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The violent power exploded instantly in Chu Yan within the body, and the horrible pain completely swallowed Chu Yan.


The sky roared, his whole body was stretched, and his eyes were red, Chu Yan couldn’t bear it anymore, and roared.

This feeling is far more than the remodeling of the fleshy body in Swallowing the Heavens Tower.

At least, in Swallowing the Heavens Tower, the pain is gradually increasing with time, and it will not directly explode like this forging pulse.

“No … can’t miss the opportunity!”

Chu Yan gritted his teeth and raised his face with blue muscles, but murmured openly the mouth and said.

Immediately, with a big wave of his hand, several Jade Talisman flew out and landed on Earth Palace all around, turning into a path of Spirit Mark, quickly condensing into a Formation Great Array, almost covering half of the Earth Palace.

This is the proud work produced by Situ Yang before Chu Yan came to Chu Yan for precautions.

When the cloth was set, the result was banned. Chu Yan sat cross-legged, turned his hands over, and took all the meditation beads collected in the Rakshasa Space, as well as all the meditation beads suspended around, all in front of him.

There are more than 100 meditation beads, releasing a strong meditation, and the fire is magnificent!

“Rakshasa Promise, refine for me!”

A light shout, with the body thirty two inner cores, running in unison, Rakshasa True Qi is like the tide of the raging sea, moving turbulently.

The rushing Rakshasa True Qi rushed into the body of the Meridian, and immediately collided with the tide of scorching flames. The two were like an army of assaults, and they fought directly.

This is an evenly matched battle, and even the power of Nether Flame is even stronger.

However, Rakshasa True Qi is supported by Qi Sea, which can be said to be endless, and the spirit source of Ningyan is held in Chu Yan’s hand. When to add it is completely controlled by Chu Yan.

In this way, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness looks inside, nervously watching the impact of the 2 forces, and only when Pyromance retreats, will he break up the new Pyramid and join the Pyrite Pearl source to supplement the power of Pyromance.

Taking the body as the battlefield and meridian the flames, this cultivation method is unique!

Chu Yan sat there, his whole body was smoking, and even in his eyes and nostrils, a substantial flame spewed out with his breath.

It seemed that within his body, he was burning all over, even the temperature of Earth Palace was rising.

However, Chu Yan Martial Dao is so strong in his will that he has been running the Rakshasa Promise Power to the fullest extent, engulfing the souls of the Dark Pearl, integrating into the Rakshasa True Qi, and bringing it back to the Qi Sea inner core.

The source of these scorching spirits, the power of fusion, is far more pure than the spirits of Heaven and Earth.

Moreover, these phlegm have been tempered by Chu Yan’s Fleshy body, and merged with Chu Yan’s inner core, almost to a perfect level.

“Perfect! Perfection! That’s it!” Chu Yan’s face appeared surprised.

Although this fusion process is 100 times more painful than usual cultivation, the effect is surprisingly good.

With every hint of Pluto Spirit, Chu Yan can feel that his strength is improving.

Even the weak base of the cultivation base bottleneck is slowly blurring.

However, Chu Yan not at all is anxious to break through, but a lot of more careful, fusion of these Pill Pearl Spiritual Source, continue to consolidate the foundation.

Even, Chu Yan recultivated all Martial Dao cultivation base once.

From the first Body Tempering Realm, to Qi Refining Realm 1st Layer, to Innate Realm, True Martial Realm… ..

Time passed slowly, Chu Yan’s cultivation did not stop for a moment, and the number of meditation beads in front of him also continued to decrease.

Soon, a whole month passed …

Compared with a month ago, when Chu Yan just stepped into this underground stone palace, his whole body imposing manner became more and more majestic.

The whole body surface, like an open flame like Divine flame, zi zi burning, just like Fire God is coming!

These Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire, from the original 5 colors, added a dark golden, turned into 6 color flames, gorgeous, dazzling the entire Earth Palace in 5 colors, extremely beautiful.

In a month, I experienced the pain that ordinary people can’t bear. The current body tempering, burning meridian, can no longer make Chu Yan feel pain.

Instead, the weak burning sensation gave Chu Yan a very comfortable feeling.

At this moment, from the small island where Chu Yan is located, beyond a thousand li, there is another group of Maori Genius, skimming the sky, moved towards the depths of the sea, and flew away in a hurry.

This group of Mauritian disciples, headed by people, with rounded thick eyebrows and eyebrow positions, are also 2 marks of Wuqi!

Even his pair of snake pupils are different from the ordinary Matrimonial Martial Artist, showing the color of the double flower pupils, one red and one green, like gems, it looks extremely strange.

“Mufeng Senior Brother, plus the small island just now, we have collected nearly 60 Pyramids!”

A young man who followed the young people of the Wu clan of Wu clan opened the mouth and said excitedly.

“Unfortunately, these islands produce a few medlars every 10000 years, and the number is still too small. I hope to find the altar of the Fish Monster Race. In that case, there will be more medleys!”

Wumufeng nodded, although his face was normal, but the twin pupils flickered, obviously also with a hint of joy.

With these 60 meditation beads, one will be devoured every month, and within a few years, his cultivation base will be upgraded to another rank.

When the time comes, the Matriarch-Prince qualification battle can definitely break into the top ten!

“Yi! Look, there is a Yuyao Island in front!”

A young man shouted in horror.

“Very good! Let’s go, let’s go!” Wu Mufeng waved his hand, and a group of young Wu people quickly accelerated.

However, when they flew over the island, Wumufeng was suspended, but his face was gloomy.

“What’s the situation? Why can’t a trace of the celestial bead aura be sensed! Could it be …”

Wu Mufeng’s face was dull, and he had guessed in his mind, “Is it the guy from Wu Hongtian who has taken the lead !? Huh …”

Although disappointed, Wumu Feng was still going to take a look at the situation, but, before he lowered his body, suddenly, a magnificent aura, rushed out from below the mountain peak in the middle of the demon island, and drove them A group of Maori Genius rushed back and forth.

“What’s the situation? This … what power is this !?” Wumufeng complexion greatly changed.

The aura just now, the horror, almost made his whole body blood energy stagnate …

what happened! ?

How can there be such a powerful aura on an ordinary fish demon island! ?

What’s more, this aura contains a very familiar source of ghost flame, which is just amazing!

Twin pupils flickered, Wumufeng looked at the Yuyao Island below, his face full of grave expression.

“Forget it! Not worth the risk!”

Finally, Wumufeng dismissed the idea of ​​going further and chose to ensure his own safety.

After all, this Ten Directions Divine Realm, in any place, may hide huge dangers and may be damaged at any time.

Being one of the top 100 in Tianwutang and having a quasi-prince ranking of 700 ranks, it is not necessary for me to take a few adventures.

Soon, Wumufeng waved his hand and took 100 geniuses of the Wu people, moved towards the distance and flew away.

Just an hour after he left, the fish demon island below suddenly began to vibrate!

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