Central Square, a huge palace with imposing manner, towering in the center of the city.

This is a black-and-white palace with a black background and white walls. A wide white jade has 10000 steps and leads directly to the mountain-like palace.

Standing on the square, looking up, it looks as if it is a ladder leading to the 9th Layer.

Above the black-and-white palace, a sea of ​​black clouds like vast sea water, suspended in a long, endless black air flow, descended from the sky, as if the Nine Heavens hanging waterfall, continuously fell into that black-and-white palace.

Above the main entrance of the palace, a golden plaque radiates 10000 golden lights, 3 flying dragons and dancing phoenixes characters, golden light shining.

“Nine Nether Palace!”

Not waiting for Li Tiebao to react, suddenly, an extremely powerful aura rushed out from the depths of the black and white palace, like water ripples, moved towards all directions in four directions, sweeping across the city.

“This … this is the aura of the lord !?” Li Tiebao was swept by the powerhouse aura, and suddenly his scalp was numb.

This power with the powerhouse, like the Heavenly Dao 9 method, and aura like the power of Heaven and Earth, made Li Tiebao’s whole body tremble, and the cold in his heart continued to rise.

It was only after he urged within the body True Qi that he barely returned to normal.

“Hu…! Terrifying!”

Li Tiebao was terribly palpitated and withdrew his gaze from the black and white palace not far away. He finally knew a little about the power of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect.

“I don’t know, how hard will it be for Sect Entry Examination of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect !?”

After stabilizing his mind, Li Tiebao took a step and prepared to walk up to the Central Colored Square, moved towards the nine colored altar in the middle of the square.

However, when he stepped out, he just stepped on the ground of Central Square. Suddenly, an invisible pressure, dropping from the sky, fell directly on him.

“Um hmph!”

Under a groan, Li Tiebao’s body shuddered, shaking slightly, and suddenly the complexion changed.

“Assessment … Did this begin !?”

clenched the teeth, urging True Qi again, Li Tiebao stepped abruptly and stepped out again.

However, after he took ten steps, the mountain-like weight on his body doubled again, and this change almost caused Li Tiebao to climb down.

“Tianah! It’s so hard to get close !? No wonder …”

Li Tiebao, who was terrified, looked at the nine colored altar in the middle of the Central Square, 10000 steps away.

No wonder there are so few people on the Central Square. This is the original place, but it is not a place where Martial Artists can walk casually.

Moreover, Li Tiebao is very clear that he may not even be in the position of Sect assessment, let alone participate in Sect Entry Examination.

After shook the head, Li Tiebao finally gave up, turned around and exited Central Square. After a bit of sighing, he finally looked at Nine Nether Palace not far away and turned back towards West City Square.

My own strength is not enough, simply impossible to join Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, can only go to the registration office of ordinary to register.

Except for Li Tiebao, more then 100 Martial Artist who started to come with him. Except for one person, the unmoved moved towards nine colored altar, all the others withdrew from Central Square.

“Human Race…. Hopefully!”

Li Tiebao was surprised, not at all because he couldn’t participate in the Sect Entry Examination and felt uncomfortable, but instead looked at the companion striding towards the colored colored altar with a smile on his face.

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