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At this time, outside the black stone hall, all the big men, all of them are tense, even more tense than the young people comprehend inside.

Because, watching the black Emperor Soul Tree, 9 19 Emperor Soul Fruit is lit up, and the last one, but there is no movement.

Moreover, this card is a whole day, how can you not be anxious.

“What happened !? Why so long !?”

“Yes, the previous day was nearly ten Emperor Soul Fruits, but now, it’s all one day …”

“This Emperor Soul Fruit is completed, and the final result will be announced!”

“Whether it is Human Race or the Demi-God family can get the first !? This is 100,000 Di Jing.”

“Nonsense, of course the Demi-God family!”


Anxious, some gangsters started talking about forming groups, but their eyes were all looking towards the black stone gate, and they did not dare to relax.

After all, the 100,000 Di Jing’s game may not be a big deal for Ling Shuangtian and Jiang Yuchuan, but for them these Elderary Elder and the others are a lot of wealth.

Moreover, this matter is related to the honor and disgrace between the two races. Although the Human Race hopes to be extremely small, they often see Ling Shuangtian’s indifferent look, and they will have several points of expectation in their hearts.

That strength and cunning, the same famous Ling Shuangtian, how could it be handed over to Demi-God clan 100,000 Emperor Jing, I am afraid somewhat grasp it! ?

Although everyone didn’t believe it, they couldn’t calm down until the last step.

“Ling Pavilion Lord, I said that, don’t bet so big, it’s not enough to bet 50,000!”

Mu Feihuang’s eyebrows were lightly locked, and the uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger. Between Divine Consciousness sound transmission, there was obviously no more confidence.

“Isn’t it over yet? What are you panicking !? hmph!” Yuan Ba ​​snorted again, but with the same expression of grave expression.

“Oh, don’t be bored!” Ling Shuangtian smiled softly and replied.

“However, Chu Yan is alone, but he has to compete with the genius of the 100 Demi-God families, which is too difficult!” Mu Feihuang said with some concern.

“And this time, half of the Demi-God youths have reached Martial Emperor Realm!”

“You don’t know that the comprehend of the Emperor Soul Tree, Martial Emperor Realm cultivation base is more than twice as easy as the quasi-imperial rank.”

Hearing Mu Feihuang’s words, Ling Shuangtian still smiled indifferently, but just shook his head slightly, with no meaning at all.

Seeing Ling Shuangtian’s attitude, Mu Feihuang and Yuanba did not say much.

After all, they have reached the last moment, and, at the beginning, they fully trust Chu Yan’s innate talent.

A little time passed, black emperor soul tree and black stone gate, but nothing happened.

On the square, the expressions of the crowds became more and more tense.

Even his complacent, imagining, Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder, who was accounted for by 100,000 Emperor Jing in a moment, his face gradually tightened.

Above the square, I do not know when to start, a dignified atmosphere gradually diffused.

Half a day passed quickly.

Suddenly, in the middle of the black stone palace in the distance, a huge black Emperor Soul Tree, a black light, rose into the sky.

Boom … Rumble!

a Thunder exploded and suddenly rang, and the whole Emperor Soul Cave fiercely shuddered.

Ling Shuangtian, Jiang Yuchuan, Yuanba, Mu Feihuang and the general assembly replied, their faces started at the same time.

what’s the situation! ?

Looking up, I saw that the black stone palace not far away, like the waves of the black sea tide, rushed out, instantly flooding the entire black stone palace.

In the blink of an eye, the huge black stone temple, including the black emperor soul tree and all the young people sitting under the tree, was completely enveloped in the thick black fog.

Everyone’s eyes were glaring at the same time, looking all together.

Next, on the black stone gate that has been silent for ten days, the rays of light masterpiece flashes regularly as if the heart is beating.

At the same time, a silhouette came out of the dense black fog, and as his steps moved, the silhouette became clearer and clearer.

The appearance of this silhouette touched everyone’s mind at once.

Everyone’s heart suddenly mentioned the throat, countless eyes, and stared at Boss, motionless staring closely at the black stone gate, and the thick fog that rushed out of the stone gate.

Of course, the most important thing is, who is that black silhouette? ?

“Come out! Someone is out!”

“Look, look, the first genius who broke through the black stone palace, came out!”

“Awesome, in ten days, the black Emperor Soul Tree 100 Emperor Soul Fruit, all comprehend fusion, this speed …”

“Tianah! Too terrifying! Basically it is the speed of ten Emperor Soul Fruits per day, which is a full six days ahead of the original record of ten or six days!”

“New record! The new Heaven’s Chosen is finally born!”

“Who is it? Who is it !? One of the ten genius of the Demi-God family !?”

“Come out! Look at …”


With a burst of exclamation, the silhouette that came out of the thick black fog became clearer and clearer.

However, what confuses everyone is that even if the silhouette has already reached the black stone gate, it is still blurry and cannot be seen at all.

“Black … black robe !? How is it possible !?” someone exclaimed.

“Strange, isn’t the Demi-God clan’s disciples all golden robe with silver edges !? How can the color of the robes be black !?”

“No! No! It seems … It seems … It’s not from the Demi-God family!”


The appearance of that silhouette, not only did not make everyone wonder for a long time, but also got the answer, but on the contrary, it caused greater doubt in everyone’s mind.

“Not bad!”

Only Ling Shuangtian looked at the silhouette of the tall young man in the black stone gate, and the black robe that hunted and flew with the black aerosol, with a smile on his face, slightly nodded, and the nodded way.

“No loan !? What’s good !?”

Yuanba, Mu Feihuang, and Jiang Yuchuan asked at almost the same time.

Because, in this Emperor Soul Cave where Divine Consciousness cannot be performed, only naked eye, they can’t see clearly until now, who is that silhouette! ?

tread! tread! tread!

In front of the black stone gate, there was a slight pause, it seemed a bit hesitant, and finally, the silhouette was still strode towards the crowd in the square.

The crisp footsteps echoed in the Emperor Soul Cave Square, like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone’s heart at once, making everyone’s eyes trembling with his footsteps.

After walking for ten breaths, the silhouette finally came to the crowd.

At the same time, in the black stone palace, the natural phenomenon of the Emperor Soul Tree began to slowly dissipate, and the black dense fog that filled the entire square gradually dissipated.

Suddenly, he looked up at the silhouette, Jiang Yu Sect Great Elder’s face, with a pair of eyes, stared at Boss, the whole person was completely ashamed, as if he had seen a ghost, he asked directly.

“You … who are you !?”

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