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These two silhouettes, one wearing purple long robe and one wearing purple long robe, are like two purple stars, traversing Heaven and Earth, and in an instant, they reached 2 zhang high.

Hover in front of the huge purple illusory shadow and bow down!

“Pay respects to Ziming Old Ancestor, I ’m Morey, I ’m Mosiqian, please Old Ancestor open the Relics of the Ming Tribe!”

2 silhouettes, standing aloft, looking excited, looking at the huge illusory shadow in the sky, flushed.

At this time, more than 300 youths of the Ming tribe entered Ten Directions Divine Realm, but didn’t expect and suffered the disaster of extinction. Almost all of them were killed by Chu Yan. Only 2 people were spared because they were ordered to go to the ruins.

These two people are the Holy Son Morey and Saintess Mo Siqian of the Zingzu Ziming domain!

These 2 people, carrying the holy stone of the Ming tribe, went to the Nether Island and opened the gate of the ruins located on the Nether Island to obtain the inheritance of the Nether tribe.

As early as Chu Yan and the Tiannv tribe reached the cliff iron lock, the two of them had already passed the iron lock and went to the Nether Island.

After a full month of exploration, I finally found the remains of the Ming tribe and opened it smoothly.

On the island, including the Tiannv, clansman, a group of Tiannv, looked at the natural phenomenon in the air, and Morley and Mo Siqian, who were still in the air, were all shocked with white faces.

How did they also didn’t expect that on this Nether Island, in addition to the Demi-God clan, Tiannian clan and Human Race’s 3 clan relics, the ruins of the Nether clan are also on the Nether Island.

No wonder, I heard before that there are ruins of the Ming tribe in the Netherworld. Every Ten Directions Divine Realm is opened, and the Netherworld genius is active on the Netherworld.

It turned out that it was because the remains of the Ming tribe were also on the Nether Island.


In the sky, in front of Morey and Mo Siqian, that huge illusory shadow suddenly roared, and immediately, the entire illusory shadow began to twist quickly.

Pieces of Jade Talisman with the mark of the Hades are constantly taken out. Morey and Mo Siqian continue to flip the hand seal and drive the Spirit Mark in the pieces of Jade Talisman into the twisted illusory shadow in front of them.

Roar! roar! roar!

In the roar of the shaking sky, that huge illusory shadow, picked up the sky of blood clouds, the entire silhouette, submerged in the blood clouds, rolling and moving.

Less than ten breaths, a long zhang, covered in thick scales of python, appeared over the nether island.

“Not good! That’s ….. blood swallowing the sky python!”

Tian Nu’s eyes flickered, and she looked suddenly at the huge blood python in the sky.

Nether blood swallows sky python!

It is the existence of the Antiquity Sacred Beast, equivalent to Emperor Spirit Beast. Some people even say that the entire Ming clan is a clansman with a bloodline that swallows the sky python.

It’s just that 100 10,000 years ago, during that war, Sacred Beast swallowed the sky python and infused his bloodline into the blood line of the medley, as its inheritance body.

At the same time, the clansman of the Nether tribe has since then had the same special ability as the blood of the Netherworld.

Devouring True Qi and blood energy to increase the secret skill of your cultivation base!

“Didn’t expect, Remnant Soul, who swallowed the celestial python, actually hid on this nether island!” Tiannian’s face was dull, and a bad hunch flashed in the spirit eye.

As one of the Divine Race’s blood, the Celestial Clan naturally knows that during the millions of years, the Hmong and Wu Clan do not know how much Human Race clansman has been devoured, as a resource to enhance their strength.

Even, the Malay people call Human Race “flesh element”, meaning, flesh spirit element!

shua! shua!

Almost at the sky-swallowing python that shuttled the blood cloud, jetting out 2 blood lights, while landing on Morey and Mo Siqian, the two turned their heads at the same time, looking at the heavenly clan on the ground, bloody eyes , Flashing a hint of color, flew down at the same time.

“Not good! He … they are coming!”

“What are they doing … what !?”

“Holy Son and Saintess of the Ming tribe, and Sacred Beast swallow the sky python, the remains of the Ming tribe are opened, this is troublesome!”

“My Goddess and Ming Clan have always been at odds, this …”

“Tian Nu, what shall we do !?”


A group of Celestial Clansman, all looked pale, and at the same time turned their heads to look at Celestial.

Just in the sky, Morey and Mo Siqian’s eyes, they all looked in the eyes, but would not think that they flew over with a friendly intention.

Moreover, this Ten Directions Divine Realm, where all ethnic groups opened the remains, is a huge change in racial strength, and each is a threat to each other.

However, the relationship between the Celestial Clan and the Ming Clan is not good. This Morey and Mo Siqian rushed, there must be no good thing!

“They … maybe want us to be a sacrifice to the celestial sacrifice to swallow the sky python!” Tiannian complexion sank, whispered.

“What !? Sacrifice … Sacrifice !?”

“It’s over! That’s Antiquity Sacred Beast, what do we … do?”


Hearing the words of Tian Nu, all the Tian Nu tribes were so frightened that soul flies away and scatters, didn’t expect, and finally broke into the Nether Island. They thought they could open the remains of the Tian Nu clan, but didn’t expect actually became a Ming Offerings.

“The power of Sacred Beast, although it is Remnant Soul, is not something we can resist!”

Heavenly girl stares into the air, two purple silhouettes flying from there, and a cloud-like wave of blood, a breath of death appears in the spirit eye.

“Tian Nu, what to do !? What to do ah !?”

Celestial Clansman was in a panic, gathered around Celestite all around, all terrified.

“The only way is to open the ruins of my Celestial Clan and wake up my Antiquity Sacred Beast, but …”

Heavenly girl hook the head, her face sad.

Their Celestial Clan and even Saintess are lost. Unlike this clan, Holy Son Saintess is all there, as long as the ruins are found, they can be opened.

“Are you even the Heavenly Dao of Ten Directions Divine Realm, destroying my Goddess !?”

With a sigh, the divine light flashed in the hand of the Celestial Girl, 9 long whips appeared in the hand, pointed at a distance, facing the sky, two purple silhouettes, shouted.

“My goddess, with Divine Race bloodline, even if it is dead, it is only a battle to die, and it is not so easy to take us as a sacrifice!”

“All Celestial Clan, listen to the orders and prepare to fight!”

With a stern drink, it seemed like a thunderbolt, blowing over the Nether Island, a sky maiden holding a long whip, a whole body of True Qi surging, a colorful shirt flying, a large feather-shaped gang yuan, haunting the whole body, just like a celestial woman descending.

“Tian Nu is right, even if it is dead, it is also a battle to death!”

Originally panic clansman, the angry roar of the celestial girl, like Overhead Bang, started together, and then, the rich battle intent, like the tide, rushed out of the clansman group.

hu! hu! hu!

A group of True Qi keeps on erupting, with 100 clansman clansman, taking out Spirit Armament, forming a battle formation, with a face full of determination, looking towards the sky.

If there were only Morey and Mo Siqian, their 100 celestial clansman were naturally not afraid, but, on the horizon, that long zhang, who was constantly urging the blood cloud to swallow the sky python, they were not opponents at all.

Therefore, this battle will die!

Ao ao !

The Little White Bear on the side is different from the clansman, but it is full of excitement, which is directly transformed into the Purple Encompassing Heavenly Bear body, a pair of purple bear eyes, staring closely at the blood-swallowing sky python on the sky, full of excitement, ao ao roar.

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