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Chu Yan looked at Mu Wanxi, nodding and smiling!

Not bad!

He guessed it!

Mu Wanxi’s body of sea monster true body is Kunpeng!

When I met Mu Wanxi at the ear of ears, Chu Yan clearly felt that the woman had an aura that even 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul moved.

And this aura comes from her bloodline …

Kunpeng Blood!

Real Antiquity Sacred Beast bloodline!

Even compared to Chu Yan’s 5 Divine Beast, it’s only a difference in existence!

The Kunpeng bloodline, in Antiquity Sacred Beast, is in the presence of Peak. In terms of strength, endless is close to the power of Divine Beast!

“There is a fish in Beiming, called Kunpeng. Its body is so big that I don’t know how many thousand miles …”

Chu Yan looked at the sky, the body of the whale that was still inflated, his eyes flashed slightly, muttered

“The big fish of the undersea, the walker meets the fish head every day. On the 7th every fish tail!”

“Sure enough, it’s really not big!”

Even Chu Yan looked at Kun Kunpeng’s body on the sky at this time.

This body is not much different than the true body of Black Tortoise Martial Soul …

“However, it seems that it has not reached the limit! Then … come again!”

With a word of landing, Chu Yan waved again, and then ten meditation beads flew into Kunpeng in the air.

When Mingzhu entered the body, Kunpeng roared again, and the tail of the fish swayed, and a large wave of tide continued to rumble in the sky, layer by layer, and flocked to the sea of ​​Minghai.

As the phlogistic on the surface of the sea of ​​extinction, they all extinguished, almost where the phlogistic was extinguished, Kunpeng’s body swelled past.

In just a dozen breaths, Kun Peng ’s body has been stretched for 10 li, hiding the sky and covering the earth, even the sky is covered!

“Kun and Hua Peng, angry flying to hit the sky!”

“Its wings are like a cloud of heaven, Peng backs the sky to cover 10,000 li!”

Chu Yan spoke again, sounded like a red bell, pierced the earth, and resounded through the sea …

“It’s now!”

With a stern drink, Chu Yan did not hesitate, throwing out dozens of meditation beads left in his hand, and shot them at Kunpeng in the air.

There are nearly 80 meditation beads, which are integrated into the body of Kunpeng at the same time, and the violent force of the meditation sea is fully excited within the body.

Roar! roar!

In an instant, on Kunpeng’s body, 10000 purple lights bloomed, like a huge round of purple sun, illuminating the whole Heaven and Earth into a purple world.

Buzz …! Buzz …!

The faint Supreme Sunway, as if the seedlings of the earth broke, finally appeared.

When that little Shengwei appeared, it grew up at an alarming speed.

At the same time, the purple sun in the sky is constantly twisting and changing, and two huge purple wings, breaking open from the purple light group, moving towards the side of 2 continue to extend.

hu! hu! hu!

Between Heaven and Earth, Spirit Power is like a tide, pulling up the wind that swept the sky, and on the sea of ​​the sea, it rolled up 100 tornadoes and rushed.

“Dapeng took the wind in one day and drove straight up to 9 10,000 li!”

Chu Yan’s voice is like Heaven and Earth Sanskrit, and every word is like a thunderbolt, making Kun Peng’s body tremble constantly.

Finally, in response to everyone’s horrified gaze, a loud sound of birdsong resounded through the entire Vault of Heaven!

golden wings Hua Peng!

The Sea of ​​the North Sea, an Antiquity Sacred Beast Kunpeng, was born!

Tweet …!

Accompanied by the chirping sounds of Heaven and Earth, the all-purple bird, the breaking purple light group, fluttered violently, moved towards the sky dome and soared away.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Almost at the moment when Dapeng fluttered his wings, on the Nether Island, not far from Tian Nu and Chu Yan, the 3-color altar exploded directly, and 3 groups of golden light, like golden stars, rushed to the sky and chased the spreading wings.

xiu! xiu! xiu!

At 3 o’clock golden light enters the body, a bright golden edge appears on the edge of purple Dapeng’s wings, which is dazzling.

“Purple Dapeng!”

Chu Yan had his hands on his back and looked at the sky with a faint smile on his face, slightly nodded.

