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Before coming, Chu Yan heard that this Ten Directions god capital, only the emperor realm can enter.

didn’t expect, when entering the crack of the sky, he really had the power of Heavenly Dao to investigate every Martial Artist.

Not only Chu Yan, including Lin Wanru and Little White Bear, are all startled in shape, and the speed has dropped abruptly. Obviously, the power of Heavenly Dao has comprehensively explored the identity and cultivation base of each close person.

The power of Heavenly Dao in this kind of exploration obviously carries a repressive force, just like aloof and remote.

Chu Yan’s cultivation base, not at all breakthrough Emperor Realm, so he is not worried, his face is indifferent, but, less than 3 breaths, with the will of the Heavenly Dao rushing into the body, began to change direction At that time, Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness suddenly shuddered and his face changed suddenly.


The first floor of the Sea of ​​Consciousness Pagoda Hall, St. Rakshasa true body, emits a roaring sky roar, and the whole body of Rakshasa True Qi, like the raging sea of ​​anger, rushes towards the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

All Rakshasa True Qi, on the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky, quickly condensed and evolved the Saint Rakshasa true body, holding the golden trident in his hand and pointing the finger away in one direction.

In that direction, it was Chu Yan within the body, the direction of the sky’s will.

Obviously, St. Rakshasa true body felt the threat of the will of the sky, and he woke up instantly, preparing to fight with all strength to fight against the will of the sky.

At the same time, the will of the sky seemed to be aware of the existence of the true body of St. Rakshasa. The might skyrocketed, like a wave of the sky, rushing towards the sea of ​​Consciousness of Chu Yan.

“What’s the matter !? This …”

The sudden change made Chu Yan completely ignorant. How could his holy Rakshasa true body match the will of the sky! ?

“St. Spirit Mark! Explode for me!”

in a flash, Chu Yan did n’t dare to have any hesitation, shouted in a low voice, Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Holy Spirit Mark floating on the sky, immediately shining brightly, projecting a dazzling golden beam of light, wrapping the whole body of Saint Rakshasa true body, in Under Chu Yan’s order, he forcibly pulled it back to the tower hall.

As St. Rakshasa true body disappeared in the tower hall, Rakshasa aura in the sky of Sea of ​​Consciousness instantly disappeared without a trace.

And the sky of will that rushed through Chu Yan’s body was also at the moment when Saint Rakshasa’s true body disappeared, and the might sharply diminished.

“Hu…. So dangerous!”

Chu Yan is long relaxed.

If the will of the sky is really matched with the holy Rakshasa true body, Chu Yan dare not imagine that the power of the 10000 Blood Soul beast can be annihilated in a wave of his hand, and he will definitely directly wipe out his holy Rakshasa true body.

However, without waiting for Chu Yan to relax completely, the canopy of will locked up by Divine Consciousness suddenly raged again.

“Why … hmm! Martial Soul !?”

Chu Yan suddenly started, without saying a word, suddenly, his Sea of ​​Consciousness World began to tremble madly.

And in the direction of the Martial Soul mountain in the distance, 5 huge beast shadows rise up into the sky, bringing 5 dazzling Martial Soul lights to the sky.

Roar! roar! roar! roar! roar!

5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, roaring together, moving Heaven and Earth!

The edge of the Sea of ​​Consciousness World, the will of the sky has reached, and will soon enter the Sea of ​​Consciousness World in Chu Yan.

On the sky, 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul’s Soul Power is full of shock, glaring at the direction where the will of the sky will appear, and is ready to shoot directly.

“What’s the matter !?” Chu Yan startled.

It was Saint Rakshasa true body just now, now it is 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, how can it not live with the will of the sky! ?

“St. Spirit Mark, cover me!”

I did n’t understand it at all, and I did n’t have time to figure out. In this emergency, Chu Yan could only use the “Five Elements” to mobilize Saint Spirit Mark again, shoot out 5 golden beams, and cover all 5 Divine Beast Martial Souls. Pull towards Martial Soul.

Sure enough, the sky will quickly weaken …

Obviously, his own Spirit Mark has the ability to isolate the will of the sky.

Chu Yan clenched the teeth, simply did nothing, 2 endlessly, once again detonated ten “Five Elements’ qi”, all covered the tower temple in my Sea of ​​Consciousness, the mountain and river myriad beasts map.

In this way, all the secrets in his Sea of ​​Consciousness World are hidden. At first glance, there is no difference from the Sea of ​​Consciousness World of ordinary Martial Artist.

Oh la la !

The will of the sky, comes and goes fast, like a gust of wind, swept away from the Sea of ​​Consciousness World in Chu Yan, and disappeared directly, leaving no trace.

“Hu…. Pass!”

At this time, Chu Yan was finally relieved.

After all, before this, Chu Yan saw with his own eyes that those sky wills wiped out more than 10000 powerful blood Martial Souls, and even one of them was of the same order as his 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul … Water Qilin!

Therefore, if your 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul is matched with the will of the sky, I am afraid that the result will be no different from that of Qilin.

“Too terrifying!” Chu Yan had a cold sweat on his back and his face was solemn.

Not only because of the thrilling scene just now, but Chu Yan also thought of another problem.

Before today, whether it was in Vast Heaven Continent or in the Outer World, Chu Yan ’s 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul was almost invincible, and there was no power at all to pose a threat to 5 Divine Beast.

Only that strange blood-blooded Qilin can compete with his 5 Divine Beast.

However, it is only a countermeasure, and it will not directly obliterate like this will of the sky.

The gap between the two is obvious!

Through this, Chu Yan easily thinks that the Heaven Realm at the end of the ancient demonic path at the end of the sky tower is very likely to have a great relationship with the Divine Race place in the Ten Directions god capital in front of him.

Moreover, not only 5 Divine Beast, but also the Saint Rakshasa true body of Yin-Yang attribute is threatened by the will of the sky.

The Heavenly Dao will in the Ten Directions God Capital is definitely not simple!

Just as Chu Yan was thinking, he was near the crack of the sky …

“Come on, go in! Don’t block the door!”

Lou Wu’s roar sounded and shot at the same time. If it was not Martial Artist of the same race blocking him, I am afraid he would shoot directly.

Uh …!

I saw a black light flashed, and Lou Wu’s silhouette, already submerged in the cracks of the sky, instantly disappeared.

In front of and behind him, all the Martial Artists of the bone race rushed into the cracks of the sky.

Follow closely from behind, Martial Artists of various aliens, like waves of waves, all moved towards the cracks.

The Human Race Martial Artist group where Chu Yan is located is in a relatively backward position. After the Sky Girl Clan entered first, Iron Spear Hou turned his head to look at Chu Yan, nodded heavily, and then flashed into the cracks of the sky.

Little White Bear’s purple light masterpiece, a huge bear illusory shadow behind him, strode away towards the crack.

Unlike Human Race Martial Artist, Little White Bear is a Purple Encompassing Heavenly Bear, but it is a Monster Race Martial Artist. Therefore, including Chu Yan, I do n’t know if Little White Bear can enter safely.

“Dangdang, be careful and return if you can’t!” Chu Yan reminded.

“Boss, rest assured!” Dangdang nodded, lifted his feet and stepped out!

However, before the Little White Bear’s feet fell to the ground, in the distance, a scream, suddenly sounded …

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