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One stone caused 1000 waves, and Jiang Yuchuan’s words, like a stone thrown into the lake, caused the originally silent scene to boil instantly.

“It is worthy of the Great Elder of the Demi-God family, which was expected a long time ago!”

“I’ll say it. How could a kid of Human Race compare to the genius of the Demi-God family!”

“It’s not bad! It’s reasonable to say that Human Race, no matter if it’s a resource or an experience, how can it be comparable to the Demi-God family!”

“That is, on cultivation base, on foundation, on innate talent, that point is the strength of the Demi-God family!”

“It makes sense! That human brat, the cultivation base is only under the quasi-imperial rank. In the simplest first test, maybe there is still some strength. When it comes to the second test to increase the difficulty, when the strength is no longer enough, after all, the cultivation base is too weak!”

“Yes, exactly!”


After listening to Jiang Yuchuan’s words, not only the Demi-God clan, but even some Elders in the 9 Sects, they were slightly nodded and thought about it.

“Did Chu Yan really have a problem !?”

Yuan Ba ​​and Mu Feihuang stared at each other, and at the same time there was a hint of worry in the eyes of two people, and then turned their heads together, looked towards Ling Shuangtian.

However, it was found that Ling Shuangtian’s whisper about all around was completely ignored, as if he hadn’t heard it at all, and his face was still indifferent and chuckle.

“Ling Pavilion Lord, look …”

Seeing Ling Shuangtian’s expression, Yuanba and Mu Feihuang finally became unable to bear and asked tentatively.

“No hurry! No hurry! It’s too early …” Ling Shuangtian hooked the head, said with a smile.

Still … early! ?

What do you mean! ?

After listening to Ling Shuangtian’s answer, Yuan Ba ​​and Mu Feihuang, confused, couldn’t quite understand what Ling Shuangtian was saying.

However, there is one thing, they are very clear.

Before, Chu Yan went through the first test, not at all went directly to the second test, but went to the square, found Ling Shuangtian, and asked about comprehend and integration.

These two people have been chatting for almost a day …

Yuan Ba ​​and Emperor Mu Fei, although they do not know what they talked about, but they can be sure, at this time, this square, the one who knows the situation of Chu Yan best is definitely … Ling Shuangtian!

Therefore, seeing that Ling Shuangtian was still indifferent, Yuan Ba ​​and Emperor Mu Fei were also slightly relaxed, and no longer questioned, turned to look towards the white Emperor Soul Tree in the distance.

The situation hasn’t changed yet, the white Emperor’s Soul Fruit stopped at 8th 3th 1, no more!

“In the end what happened!?”

In all people’s hearts, all were full of doubts. Unfortunately, this Emperor Soul Tree could not communicate with the outside world, so he could only wait anxiously.


At this time, second test, under the white emperor soul tree.

Different from the beginning, as more young people of all ethnicities rushed through the first test and entered the second test, more and more young genius gathered under the white emperor soul tree.

Although nearly 500 of the 40 young people were eliminated in the first test, there are still more than 200 people who are still in the first test.

However, the number of young genius who have broken into the second test has now reached nearly 100.

Most of these people are Demi-God young people, and the remaining few are the genius of Human Race 9 Supreme Sect.

When they found out, Chu Yan was the first youth to arrive under the white Emperor Soul Tree, and suddenly caused some young people with other useful people to begin begin to stir.

Among them, it includes a part of Ling Yunge’s discipline.

This time the Emperor Soul Cave opened. Among the young people of all ethnic groups who came to participate, in addition to the largest number of Demi-God clansman, Lingyun Pavilion has a large number of disciplines.

The Demi-God clan came with 100 disciplines, and the remaining 400 places were all 9 Sects, while Lingyun Pavilion accounted for nearly 80 people.

Unlike Chu Yan who first arrived at Lingyun Pavilion, Xiao Wenliang has been in Lingyun Pavilion cultivation since he stepped into Martial Dao. Later, he was supported by Supreme Elder after breaking through the emperor realm. sun at high noon.

Therefore, when Xiao Wenliang crossed the first test and appeared at the moment of the second test, he saw Chu Yan sitting under the tree.

After a stormy sea-like shock, Xiao Wenliang almost crushed his mouth and teeth, and his eyes were so red that he could bleed.

How did he didn’t expect, Chu Yan not only was not eliminated in the first test, but also left him far behind.

Moreover, although Xiao Wenliang did not know when Chu Yan had passed the first test, but what is certain is that the position of Chu Yan sitting under the tree is at least ten.

But he himself is the 50th person who reached the second test.

Between the two, the difference is nearly 2 times!

Moreover, Xiao Wenliang knew in his heart that the greater the distance, the greater the endless enlargement, so large that he could never catch up.

“No! Never allow Chu Yan to surpass me!”

Bloody Xiao Wenliang, his entire face twisted, staring at the bloodshot eyes, fiercely staring at Chu Yan, all the vicious strategies, constantly flashing in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Stop him! Must stop him!”

The roar in my heart, like a kind of curse, made Xiao Wenliang, who was not calm, more and more impulsive.

In less than ten breaths, Xiao Wenliang was completely crazy!

“You guys, give me a start! Get rid of that Chu Yan …”

Divine Consciousness sound transmission with anger spread under the white Emperor Soul Tree, Xiao Wenliang has lost his understanding, and directly ordered to several Lingyun Pavilion’s recipes.

“Yes, Senior Brother!”

“Okay, get rid of him!”

“Xiao Senior Brother, rest assured!”


Receiving Xiao Wenliang’s Divine Consciousness sound transmission, several young people wearing purple robe rusted with gold wire clouds, standing up, with the sight of killing intent, fell together on Chu Yan who was closest to the tree.

Lingyun purple robe, this is Lingyun Pavilion, the symbol of Inner Sect disciple!

Looking at the Lingyun purple robe who stood up, their robe collars are all Phnom Penh, obviously not the Inner Sect disciple of ordinary.

Phnom Penh Lingyun purple robe’s identity is Lingner Pavilion Inner Sect, Lingxiao Pavilion!

In the Lingxia Pavilion, a group of cream of the crop in the Inner Sect disciple of Lingyun Pavilion was gathered. It is said that it is the disciplinary of innate talent and strongest strength in the Inner Sect disciple.

The Pavilion Lord of the Lingxiao Pavilion is the Supreme Elder Yan 10000 sea, and the Grand Senior Brother of the pavilion is … Xiao Wenliang!

Therefore, Xiao Wenliang didn’t need to do it himself, as long as he ordered, several elite disciple of Lingxiao Pavilion grinned and moved towards Chu Yan.

As for the identity of Chu Yan, those who have experienced the Sect conference are of course clear.

However, in Lingyun Pavilion, their interests were completely tied up with Xiao Wenliang. When someone threatened Xiao Wenliang, it was equal to threatening them.

There has always been only one way to deal with this threat, that is … kill!

“Chu Yan, your Emperor Soul Cave trial is over!”

A Lingyun purple robe disciple walked in front of Chu Yan with a laugh on his face and opened the mouth and said in a deep voice.

“En !?”

Brows slightly wrinkle, Chu Yan slowly eyes opened, looked towards the young man standing in front of him.

Just glanced at his eyes, Chu Yan found that Xiao Wenliang in the distance was looking at himself with pride, and in the crowd, several disciples wearing Lingyun’s purple robe were encircling themselves from several directions.

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