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Chapter 1767

The crowd of fried pans fled.

Others can escape, Mo Wunian and Wu Tianli, but it is the target that Chu Yan is staring at, how could it be so easy for them to get away.


Just body flashed, Chu Yan held the long sword directly in front of Wu Tianli.


Seeing the road blocked, Wu Tianli was so shocked that his eyes burst, Divine Soul was all risked, the word had not yet been spoken, and the cold light flashed in front of him.

Chu Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense to him, raising his hand was a sword.

pu chi!

Another faint Sword Qi flicking into the flesh, Wu Tianli, whose pupil suddenly enlarged, the position of the eyebrow, a red dot appeared, and then the whole person fell from in midair, fell to the ground, and fell heavily, but it was just right, just hit the Mo In front of no thought.


Wu Tianli corpse, suddenly fell in front of him, corpse’s face, with horror and unwillingness, stared straight at Mo Wunian.

“Ah … ah … no … don’t kill me!”

Seeing Chu Yan coming in, Mo Wunian was so frightened that she burst into tears and snot, her whole body trembles, howling like a pig.

“Don’t you just laugh loudly ?! Why don’t you laugh !?”

Chu Yan raised his sword, moved towards Mo Wu Nian step by step, and asked with a cold face.

“Rao Ming ah! Please … ah!”

Before Mo Wunian asked for mercy, Chu Yan cut back with a sword, the sword light was like a line, crossed the void, under ten steps, it was as fast as a shock, as before, Mo Wunian was not at all. Seeing Sword Mark clearly, his voice suddenly stopped.


Completely cut off the corpse, and knelt down heavily to the ground.

Matriarch, Heavenly Punishment, king direct disciple, Wu Tianli, Hades of Holy Son candidate, Mo Wunian, all losses!

“You guys, don’t try to escape!”

Chu Yan suddenly turned around, looked towards all around, but I saw on the ground, in midair, that they were all children of the Wuming 4 clan who fled.

“St. Rakshasa refining the domain, open for me!”

Shouted loudly, True Qi all over the body, like a black cloud rolling, centered on Chu Yan’s body, moved towards 4 all directions, swept wildly.

In an instant, within a 5 mile radius, it was instantly enveloped by endless black mist.

“I still want to escape! Your speed can be faster than my holy Rakshasa refining domain !?”

Chu Yan coldly snorted and started to urge Rakshasa True Qi to run the Holy Rakshasa refining domain.

Under the violent operation of Saint Rakshasa’s refining domain, the air on the whole island turned into a strong wind, and a thunderbolt-like tsunami sound was emitted.

Even the entire island began to tremble slightly, and the entire Heaven and Earth, like a moment, changed from day to night, from Heaven Hall to hell.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

In the refining area of ​​St. Rakshasa that covers half of the island, the yin screams, thunder and lightning scream, from yin to yang, 2 diametrically opposed forces, appearing in the same space at the same time, that kind of feeling makes people have one’s hair stand on end.

“Not good! Can’t lift off …”

The children of the Wuming 2 clan, shrouded in holy Rakshasa refining domains, only felt a cold intrusion, and then, the powerful force pressed from the air and shot them all back onto the island.

Peng! peng! peng!

As if to dumplings, everyone, from in midair fiercely hit the ground and made a muffled noise.

There are more than 200 interracial Martial Artists, no one is missing, all fell into Chu Yan all around.

Struggling, climbing up from the ground, terrified look all over his face, looking around for four times, but, into the eyes, he could see nothing but a thick black fog.

An extremely cold death air surged from the bottom of each person’s feet and rushed into the mind, and the pupils of all people quickly enlarged.

It was a sense of fear that made their souls tremble. Waiting for death is often more frightening than death.

thump! thump! thump!

At this moment, in the thick black fog, a tall mountain-like golden giant appeared suddenly, holding a golden and silver giant fork in each hand, grinning with a grinning big mouth, exposing sensuous fangs.

“Mother! Then … what is that !?”

“God, it’s a demon! Abyss demon! Cannibal demon!”

“Flee away ah!”


Seeing St. Rakshasa true body appeared, everyone was so shocked that flies away and scatters, his body scalp exploded, turned around and fled.

However, in this holy Rakshasa refining domain, without Chu Yan’s consent, they fled like this, in addition to wasting physical strength and True Qi, they would only make a circle in place and have no meaning at all.


Saint Rakshasa true body, feeling Chu Yan ’s killing intent, Yang Tian issued angry roar, with golden trident and silver fork in hand, falling at the same time.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

There are 100 golden lights and silver lights on the road, like rainstorm pear blossoms, pouring down, very accurately moved towards every fled Wuming 2 clan child.

pu! pu! pu!

The person who was hit by the silver light, the entire body seemed to be eroded by Yin Fire, with the wound as the center, the flameless fire visible in the naked eye, quickly spread all over the body, and it turned into a pile of black dust in the blink of an eye.

And for those who were shot by golden light, the whole body as if was struck by lightning exploded directly, and the flesh and blood flew all over, with no corpses.

In less than ten breaths, all the children of the Wuming 2 clan who fell into the refining domain of Saint Rakshasa were all lost, and there was no one to breathe.

“St. Rakshasa refining the domain, close!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept through, after confirming the victory, a light shout, reclaimed the holy Rakshasa refining domain.

Suddenly, the black cloud waves flowed back to Chu Yan’s body from all directions in four directions like a low tide, and the whole sky turned from dark to bright, as if returning to the day again.

“Dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, you aliens, lost in Ten Directions Divine Realm, it’s cheaper for you!”

When Chu Yan murmured, he waved his hands, and the endless gang wind blew through, rolling all the black ashes and dead corpses all around and throwing them to the sea of ​​wrath.

As the owner of Human Race Divine Kingdom World, Chu Yan has the mission of revitalizing Human Race, so every time you kill an extra race, the chance of Human Race rising will be one more point.

Especially the people of the Wuming 2 clan, it is they who launched the Human Race attack, making the Human Race almost extinct.

To deal with these people, there is no need for a trace of compassion, only a word, kill!

Therefore, this battle is not only a battle between Martial Artists, but also a battle between two races, it is 2 10000 Human Race clansman not willing to fall, arousing roar!

After that, Chu Yan began to collect the left-over storage of Jade Talisman and put all of it into Rakshasa Space. After time, it will be cleaned up uniformly.

Only Mingzhu, Chu Yan carefully explored and found that there were as many as 50.

Coupled with the robbers they robbed, the number reached 150, which is comparable to Chu Yan’s 3-day collection.


At this time, outside the Ten Directions Divine Realm, in front of the Heaven and Earth crystal screen.

Li Tian’s Martial Emperor’s complexion has been ugly to the extreme, not only because Mo Yannian has not passed back 3 days after the time passed, and has already killed Chu Yan’s news.

It is because, just now, the Holy Crystal Clan even cut the picture of the Heaven and Earth Crystal Screen directly to Fenglin Cliff, peeking into their situation of the Saint Crystal Clan youth and entering Fenglin Cliff.

Therefore, as for what is happening on the side of the Nether Sea, Li Tian Martial Emperor is not understood at all.

“Asshole, damn Holy Crystal family, do they want to go to war !?”

In addition to roaring, Litian Martial Emperor has no way at all, and even the words of war can only be nothing serious.

Because not only did the Ming clan have a backer, but the Shengjing clan also had a backer, and they were not afraid of them at all.

“Go! Explore the news immediately to see if our Saint Race children have met Chu Yan!” Li Tian Martial Emperor ordered.


A Deacon Elder, accept the order and turned away.

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