“Unfortunately! It’s still a long way from Golden Wings Great Peng! However, Kun Peng has been born and I believe that it won’t take long. The real Golden Wings Great Peng will definitely appear in this outland continent!”

Mu Wanxi’s true body is Kunpeng bloodline!

At the Vast Heaven Continent, even the emperor was surprised when he felt Mu Wanxi’s bloodline aura.

Even in the Azure Dragon World domain, and even the entire outer domain continent, it is also the existence of unique and unmatched.

Because of Sea Demon Race, when the Divine Race was destroyed 100 to 10,000 years ago, it was also lost, and never appeared again.

Therefore, as Sea Demon Race, Imperial Family’s Kunpeng bloodline even made the Tian Nu clan look for nearly million years.

However, they never imagined that the Saintess of the Celestial Clan would be lost in the 3 Star World of Vast Heaven Continent.

“Tian Nu Clan! Tian Nu Clan! The original so-called Tian Nu Clan refers to the Golden Wings Great Peng, so the Tian Nu Clan is actually a survivor of Sea Demon Race!”

Chu Yan glanced not far away, the already stiffened Tiannian, her face suddenly revealed.

Mu Wansha was lost in Vast Heaven Continent, the birth year, not more than 100,000 years, so far, it can not be regarded as the Peak period.

Therefore, her bird’s body, showing purple, is only the appearance of the ordinary Dapeng, not at all reaching the Golden Great Peng of King Rank.

However, as Kunpeng, being able to dominate in the ocean and the sky at the same time, even if it is an ordinary body, is enough to make all Monster Beast startled and distracted.

After all, Mu Wanxi wandering in the air at this time, his wings spread, has exceeded the range of 8 10 li, like a moving sky.

Tweet …!

Boom … rumbling!

The sound of a loud bird song must be accompanied by a thunder, even if the wings are gently flapped, the sound of the sound burst is enough to make the whole sky tremble.


It is too much!

In addition to Chu Yan’s Black Tortoise, this is the most massive beast Chu Yan has ever seen.

Suddenly flipped over, purple Dapeng turned from the air and swooped down, bringing up Yun Xiaogang wind, shining golden light’s Peng eyes, staring straight into the distance, not as large as a cloud of blood on its half wings.

There, it is the place where the blood swallows the sky python!

Roar! roar!

Seeing the purple Dapeng rushing in, the blood swallowed the sky python hiding in the blood cloud, scaring the snake scales all over the body to explode, several hundred zhang’s body, trembling, almost rolling directly from the end of the blood cloud, directly to the ground surface.

You know, according to legend, Golden Wings Great Peng feeds on Jiao Jiao, and only eats Jiao Nao.

Now, the purple Dapeng flying in the air like a piece of mountain range in front of him, although not up to the rank of Golden Wings Great Peng, but dealing with a python, it can’t be easier.

Moreover, the blood-swallowing sky python is just a ray of Remnant Soul, and it has only swallowed more than a dozen flesh and blood, which is far from complete resurrection.

The purple Dapeng is a living Antiquity Sacred Beast. Compared to it, it is more than a dozen orders stronger.

“Boss, tell you the recipe, that big insect is mine!”

On the ground, Little White Bear saw purple Dapeng rushing towards the Nether Blood Swallowing Sky Python, and suddenly hurriedly bounced from the ground, shouting to Chu Yan.

“Relax! Wanxi is already understood!”

Chu Yan laughed bitterly, hook the head, and replied to Little White Bear.

Originally, Mu Wanxi just had Nirvana, and he needed this brain that swallowed the sky python to make up. If Chu Yan didn’t speak, Mu Wanxi would certainly not let it go.

Moreover, this ghost blood swallowing the sky python, just swallowed a dozen clansman, how could Mu Wanxi easily let him go!

Boom … rumbling!

The bird body of nearly 8 10 li, spanning the sky, violently trembled in the void, could not bear it at all, and burst.

Dapeng’s experience, Heaven and Earth solidified!

In the distant blood cloud, the blood swallowed the sky python, but turned around and ran away, moved towards the depths of the sea, turned into a blood light, and escaped with fate.

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