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Divine Race Spirit Mark!

If it is really Divine Race Spirit Mark, then, with Divine Race, it dominated the strength of the entire Ten Directions Star Domain. The formidable power of these Spirit Mark imprints is probably countless times stronger than those used before.

Just find the Spirit Mark division and make it into Spirit Mark Jade Talisman, I am afraid it is equivalent to an imperial Spirit Treasure!

“Situ Fatty is probably crazy if he is here!”

Chu Yan smiled softly, and then, with a big wave of his hand, True Qi Gang Yuan condensed into a grab, moved towards a path of Spirit Mark in front of him, fiercely grabbed it.


Almost at the moment when Chu Yan’s Gang Yuan claw touched that Spirit Mark, a group of fine awns exploded on the Spirit Mark, and the entire Yan Yan’s Gang Yuan claw mark was instantly exploded and directly annihilated.

“En !? So strong !?”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan’s face suddenly froze, his face stunned.

You must know that the existence of these Spirit Marks may be traced to the Antiquity period, after countless years.

In the absence of Spirit Gathering Array and Spirit Power sources, these Spirit Marks can still maintain the formidable power, which is enough to show that the formidable power of these Spirit Marks is far more powerful than Chu Yan imagined.

“Oh, it seems that I really found the treasure!”

With bright light glittering on both eyes, Chu Yan’s face flashed with joy, and then True Qi broke out all over the body, condensing a more powerful gangster claw mark, moved towards the stone carving Spirit Mark, and fiercely grabbed it.

Maybe it 鈥檚 because, in the previous record, Spirit Power, which is not much of the Spirit Mark itself, was consumed. So, at this time, Chu Yan did n鈥檛 have much effort to capture the Spirit Mark with the stone wall. In hand.

Obtaining the stone carving Spirit Mark, Chu Yan took a closer look, but still found nothing, so he threw it into Rakshasa Space. After preparing to go back, he gave it to Situ Fatty.

Next, Chu Yan waved his hands and grabbed the Spirit Marks on the cave wall in front of them, one by one, all of them, and threw them into the Rakshasa Space.

After completing these things, the excitement on Chu Yan’s face became more intense.

Because the formidable power of these Spirit Marks is really far beyond his imagination, Chu Yan can easily deduce that the stone cave in the town of Deity Clan Spirit Mark, which is on the top 100, is probably at least has A ruin of a powerful Divine Race, or a treasure.


A flash body, Chu Yan running True Qi, condensing body protection Gang Yuan and Dragon Mark gold body, rushed into the stone cave.

Enter the stone cave, there are two sides of the channel inside the cave, there are mosaics of luminous crystals, the entire stone cave channel has weak rays of light, shining channel.

Follow the passage, go all the way deep, turn 7 turns and 8 turns, take a full 10000 steps before reaching the end of the passage.

This is an underground stone palace, with a full radius of 10 li, which is almost the entire underground area of 鈥嬧€媘ountain peak with a huge range.

In the stone palace, there are all kinds of beast type stone carvings, and they are placed everywhere. There are huge bear demon, powerful tiger demon, and even Chu Yan in the blood river of stone bridge. Water Qilin.

“How come there are so many Monster Beast statues !?”

A stunned color emerged on Chu Yan’s face, and the pupils of Qilin’s eyes moved towards the entire stone temple.

“Yi!? These stone carvings are facing the center of the stone palace, that is …”

As soon as the pupil light turned, Chu Yan soon discovered that in the very center of the stone palace, there were 2 huge flame altars, all around the void of the altar, suspended with 100 meditation beads, exuding a ghost fire, like a 10000000 stream , All poured into the two altars.

Moreover, on the periphery of the stone palace, a group of fish demon, shiver coldly all over the body, creeping on the ground, headed by a few larger fish demon, holding a few black beads in his hand, is kneeling forward, placed on a stone platform in front of the altar Above.

shua! shua! shua!

Several meditation beads, just placed on the stone platform, soared into the sky, merged into the celestial bead group suspended in the sky, and at the same time released the ming fire and poured into the altar.

“It turns out that these Nether Beads are collected by these fish demon and used to enshrine these 2 altars!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan suddenly realized that he finally found out that where there is a fish demon, he could always find some medules.

At the same time, I also know why the Witches 2 clan attacked this island. I am afraid that they have a great relationship with these two altars.

Boom … Rumble!

Just as Chu Yan was about to walk to the altar, when he looked closely, suddenly the whole stone palace trembles violently.

With the dust flying, 2 huge objects quickly rose from the soil layer in front of the altar. In a blink of an eye, the breakthrough soil layer appeared before the altar.

“This … this is a sarcophagus !?”

Chu Yan gazed at it, but saw two sarcophagi with a 2 zhang size, which lay in front of the altar.

To Chu Yan’s surprise, as soon as these two sarcophagi appeared, the 2 meditation beads originally suspended on all around suddenly projected meditation on the sarcophagus.

In an instant, the two sarcophagi were wrapped in Ming Yan and directly turned into fire coffins.

formidable power Horrible ghost flame, 4 surges, swept across the stone palace, the temperature soared rapidly.

More than 100 fish demon were swept away by this protruding ghost flame, and they all turned into flying ash, and even the screams were too late.

Countless years ago, the fish demon born in the Dark Sea was burned to ashes by the flames of the Dark Sea, enough to discover that the Dark Flame among these Dark Pearls is probably stronger than the Common Dark Flame, formidable power.

Chu Yan Gang Yuan’s body protection was swept away by Pingyan, but it was only softly trembled. The 5-color Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire rolled out, blocking all Pingyan.

The scorching flames swept through, swept away, and soon disappeared. The entire stone palace quickly recovered calm.

Only the two fire coffins in front lie quietly in the dark and cold stone palace, revealing a strange atmosphere.

tread! tread! tread!

Chu Yan groaned a little, his body protected body, raised his feet moved towards the fire coffin.

Divine Consciousness is like a net, locking the two fire coffins firmly, constantly exploring their aura changes.

These two fire coffins, apart from the extreme power of the dark flame, there is no other aura, which makes Chu Yan’s face slightly change.

“Could it be that the two sarcophagi are the spirits of Dark Flame !?”

Chu Yan thought that whether it was this sea of 鈥嬧€媘editation, or meditation, or this small island, or even the fish demon that had just turned to ashes, they were all spirits of meditation, and they had a great relationship.

Therefore, the two fire coffins in front of you are most likely the spirits of the Dark Flame during the Antiquity period!

“The spirit of the inferno during the Antiquity period !? What is that !?” Chu Yan pupil light flashed slightly, his face slightly sullen.

Since entering the sea, Chu Yan has encountered and devoured many spirits of the sea of 鈥嬧€媎arkness. Of course, he knows that the spirits of the sea of 鈥嬧€媐lames are also graded and distinguished by color.

So far, the strongest ghost flame that Chu Yan has encountered is only the dark golden King Rank ghost flame.

“The spirits of the underfire in these two coffins will never be … Emperor Order !?”

Chu Yan flickered, Chu Yan’s brow flickered, and his face suddenly dimmed a little, cautiously close to the fire coffin, and looked down.

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