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War Soul Stone!

Spirit Stone, which can promote Martial Soul to War Soul, is also the main material of War Soul Pill.

Last time, Chu Yan was in the Martial Emperor of Youtian, and the Soul Pill won no effect on Chu Yan’s Martial Soul.

But didn’t expect, today at the Blood River Festival, he actually encountered the War Soul Stone!

Although Chu Yan has studied it carefully, the two battle Soul Pills could not be analyzed at all by pill recipe. Later, from Youtian Martial Emperor, it was learned that the so-called War Soul Pill is actually entirely based on the War Soul Stone. Refined.

However, this method of refining, which only existed during the Antiquity period, has now been lost and medicine efficacy cannot be guaranteed.

“Yes! It’s the War Soul Stone!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness probed into it, repeatedly probed the blood crystal in his hand, and finally determined that it was the War Soul Stone.

However, Chu Yan can feel that it is completely different from the previous Soul Pill Chu Yan encountered. The Martial Soul aura contained in it is more pure and rich.

“What happened !? Did the 2 that Martial Emperor gave you to enter Soul Pill, because the time was too long, and the Dan effect was lost !?”

This kind of doubt, Chu Yan had long ago, as Pill Master, swallowed medicine pill, no effect, Chu Yan, of course, impossible just let it go.

However, after considering it for a long time, Chu Yan also checked some Dandians. Among the final answers, the loss of Danxiao is the greatest probability.

After all, from the Antiquity period to the present, it has gone through endless years, even stones can be weathered, not to mention a medicine pill.

“Damn old fox, give me the expired medicine pill …”

Feeling the blood crystals in his hands, the extremely rich Martial Soul aura is far more than dozens of times stronger than the two battle Soul Pill that Chu Yan got from Youtian Martial Emperor.

Chu Yan finally understood why he swallowed Soul Pill, but failed to advance his Martial Soul.

At the earliest time, Chu Yan thought that his Martial Soul rank was too high, which was different from the Martial Soul of ordinary person. It might require a lot of battles against Soul Pill to advance.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all …

According to the amount of Wu Soul Power contained in this blood crystal in his hand, Chu Yan guesses that about 100 or so, it is possible to let any of the 5 Divine Soul Martial Soul, the power of Martial Soul reach Peak.

However, if you press Soul Pill, it may be 1000, not enough!

Looking at the blood crystal in his hand, Chu Yan’s eyes couldn’t help but burst into light, his face ecstatic.

With these blood crystals, does Divine Beast Martial Soul have the hope of advancing to the war soul! ?

At this moment, a sounded abnormally, suddenly making Chu Yan’s face cold.

“Human Race’s rubbish, hurry up!”

A tall Malay youth walked behind Chu Yan with a proud face shouted.

“Let! Why do you let it !?” Chu Yan looked back, looking at the witch youth, coldly said.

“Aren’t your spirits of ruins already thrown away !? What else do you do!”

The Wu people, when they heard Chu Yan’s words, first started, and then immediately shouted angrily.

“Is it possible that, do you still have the second relic spirit !? ha ha ha…. Joke!”

The sound of ridicule sounded, and the young people of the Wu ethnicity looked contemptuously and laughed all over their faces.

“Ha ha ha, that human brat, dare to block Wu Guangtian’s position, courting death ?!”

“That’s how the garbage of a Human Race compares with Wu Guangtian. Wu Guangtian opened 3 relics and held 3 blood crystals in his hand!”

“Hehe, maybe that human kid thinks he is better than Wu Guangtian! Is it funny?”

“Ha ha ha, joke …”

“, …”

Along with Wu Guangtian’s sarcasm, all around Martial Artists of all ethnic groups were suddenly attracted.

Especially the Wuwu Peak of the Wu people, and a group of Wu people, genius, almost had a stomachache when they laughed.


At the next moment, when Chu Yan turned his hand over and took out the second green relic spirit, the laughter of the audience came to an abrupt end!

The smile on everyone’s face instantly solidified, and every one of the spirits that glared at Chu Yan’s hand was stupid!

What … what happened! ?

That Human Race Chu Yan actually opened 2 relics in Ten Directions Divine Realm! ?

How can this be! ?

Disinclined to pay attention to those people, Chu Yan raised his hand and threw it, the green ball was thrown into the blood river, and a blood light shot again, and he was rewarded with a War Soul Stone again.

“Very good! Sure enough, a relic spirit can be exchanged for a War Soul Stone. In this case, I can at least change to 130 War Soul Stone!”

Chu Yan looked at the second War Soul Stone in his hand, and his heart was excited.

130 War Soul Stone, enough for a Divine Beast Martial Soul of Chu Yan, to advance to … War Soul!


The excited Chu Yan turned his hands again, and a relic spirit appeared, raising his hands and throwing them towards the blood river …

The appearance of the 3rd Relic Spirit suddenly changed everyone’s face at the same time, and his face changed at the same time, especially all the Wu people, and the whole face was dark and ugly.


It is green light flashed again, the 4th relic spirit appears, thrown into the river …

what! ?

4 Spirits of Ruins! ?

“No … impossible!” Wu Guangtian stood a few steps behind Chu Yan, his eyes popping out in shock.

He could not have imagined that the Human Race in front of him opened more relics than himself.

How can a subordinate Emperor Human Race Martial Artist have such strength! ?

Not only Wu Guangtian, but everyone in the audience, his eyes flickered at the same time.

“4… 4 pieces !?”

Host Elder looked at Chu Yan as if looking at a monster, shocked and announced.

The 4 relic spirits, which almost surpassed the overwhelming majority, were definitely among the top 20 among more than 5 young people of all ethnic groups participating in the festival.

At the beginning, Chu Yan was only eligible to participate in the festival, but now, he has stepped out of the top 10000000 of the 5 million races present.

Fools understand the gap between the two.

9 The direction of Supreme Sect, a group of Human Race gangsters, all eyes are violent, and even Ling Shuangtian, breathing has become heavy.

Relative to the tension of everyone present, Chu Yan’s face was still indifferent, turning his hands again and taking out the spirit of the remains.

Only this time, he took out 5 pieces at once!




5 green lights appeared, and a cold airing sound was heard …

Adding the previous 4 pieces, it means that Chu Yan opened 9 ruins.

What a joke! ?

When did the remains of Divine Race become a vegetable garden gate, so easy! ?

The young human race, Chu Yan, even opened 9 ruins and defeated 9 Antiquity Sacred Beast Remnant Soul!

In the direction of Human Race, there was a cheer and a wave of shock.

“Good boy, this surprise …”

On Ling Shuangtian’s face, the smile bloomed like a flower, didn’t expect, this time, Chu Yan actually brought him such a big surprise.

This time, in the current Ten Directions Divine Realm, Human Race suddenly became the most beautiful racial force.

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