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Ten Directions Divine Realm, the opening time of 100 days, finally ended.

Including Chu Yan, all the young people in Ten Directions Divine Realm hurried to the Ten Directions Divine Realm exit and returned to the ancient city of Blood River.

A large group of gangsters of all ethnicities waited anxiously before the cracks in the sky, looking forward.

At this time, because of the holy crystal family, during the entire opening period of Ten Directions Divine Realm, the process they saw was not too much.

Even afterwards, at the request of all ethnic groups, the Holy Crystal family restarted the Heaven and Earth crystal screen, but the two Elders were not strong enough, that is, they could see the big scene of Ten Directions Divine Realm, and could not see the details at all.

Therefore, in this Ten Directions Divine Realm, the achievements of the various disciplines and the consciousness of all people stay at the moment before the Shengjing tribe put away the crystal curtain.


The Maori Heavenly Punishment Great Elder standing in front of the crowd saw the Wuwu Peak coming out and called out urgently.

“pay respects to Great Elder !”

Although Wumufeng does not belong to the Heavenly Punishment military hall, after all, the other party is also a Great Elder in a separate hall. There is a difference in respect and inferiority. Wumufeng does not dare to neglect, hurrying over and bowing to worship.

“How is it? What’s the score !?” Great Elder asked anxiously.

Wu Mufeng smiled slightly, and proudly replied, “Reporting back to Great Elder. Fortunately, it was not a disgrace. This time, my team opened the ruins for 5 times!”

“Wh … what …? Ten … ten five places !?”

Even if it was Heavenly Punishment Great Elder, when I heard Wumufeng’s answer, I was suddenly shocked by the whole body, and the pupil light was suddenly bright.

But soon, there was a look of ecstasy on Great Elder’s face, and he laughed in the sky …

“Ha ha ha, good! Good! This time, the spirit of the blood river, belongs to our big witch!”

Ten relics!

In this time Ten Directions Divine Realm, the test results of all races are the strongest!

According to the rules of Ten Directions Divine Realm, whoever can open more relics can collect more relic spirits, as long as they are invested in the blood river, they will be rewarded by the blood river.

The top 3 rewards are all blood spirit beads!

But the ranking is different, the number and rank of blood spirit beads, the difference between Heaven and Earth!

Especially for the ranked 1st, there is an additional reward of the blood river spirit. That is the blood river illusory shadow that cuts the sky. The drop of blood essence provided is known as Divine Race blood essence!

In the past few sessions of Ten Directions Divine Realm, the best results have been achieved, but 9 sites have been opened.

But now, Wumufeng actually opened the ruins ten or five times. As a result, Wumufeng ranked first and received the reward of the Blood River Spirit, which is almost ten to nine stable!

The words of the Malay Heavenly Punishment Great Elder suddenly aroused all around, the bigwigs and the disciples of all ethnic groups, cast their eyes in amazement.

The Martial Emperor of Li Tian of the Nether Clan has a face somber to the extreme, extremely unsightly, full of bloodshot eyes, staring straight at the sky crack.

Seeing the trialist coming out, there were fewer and fewer, and a bad hunch in my heart became stronger and stronger.

Although, he has absolute confidence in Holy Son Morey and Saintess Mo Siqian, but Li Tian Martial Emperor was inexplicably disturbed by the news that Mo Wunian was killed by Chu Yan.

Moreover, as time goes on, this kind of uneasiness becomes stronger and stronger.

Martial Emperor powerhouse’s understanding of Heavenly Dao is far beyond ordinary people. Therefore, Li Tian Martial Emperor does not want to believe in his instinct.

“Look, Chu Yan and Tian Nu Clan are out!” Someone exclaimed.

shua! shua!

I saw a black robe silhouette in the distance, a black robe silhouette, with a dozen young people in white robe and colorful feathers, flew out and fell straight to the Tiannv clan camp.

