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Mo Wunian looked at 300 clansman and rushed to Chu Yan, but he stood on the spot, not at all rushing up.

A pair of eyes, looked at Chu Yan in the distance, and then looked back at Wu Tianli and Wu Hongtian, his eyes flashed with different colors.

The reason why we are in front of the Wu people is because Mo Wunian knows his identity, even the identity of the entire Saint Race in front of the Wu people.


10,000 years ago, the Ming clan clan turned to the Wu clan, and became a vassal.

However, in the past 10000 years, the support of the Wu people, the development speed of the Wu people, has accumulated far beyond the previous million years.

Therefore, up to now, more and more clans clansman, began to awake the witch, and even will obtain a witch clansman identity, as a goal of lifelong efforts.

And such people are most present in the youth genius of the Ming tribe.

Because, as long as you can make a great contribution and give the clansman the official identity of the Wu people, not only will you have the opportunity to enter the Tian Wu Tang, but even in the future, you can also cultivate the secret methods of the Wu people.

For Mo Wunian who pursues Martial Dao, how can such a godsend opportunity be missed.

Of course, Mo Wunian is very clear about the strength of Chu Yan, so he must consume Chu Yan as much as possible.

When the time comes, take your own shot, take advantage of the sneak attack, kill Chu Yan in one fell swoop, the biggest credit is naturally yours.

next moment, Chu Yan on the opposite mountain, finally moved!


A loud word whisper sounded, Chu Yan pulled his sword in his backhand, silhouetted electricity, and could not avoid, holding Clear Sky, rushed straight into the clansman group.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Clear Sky Sword waving, endless sword light, like the water of the Milky Way, sprinkled across the entire hillside.

Suddenly, the void was cracked, the silver sky was full, and the sharp Sword Qi formed a Sword Intent storm, sweeping all directions.

Sword Intent After the storm, the disciples of the Ming tribe were dismantled in an instant, the corpses were stained with blood, and they were flying all over the sky.

Sword light is broken, Sword Qi like Rainbow!

A bright silver sword net, centered on the Sword Intent storm, sweeps the wheat like a wheat, and sweeps towards the 4th direction of the Ming clan discipline.

The genius youths of these emperor realms and quasi-imperial realms, even before they could see clearly the scanned word light, were instantly damaged, turned into countless corpses, and scattered.

In less than hundred breaths, nearly 300 Ming clan disciplines were actually killed by more than 100.

Looking at the mountainside, 7 horizontal and 8 vertical, broken corpse, and stained blood stained on the red ground, the smile on Mo Wunian’s face gradually solidified. Instead, it was full of panic.

Not only Mo Wunian, but also Wu Tianli and Wu Hongtian, all the living medley disciplines and medley disciplines were all stunned, the whole body was stiff, and their eyes looked straight at Chu Yan.

Tick! Tick!

On the biting blade of the ice cold, a little bit of residual blood fell on the ground, and the sound of the splash was full of ears. The whole hillside was dead.

Open … what a joke! ?

This simply is one-sided slaughter!

Moreover, what you don’t want to believe at all is that the party holding the butcher knife turned out to be only a Human Race, while the party slaughtered was a powerful nearly 100 Ming clan discipline.

Is this World the original World! ?

Wu Hongtian, who was standing in front of all Wu people, twitched the corner of his eyes, and a question suddenly flashed in his mind!

Could it be that you have been closed for too long, and the continent outside has completely changed! ?

No matter what, everyone present could not accept the bloody fact in front of him.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Not waiting for everyone to react from the horror, Chu Yan body flashed, 10000 unfolded like Avatar, 7 silhouettes flew out at the same time, 7 handles flashing cold light of the imperial Spirit Sword, waved together, and cut again to almost silly The Discipline of the Nether Tribe.

ah! ah! ah!

The sound of mournful scream awakened everyone, but in the blink of an eye, there were dozens of Ming clan disciplines with different heads.

Mo Wunian only felt the coldness of his hands and feet, his entire face was pale, and his whole body shivered lightly.

How long is this …!

Less than half a year ago, at Vast Heaven Continent, Chu Yan, who was almost killed by himself, was so powerful.

This is simply beyond his reach, and he needs to look up to see the height of the sky.

Terrifying !

Too terrifying!

This Chu Yan can never let him live …

Moving his legs hard, Mo Wunian turned slowly, with a trace of horror on his face, looked towards Wu Tianli and Wu Hongtian, gu lu snorted, and then opened the mouth and said

“Tian … Tianli Senior Brother, Hongtian Senior Brother, incompetent, this Chu Yan is really …”

Hearing this, Wu Tianli also turned his head and looked towards Wu Hongtian. Obviously, he knew very well that he was also not Chu Yan’s opponent.

Moreover, it was only a month or so since the last time he played with Chu Yan. He also found that Chu Yan can kill himself within ten strokes.

“Hmph! Jerk, damn Human Race!”

Wu Hong Heavenly Eye saw Mo Wunian and Wu Tianli, looked towards his eyes, full of panic, suddenly an anger rushed into his heart, and flew on the spot.

Whenever a Maori who is powerful enough to sweep half of the outer world will be frightened by a declining Human Race.

This simply is extraordinary shame and humiliation!

As the successor candidate of the witch king of the witch, one of the 700 quasi-princes, Wu Hongtian must shoot out and personally slaughter this Human Race that brings shame to the big witch!


The violent True Qi surge, Wu Hongtian’s big hand turned over, a heavy gold long halberd appeared, True Qi infused all over the body, a backhand wave, a like a thunder, scarlet halberd light, directed at Chu Yan in the distance.

Boom … rumbling!

The halberd is monstrous, like a thunderbolt-like halberd light, like a thunder and lightning split by God, flashing dazzling rays of light, just a flash, it bursts out, the speed is fast, even standing beside him Mo Wunian and Wu Tianli were too late to see clearly.

The halberd light of thunderclap traversed the void, cut through everything, the air exploded, the void collapsed, and bursts of thunder and thunder.

Following the halberd track, 3 people turned their heads at the same time, looking towards Chu Yan in the distance.

I saw that the halberd light passed by, and fiercely blasted on Chu Yan, bursting out, exploding 10000 lightning snakes, crackling.

“Ah !? Die … die !?”

“This … this is over !?”

Mo Wunian and Wu Tianli shook their faces in horror, making a horrified noise, and their faces were unbelievable.

Just now, he was extremely arrogant and killed Chu Yan, who was close to 200 cipher disciples, so he was hacked by Wu Hongtian! ?

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, the two people’s minds were still full of doubts and they couldn’t believe it.

However, the electric light that exploded in front of him, and the energy that burst into it, told them that all this was not an illusion, and it was absolutely true.

That Chu Yan was directly smashed by that terrifying halberd!

“Ha ha ha, worthy of being the successor of the Witch King, quasi-Prince Sir, as soon as he shot, he killed the kid!”

After Mo Wunian started, he immediately reacted, complimenting his compliment.

“A trifling Chu Yan, how could it be the rival of Hongtian Senior Brother, hmph! Such a death, it is cheap to him!”

Wu Tianli looked at the explosion of light and air waves, but he was a little bit angry, and he failed to do it himself, cutting the Human Race that made him grind his teeth with a few knives.

“Pre-Prince is mighty! The world is invincible!”

All the children of the Wu people echoed in unison.

However, Wu Hongtian, who was flattened by everyone flattery, had a dignified complexion, his eyebrows twisted into a ball, staring closely at the burst of electricity and gas waves, his eyes full of doubts.

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