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100,000 Emperor Jing was handed, 3 The big brother suddenly smiled and frowned, where he would be polite, took it, turned around and left.


Seeing the 3 saints, they took away their 100,000 Di Jing, talking and laughing all the way, and walked aside, divided into stolen goods, where you are 1000, and my 10000 Di Jing.

Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder, only felt an unnamed Karmic Fire, rushing out from within the body, the blood eyes in both eyes kept blooming, and the whole person was about to explode.

“I … I lost !?”

“My family 100 genius lost to a Chu Yan !?”

“My great Demi-God clan actually lost to such a weak Human Race !?”

A path of consciousness exploded in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Jiang Yuchuan’s Great Elder, just like a path of dull thunder, giving him a feeling of vomiting blood.

Credibility is preserved!

But now, the Demi-God clan actually lost to Human Race, and this returned to the clan, I am afraid that I have no face to see people.

“No! Never!”

a Shout, roaring in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, Jiang Yuchuan ’s eyes, red as wild beast, evil fiercely staring at the filthy laughter, the 3rd big brother, looked back again, the distance was already Appearing white Emperor Soul Tree …


Absolute shame!

Not only the shame on him, but also the shame on the entire Demi-God family, which can never be forgiven!


In an instant, in Jiang Yuchuan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, a thunderbolt exploded, Jiang Yuchuan stared at the blood-red eyes and strode away towards the 3rd big brother.

“I want to gamble with you again!”

With a thunderous thunder, there was a hint of dignity in the air, which shocked the 3 saint’s face at the same time.

“Uh … Jiang Great Elder, don’t be angry!”

Emperor Mu Fei first started, then squeezed out a smile, and persuaded

“The victory in this game was all due to a fluke. It may happen that Chu Yan’s cultivation technique is related to the black Emperor Soul Tree, so he can barely win!”

“What !? Cultivation technique is related to black Emperor Soul Tree !?” Jiang Yuchuan stared at him with a look of consternation.

No wonder …

These three guys must have known for a long time that Chu Yan’s cultivation technique matches the black Emperor Soul Tree, so he has to bet against himself.

People are the people of their Human Race, this Emperor Soul Cave is also the Smelting Trial Land of their Human Race …


Certainly not!

I seem to be calculated …

Looking at the smiles on the faces of Ling Shuangtian, Yuanba and Mu Feihuang, the anger and suffocation in Jiang Yuchuan’s heart grew stronger.

“Hmph! Anyway! This level, you must continue to gamble!”

Jiang Yuchuan has concluded that he was in the pit of these three guys, and they will be easily let go there.

“Moreover, the chips in this round have increased to 500,000 Di Jing!”

In a word, the whole square was suddenly dead!

500,000… Di Jing! ?

God ah! What is this concept! ?

This is equivalent to a small Sect, the wealth of the entire treasure trove!

Ling Shuangtian was also shocked, staring at Jiang Yuchuan, a little stunned!

How to bet increased by 5 times all at once! ?

“Hmph! Why !? Not dare !? I knew that you three guys, designed in advance, want to pit my Emperor Jing!”

When Jiang Yuchuan saw the three holy brothers, he didn’t say anything, and he immediately became more sure of the speculation in his heart, and he immediately turned face turned cold.

“I tell you that the gambling game was made by you. Since you want to gamble, impossible only gambles one game. All the remaining 9 games must be gambled! If you don’t agree … you are ready to bear the anger of my Demi-God clan!”

The words fell, and the emperor Jiang Yuchuan’s body changed from weak to strong, sweeping the audience instantly …

The sharp Emperor’s Breath lifted the wind and swept the entire Emperor Soul Cave Square.

“Jiang Great Elder, don’t be angry!”

Ling Shuangtian reacted first and hurriedly persuaded.

Now, this Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder seems to be really angry, even the Aura of Dewei is released.

Ling Shuangtian guessed that if he did not agree to him, I am afraid that this matter would be really bad …

“Since Jiang Great Elder is interested, then we will continue to gamble, but …” Ling Shuangtian said halfway, and suddenly stopped, looking at Jiang Great Elder, faint smile, a trace of hesitation on his face.

“But what !? Say …” Jiang Yuchuan aired.

“However, this 500,000 Di Jing is not a small number, and there are 9 innings in the back. If you continue to gamble, I am afraid that the chips will become higher and higher. In this way, I think, is it a Heavenly Dao oath, compare Okay? “Ling Shuangtian said with a smile.

“Heavenly Dao vow !?” Jiang Yuchuan started.

It wasn’t that Jiang Yuchuan was afraid of taking the Heavenly Dao vow, but suddenly, seeing Ling Shuangtian gave him an unreal feeling if he simply agreed to his request.

Originally, according to his guess, the three sages would somehow be pushed away. After bargaining, they set new chips and then bet against themselves.

But now, in the face of the 500,000 Emperor Jing proposed by him, Ling Shuangtian did not bargain at all, and he directly agreed to come down and take the Heavenly Dao vow! ?

500,000 Di Jing, the total accumulation of a small Sect, even if it is as strong as the 9 Holy Sect 3 Sect Sect, I am afraid it is definitely not a small sum.

How could it be so simple! ?

Suddenly, Jiang Yuchuan flashed a sense of trance in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, looking at the faint smile on Ling Shuangtian’s face, and frowned gently.

Just now, did you feel a little impulsive! ?

While Sea of ​​Consciousness flashed this consciousness, Ling Shuangtian, Yuanba, and Mu Feihuang didn’t wait for Jiang Yuchuan to react. The three turned the hand seal at the same time and began to make the Heavenly Dao vow.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

3 dull thunders sounded, echoing the entire underground Emperor Soul Cave, Jiang Yuchuan’s face was dull, and his eyes were lost again …

“You … you are so fast !?” murmured, Jiang Yuchuan’s heart suddenly raised an unknown hunch.

However, the Heavenly Dao vow of 3 people from Ling Shuangtian has been made!

“Jiang Great Elder, we are all done according to your requirements ah!” Emperor Mu Fei’s face suddenly closed, squeezing his face bitterly, looked towards Jiang Yuchuan Road.

“It’s ah! We are Human Race, we have a small force, and the Demi-God clan Jiang Elder’s request, we dare not obey ah!” Yuanba also opened the mouth and said “even if it is the loss of our 3 Saint Sect’s All Sect wealth cannot offend your Demi-God clan, does it? “

“Jiang Great Elder, the three of us Heavenly Dao have vowed, you see …” Ling Shuangtian finished, raised his finger to all around, and said

“All these Elders are watching you!”

In a word, Jiang Yuchuan felt more and more disturbed in his heart. He turned his head to look at the cloud. Sure enough, he had four directions in all directions, a few hundred pairs of eyes, all looked straight towards himself, and all expressions were extremely complicated.

This time, Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder, finally understood, what is the arrow on the string, had to send! What is if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off!

“Okay! Stand up!”

On Jiang Yuchuan’s face, he pretended to be a devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, but his heart was sour and uneasy. Now the hand seal turned, and he began to take the Heavenly Dao vow.

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