“Chu Yan! Come here as a teacher …”

However, before Chu Yan landed, a familiar voice sounded, turning his head to look around, and suddenly Chu Yan startedled.

“Master !?”

At a glance, Chu Yan saw it at once … Ling Shuangtian!

Moreover, not only Ling Shuangtian, 9 Supreme Sect, nearly 100 big guys came, all looked at Chu Yan with a smile.

Immediately, Chu Yan and Tiannian called summon, and took Little White Bear to fly to the location of the 9 Supreme Sect.

“Master, why are you here !?” Chu Yan asked Ling Shuangtian, he could not help but asked suspiciously.

At this time, he came to participate in Ten Directions Divine Realm, not at all to inform Ling Shuangtian, didn’t expect, that Ling Shuangtian had come so many big guys.

“Chu Yan, I received news from the teacher, I was afraid that someone might be against you, so I hurried over!” Ling Shuangtian said with a smile.

He is extremely satisfied with this direct disciple.

In particular, Chu Yan revitalized the leader of Human Race Divine Kingdom, restarted the Dust City, and laid a foundation for Human Race in Divine Kingdom World, bringing a glimmer of hope to the entire Human Race.

With this alone, Ling Shuangtian is enough to be proud of this direct disciple.

Therefore, when he knew that both the Wu and Ming tribes had sent a strong team to join this Ten Directions Divine Realm, Ling Shuangtian used his heels to guess that Chu Yan ’s relationship with Divan Kingdom in Divine Kingdom World, both sides It’s strange not to fight when you meet.

Therefore, Ling Shuangtian didn’t even think about it, so now the big brothers of 9 Supreme Sect came to support Chu Yan.

“many thanks Master !”

Hearing Ling Shuangtian’s words, Chu Yan was first started, a stream of warmth rushed in his heart and bowed.

“No, you are a direct disciple for the teacher, and naturally protect you for the teacher! Ha ha …”

Ling Shuangtian replied with a smile, and then asked again, “How is it !? This time Ten Directions Divine Realm, is there any gain !?”

This sentence asked, and suddenly caused 9 Supreme Sect, all the big brothers, their expressions tightened at the same time, all looked towards Chu Yan.

You know, this Ten Directions Divine Realm, Human Race has been for several sessions, did not send a recipe to participate.

It ’s not because there are no genius descendants, nor is it that there is no relic for Human Race Martial Artist in this Ten Directions Divine Realm.

It is because, in the past, as long as the young genius sent by Human Race to participate in Ten Directions Divine Realm would be chased and killed by the Matriarchs, even if the relics had not arrived, they would be directly damaged!

Human Race is so weak that it ca n’t stand such a loss of genius ’s juniors. So, in the end, it simply abandoned Ten Directions Divine Realm.

Hearing Ling Shuangtian’s question, Chu Yan was stunned …

Is there any gain, which means whether the ruins have been opened, have you gotten … The spirit of the ruins! ?

Regarding the rewards of the Spirit of the Blood River, on the way back, Chu Yan naturally listened to the Heavenly Girl and gave a detailed introduction.

“The Spirit of the Remains …” Chu Yan looked at a group of 9 Supreme Sect gangsters looking nervous, nodded, said


Hearing Chu Yan’s words, including Ling Shuangtian, all the human race gangsters showed a trace of ecstasy on their faces.

In the distance, a few cold eyes, but through the crowd, all fell on Chu Yan.

There are the Wuzu Peak of the Wu people, and the Litian Martial Emperor of the Nether people, all of which have complex expressions, cold, and full of killing intent.

Especially when I heard, Chu Yan actually opened a place of ruins and got the spirit of ruins …

In this way, Chu Yan has the qualification to compete for the blood river spirit.

When I think of Human Race and Chu Yan, after a few 10000 years, I once again got the opportunity to compete for the blood river spirits.


It’s all waste …!

More than 300 genius genius can’t kill a Chu Yan! ?

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