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However, Chu Yan is just a Martial Artist that integrates a Demi-God country, strictly speaking, and does not even own Divine Kingdom.

But now, that terrifying power is very likely to be Divine Kingdom World, a powerful Divine Kingdom, and the powerful Divine Kingdom Heavenly Dao.

Between these two, there is a gap between Heaven and Earth.

If, at first glance, Chu Yan looked forward to his half Divine Kingdom World more and more.

Divine Kingdom World, it seems that there are equal ranks!

Finally, the sky was completely torn, and the sound of the cracked silk gradually subsided.

At this moment, above the sky, a thick black crack runs through Heaven and Earth, as if Heaven’s Line is connected to Heaven and Earth.

Among the cracks, the powerful aura rushed out like the tide of 10000 seas, completely evacuating the void above the entire ancient city, forming an independent space World.

In less than 3 hours, the natural phenomenon of the entire crack was completely stabilized.

“Ten Directions are all … turned on!” Cry out in surprise, resounding through the crowd.

Hearing the exclamation, everyone’s eyes showed a blaze of heat, like flames spitting.

However, no one hastily acted, all suppressing the excitement in his heart and waiting patiently.

“Yi!? These people seem to know Ten Directions better than me!”

Chu Yan pupil light swept across the crowd, making a soft voice.

Roar! roar! roar!

Before Chu Yan reacted, the blood river in front of him was boiling again.

The endless blood wave pulls up the monstrous wave, and a large piece of blood-colored beast shadow evolves. When stepping into the void, the whole body’s blood energy condenses frantically.

With the bloody giant wave, falling from the sky and returning to the blood river, densely packed on the sky at this time, full of 10000 blood beast illusory shadow.

Among them, there are the Divine Beast that Chu Yan is familiar with, and there are also the real Divine Beast. Behind these Divine Beast blood shadows, there are 10000 powerful ordinary beast shadows, arranged closely, just like the army to be arrayed.

The mighty army of blood beasts lifted their bloody blood eyes together, looking straight at the huge crack in the sky. Among the animal eyes, they were all crazy and decisive.

On the imposing manner of 10000 blood beasts, they are connected together, pulling the vast power of Heavenly Beast, heaven shaking earth shattering.

Anyone will not doubt how powerful these blood beasts are, even if any of them turn around and attack them, the Martial Artists of all races waiting to enter the Ten Directions god city, I am afraid that no one can stop them.

Above the sky, the battlefield of 10000 blood beasts is on their bodies, and the violent demon’s power surges over them …

This scene made everyone palpitate, Divine Soul was trembling, and his scalp was numb all over.

“Yes! These all are Martial Soul! Powerful Martial Soul!”

With both eyes running the pupil of Qilin, Chu Yan swept every Blood Soul beast in the sky, his heart full of excitement. ,

Looking at the shocking scene in front of him, Chu Yan’s mood became more and more excited, especially when he saw the azure Qilin Martial Soul standing at the front.

Chu Yan couldn’t even imagine how, in this blood river before him, he could raise so many powerful Martial Soul, and even … Divine Beast! ?

That is to say, his own 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul is not the first time in this piece of Outer World. At least, Divine Beast Martial Soul has appeared in the extremely mysterious Divine Race.

However, Chu Yan clearly remembered that, deep in the mouth of the ancient demonic path, in the connecting sky tower, there was a ladder leading to Heaven Realm.

That time, I gave up!

So, are the places where Divine Race is located in the same place as Heaven Realm! ?

Chu Yan is unknown, but the doubts in his heart have not disappeared.

The answer to all of this may be answered in Ten Directions God Capital.

The most important thing is that the azure water Qilin Martial Soul appearing in the blood river is not an ordinary Martial Soul, but is a… .. Soul of War!

At this point, Chu Yan with 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul will never feel wrong.

So, a soaring surprise, exploded in Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, even let him clenched his fists, his body trembling slightly.

My own 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, even if it is swallowed and Soul Pill, can’t take off … War Soul, it seems that I want Divine Beast Martial Soul to advance into War Soul, Ten Directions God Capital Among them, there must be important clues, even Supreme Treasure!

Thoughts fly, sparks …

As Chu Yan pondered, the imposing manner of the 10000 Blood Soul animal shadow on the sky had risen to the extreme.


In the sound of the earth-shattering beast roar, all the Souls of Water Soul in front of the Shadow of the Beast Roar, with a roar, turned into a bloody rainbow, moved towards a crack above the sky, burst out .

Roar! roar! roar!

The behavior of the water Qilin War Soul is like a horn of a charge, with 10000 Blood Soul beasts, Qi roar roared into a bloody wave, followed behind it, moved towards the sky crack, swept away.

At this time, the bloody silhouette above the river of the blood river was originally like a mountain, but because of the huge consumption, the whole figure was reduced by more than ten times. The nearly ten tall figure was suspended on the river and the hands were negative. Standing, looking at everything on the sky.

His eyes, blood light, soaring into the sky, with endless power, as if he wanted to pierce Heaven and Earth with pupil light!

His long robe, facing the wind, is like a heaven defying flying, even if it is dead, it has never changed, Fight Heaven and Earth’s determination!

His long sword, suspended in front of him, faint bloody sword light, haunting the whole body, Sword Qi unhindered all directions.

However, at this time, he has obviously used up the power of his blood shadow, and can only stand there quietly, staring closely at the sky, 10000 Blood Soul, impacting the scene of the sky dome.


Chu Yan looked at the breathtaking scene on the sky, his face full of doubts

“Don’t these 10000 Blood Souls want to enter Ten Directions !?”

Body melts the river of blood, without body and soul, only for countless years, the power nurtured and accumulated in the blood river, guided by an obsession, must also attack Heaven and Earth! ?

Those who have lost Martial Soul for some years, and the powerhouse, who is it? ?

How could there be such a strong obsession! ?

Even if the Soul Destruction is damaged, it is necessary to complete the unfinished things with a touch of Martial Dao that has not been exhausted! ?

This caused Divine Soul of Chu Yan to be hit again!

In the midst, Chu Yan has felt that the silhouette suspended in the blood river is very likely to be a powerhouse of Divine Race.

Roar! roar! roar!

The sky roared, the beasts were like a tide, as if the battle of Antiquity appeared again in front of eyes.

On 10000 Blood Soul beasts, they are not afraid of Heaven and Earth, life and death, and rushed to the sky crack in the sky.

Chu Yan attracted Divine Consciousness and wanted to follow the Blood Soul into the cracks and get a glimpse.

However, waiting for Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness to evacuate Heaven, he was crushed by the force of Heavenly Dao that enveloped the entire ancient city.

Myriad beasts, like a tide, in the blink of an eye, before rushing to the void crack on the sky, without any rest, directly launched a decisive charge against the sky crack.

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