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Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Tiannian smiled softly and said, “Young Master Chu, you’re welcome!”

In an instant, everyone was seated, Chu Yan lightly shouted, Lei Ying fluttered his wings, rushing towards the sky clouds.

The huge bird, in the red sky, pulled out a purple lightning, and flew like fast as lightning.

With the departure of Chu Yan, Martial Artists of all tribes have moved away towards their own target remains according to the maps given by the tribes.

In 100 days, it is long to speak and short to speak.

However, whether you can get the inheritance and Supreme Treasure you want within 100 days or within the family, depends entirely on strength and opportunity.

“Tian Nu, as far as I know, this ruin of the Nether Sea is also the target of the Ming tribe!” Chu Yan looked towards Tian Nu, opened the mouth and said.

“Good! From the 3rd time, the clansman of the Ming tribe has found the ruins of the Nether Sea. Almost these 3 times, every time the Ten Directions god is turned on, they will go to the Nether Sea, but …”

There was a flash of cold color in the spirit eye of Heavenly Girl, said solemnly “Actually, this sea of 鈥嬧€媘editation has nothing to do with the medley! They just want a cultivation technique that Divine Race has lost!”

“Cultivation technique !?” Chu Yan froze.

“Yes! I don’t hide this from you. After all, there is a trace of bloodline between your Human Race and my Celestial Clan!”

Tian Nu looked at Chu Yan, her face solemn, and she glanced back at the clansman of the Tian Nu clan before opening the mouth and said again

“Legend, when Divine Race was lost, every race created for them left a secret method!” Tiannv Road said.

“Divine Race creates creatures, which has become the guess of everyone, and one of the many reasons for Divine Race’s loss!”

“No one knows why Divine Race is heaven defying to breed new races, but the result of such behavior is extremely terrifying! Legend has it that Divine Race was enraged by the entire Ten Directions Star Domain Heavenly Dao’s will, even with the powerful strength of Divine Race at that time, could not compete with it, and eventually the whole family was lost! “

“But the strange thing is that according to the stone tablet left on Ten Directions city center Square, Divine Race seems to have long guessed the lost outcome of the whole family. On the stone tablet, the carved text, Divine Race not only No sorrow, but joy! “

“This …” Chu Yan complexion changed with a look of consternation.

The whole family is lost, even … joy! ?

How can this be! ?

Chu Yan couldn’t believe what the Heavenly Girl said.

When I was in Vast Heaven Continent, in order to break the shackles of continent and continue the survival of the entire Vast Heaven Continent, heaven defying and confronted the powerful Ming clan.

Later, in Divine Kingdom World, the entire Divine Kingdom 100000000 10000 Human Race, for the continuation of the race, and terrifying the witch race, fought for millions of years of struggle, countless deaths and injuries.

No matter whether it is Vast Heaven Continent or Divine Kingdom World, any race will try its best to resist the fate of the deceased!

Therefore, it is unreasonable for Divine Race to leave a stone tablet with joy in the face of the loss of the whole family.

Not only Chu Yan, but also Lin Wanru and Little White Bear around him, all looked stunned.

“These all are rumored, after all, the text on the stone tablet, from the Antiquity period to the present, no one can understand it!” Tian Nu explained.

“No one understands !? Is it Divine Race text !?” Chu Yan suspiciously.

“It should be Divine Race text! In the Antiquity era, Divine Race had very little contact with other races. Later, the Divine Race family was lost, and even a clansman was gone. Naturally, these words were not read. understood!”

“It’s just that there are some patterns and Spirit Mark imprints that can be interpreted, but in the end, what the words say is now a guess!” Tiannv nodded.

“Then to say that, before Divine Race was lost, a Divine Race legacy was prepared for the Human Race, Demi-God and Tiannian races !?” Chu Yan pupil light shimmered.

“Yes!” Hearing this, the goddess nodded, but the pupil light dimmed, and the head said “It’s a pity …”

“What a pity !?” Chu Yan asked.

“It’s a pity that my Celestial Saintess has lost millions of years. In the land of the dark sea, even if you get the Celestial Clan’s legacy, it can’t be opened and used!” The Celestial girl’s face was bitter with a sad face.

“Saintess is missing! You are not …” Chu Yan startled, suspiciously.

When encountering the Tiannian clan, this beautiful woman who was hailed by the Tiannian clansman as the “Tian Nu”, Chu Yan always thought she was Saintess of the Tiannian clan.

“No! I’m not, Saintess of our Celestial Clan, chosen by Divine Runes of Celestial Clan, and I was only designated by Elder in the clan, just Saintess on the surface!” Celestial girl hooked the head, there was nothing to hide Tell Chu Yan.

“This … then Saintess, the divine runes of your Celes, went there !?” Chu Yan asked.

“100 10,000 years ago, Divine Race was damaged, all races fought, and my Goddess also faced a big crisis. At that time, an army of troops protected Saintess and shuttled the Space-Time channel to destroy the Space-Time channel in order to prevent enemy pursuit. ! “

Tiannian said here, she looked away towards the sky, stayed silent for a while, and then continued

“After that, our Celestial Cities survived the crisis and used the power of the whole clan, but they have searched for 100,000 years, and they have not found any trace of Saintess!”

“Divine Race’s legacy of the 3 clan remains in the sea, only the Holy Son or Saintess of the 3 clan can be opened!”

Tian Nu looked towards Chu Yan, with a slight smile, a flash of laughter flashed in her eyes,

“So, Young Master Chu, not only the Nether, including you, even if you went to the Nether Sea and found the Divine Race legacy, you can’t open it. I’m afraid you will return empty-handed!”

“Go home empty-handed !?” Chu Yan startedled, and finally, the Heavenly Girl said for a long time, just to tell herself that the trace of the Dark Sea, not who can get the inheritance.

“What does Holy Son and Saintess mean !?” Chu Yan asked slightly, his face pale.

“I said just now that Saintess of my Celestial Clan was selected by Divine Runes from the Antiquity period of the Clan. Therefore, Human Race and Holy Son of the Demi-God clan also need Divine Runes. Come out! “Tian Nu explained.

“The Divine Runes of the Demi-God clan and our Celestial Clan, inherited millions of years, are intact! And the Holy Son of the Demi-God clan has always been in their Demi-God clan!”

“In contrast, even if we have divine runes, there is no bloodline Saintess!”

“However, the most miserable of the 3 groups should be your Human Race, but even the divine runes are lost, so you Human Race want to get the Divine Race legacy, I am afraid it is more impossible!

Tian Nu finished, looked towards Chu Yan, saw Chu Yan brows tightly frowns, suddenly the complexion slightly changed, and she could n鈥檛 bear it, and then said

“Young Master Chu, if you change your goal now, it’s time to come! I advise …”

However, before Yan Tian finished, Chu Yan interrupted her directly and said with great determination.

“No more! I’ll go to the sea of 鈥嬧€媑loom!”

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