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Yin Fiend Qi and Divine Realm aura exist together in such a broken world.

Such a weird situation, let alone ordinary Martial Artist, even Chu Yan, is the first time I saw it.

My own Rakshasa true body, with Yin Fiend Qi and Tian Qi of Yang, Yin-Yang coexisting, has been regarded as an alternative, but at least conforms to Yin-Yang Avenue.

But this place, such a rich Yin Fiend Qi, and the suppression of Heavenly Might, the aura that diffuses the void, although weak, but it has not been annihilated, it is not unimaginable.

“Heavenly Might, the avenue of this World, seems to only suppress the Divine Race!” Chu Yan has clear comprehension in mind.

“Haha, Ten Directions God, I’m in!”

Little White Bear seemed extremely excited. As a Monster Race, she was able to enter the Ten Directions God Capital, making her extremely excited.

Like Chu Yan, Little White Bear also feels that in this Ten Directions Divine Realm little World, there is something that is vital to her.

If you can get it, maybe, you can break through in one fell swoop and become the Monster Emperor!

In this way, she is one step ahead of Chu Yan’s breakthrough emperor realm, which is definitely an exciting thing for her to think about.

Iron spear Hou and Tiannv appeared beside Chu Yan and looked at this little World. ,

“Chu Yan, I believe that as long as we work hard, our Human Race will be able to revive!” Iron Spear Hou looked at Chu Yan, and the pupil light was shining.

I have n’t seen it for a while. The eyes of the iron spear hou looked towards Chu Yan are obviously completely different from the last time when Swallowing the Heavens Tower.

Obviously, everything that Chu Yan did in Divine Kingdom World must have spread to the ear of Iron Spear Hou, so this Iron Spear Hou is not a pure Martial Artist. At least, like Chu Yan, he has been Try to revive Human Race.

“En!? Certainly!” Chu Yan nodded.

It didn’t take long for Heaven’s Chosen of all ethnic groups pouring into Ten Directions Divine Realm to calm down from the initial surprise.

“Chu Yan, don’t underestimate this World, there are so many Divine Race ruins!”

Lin Wanru reminded Chu Yan aloud, and at the same time glanced at the Celestial Lady not far away.

After the emergence of the Nin Tian Nu of this Tian Nu clan, Lin Wanru stared at others from time to time, her face slightly angry, and she didn’t know what to think about.

However, waiting for Chu Yan to answer, a sweet wind hit in the distance, and the charming coquettishness almost made several men’s bones crisp.

“Ouch … Isn’t this Chu Yan !?”

Several beautiful women with colorful and skillful skills flew over from a distance and were close to Chu Yan. They were tall, with long snow legs, colorful dresses flying, and thick ink on their faces.

They are continent in the outer realm, very famous Yukun tribe!

“Chu Da Young Master, we are all afraid, can you protect others and go with us !?”

The woman headed by the Yukun tribe walked, her waist and branches were twisted, her posture was delicate, and her figure was hot, especially during walking, she deliberately twisted her body and made a tempting posture, which made her heart feel hot. Pull into your arms.

“No need!” Chu Yan shook his head directly, his eyes didn’t even look at them, on the contrary, there was a trace of disgust on his face.

Behind the Yukun tribe, there are already a few interracial male Martial Artists, all with fiery faces, and they are like pig brothers behind several glamorous women.

Obviously, these interracial male Martial Artists were all seduced by the beauty of the Yukun tribe and turned into bodyguards, or … cannon fodder.

However, this is not what makes Chu Yan really hate them.

The real reason is that just after a Divine Consciousness sound transmission flooded into Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, it was the Tiannian next to Chu Yan who reminded him that

“Young Master Chu, these Yukun people are all Longyang!”


2 Sex, legendary androgynous!

Therefore, there is no male in the entire foreign continent and notorious Yukun ethnic group, all are female!

Because, after these Innates come down, the psychologically distorted Yukun clansman will take the initiative to seduce whenever he sees a living creature, and men and women will take it all.

Even legends say that they are not ashamed of Monster Race.

Although Chu Yan didn’t come to the World of the World, he had heard of the name of the Yukun tribe. When he first saw them, Chu Yan only felt that the pores of his body were contracting and the entire scalp was numb, and he felt wrong.

After being reminded by the goddess, I suddenly wanted to draw a sword to kill!

However, thinking about the importance of this Ten Directions Divine Realm trip, Chu Yan still held back, but his face was like a 1000-year ice attached, and his whole body was a murderous aura.

“Young Master Chu, there are so many remains of Divine Race here, it is difficult to find something that can be opened, if you follow us, guarantee you … gurgling, you have both money and wealth!”

A woman headed by the Yukun tribe, while speaking, a charmed aura gushing out, with full body electricity turned on, facing Chu Yan act coquettishly.

The murderous aura on Chu Yan, they naturally felt it, but they didn’t want to give up, but also tried.

“Get me lost! Otherwise, die!”

No matter how good-tempered, Chu Yan was also unable to bear, and immediately yelled out loud.

“Hmph! Just go, why get angry!”

Seeing that Chu Yan was about to go viral, Yukun’s “beauty” no longer dared to mess up, twisting his posture with disappointment, and turned away.

“They should be going, Hongxueyuan!”

Tian Nu looked at the direction where the Yukun left, opened the mouth and said.

“Red Snow Field !?” Chu Yan startedled, slowly restraining aura.

“Well, this Red Snow Plain, the legend is that they are the ancestors of the Yukun tribe, Rain Dragon, the land of destruction! They want to get the Rain Dragon inner core and create another Rain Dragon!” Tian Nu explained.

“Rain Dragon !?”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, the name of Rain Dragon, is no worse than his 5 Divine Beast. The legendary Antiquity Divine Beast has the power of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

There are even rumors that during the ancient times, Rain Dragon was the General in front of the Divine Emperor, one of the ten Divine Emperor of the ancient times. It had made great achievements and was given hermaphrodite power so that it could breed its own clansman.

If Rain Dragon knows that countless years later, his clansman, using its hermaphrodite to do these things, don’t know if he will get mad.

“Young Master Chu, I don’t know if you are going to that ruin !?” Tian Nu asked.

“I’m going to go, the sea of ​​darkness!” Chu Yan replied.

The ruins in the Ten Directions Divine Realm are almost public, and few are undetected, so Chu Yan does not have to hide them.

“Dark Sea !?” Everyone looked towards Chu Yan, while stunned!

“Giggle, elder sister, does Chu Gong have an idea? Do you know that we also go to the Netherworld? So, follow you proudly and want to be a Dao Companion !?”

A Tiannian woman heard Chu Yan’s answer, and suddenly lost her voice, beautiful eye blinks a few times, her eyes continually glancing back and forth between Chu Yan and Tiannv, her face full of good looks.

“Really !? If Young Master Chu really can get the inheritance of my Celestial Clan in the Dark Sea and form Dao Companion, what’s the point!”

Hearing the sisters’ ridicule, Tiannian only smiled lightly and didn’t mind. Instead, she looked at Chu Yan and the spirit eye sparkled.

“Let’s go!”

Not waiting for Chu Yan to react, Heavenly Girl suddenly turned around, looking at the crowd of clansman, ordered.

Celestial women have always been superior to men, and Celestial women have Supreme status. Therefore, clansmans simply didn’t expect. Celestial women would be so stupid to a Human Race man.

But upon hearing the order of the Celestial Girl, all clansman immediately woke up and turned away.

Before leaving, Tian Nu suddenly looked back, smiling at Chu Yan with the same dull look before drifting away.

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