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Chapter 1835

At this time, sitting under the 8th Guandi Soul Tree, Chu Yan brows tightly frowns, his face dignified.

It has been 8th times …

As soon as Divine Consciousness comes into contact with the Silver Emperor Soul Tree, they will all collapse without any trace of residue.

Chu Yan didn’t expect at all. In the previous 7th level, he only used 5 days to complete comprehend 100 Emperor Soul Fruit.

Because the breakthrough just reached the 5th Layer of the median level, regardless of cultivation base or Divine Consciousness, all skyrocketed.

So, through level 7, effortless.

But when it comes to the 8th level, it will be difficult to achieve this. Even Divine Consciousness cannot touch the Emperor Soul tree body.

“It seems that the rumor is true!”

Chu Yan withdrew Divine Consciousness and re-condensed, secretly said in one’s heart “The 8th pass is the last pass of all trialist in Emperor Soul Cave!”

“Whether it is cultivation base, innate talent, strength, etc., at this level, all meaningless!”

“But what do you need …”

Brows tightly frowns, Chu Yan thought hard, while trying to cover Divine Consciousness to the nearest Emperor Soul Fruit, comprehend and fusion.

Sure enough, the same as Emperor Soul Tree … extremely difficult!

In the 7th level of the Emperor Soul Fruit, after merging the Emperor Soul Tree, each Emperor Soul Fruit takes only one hour or so to comprehend fusion.

But this 8th pass, I am afraid there is no time for a few days, don’t even think about one!

“On the way, I heard from Lingyun Pavilion 8 Elder that even the current 9 Sect Masters of the 9 Supreme Sects have reached these 8 levels, so they have nowhere to go.”

“Only Pavilion Lord Ling Ling Pavilion, Ling Shuangtian, has reached the 9th level! Moreover, in the past 10000 years, only one has reached the Human Race genius of the 9th level.”

“Unfortunately, I should have consulted you just now!”

At the 7th level of breakthrough, Chu Yan originally wanted to stay in the square for the same time as before and ask Ling Shuangtian for his experience and insights about Emperor Soul Cave.

However, a group of big brothers in that square, especially Jiang Yuchuan, almost wanted to eat people’s eyes, making Chu Yan give up the original plan.

But it’s didn’t expect, 8th pass, so special …

“If the 8th pass is difficult, this is the case. According to the saying that one pass is more difficult than one pass in the Emperor Soul Cave, then the 9th pass, is there no hope of not passing at all !?”

In constant contemplation, Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, and the battle intent in his heart kept rising …

“Oh, okay! Maybe this is more interesting!”

Since Chu Yan stepped into Martial Dao, that time was not heaven defying. He walked on the edge of life and death and grew up in difficulties.

Therefore, Chu Yan is different from ordinary Martial Artist. The more difficult it is, the more battle intent will be!

“Come back!”

shouted in a low voice, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness is like a tide, constantly gathering and condensing in the Sea of ​​Consciousness …


When Divine Consciousness gathered to double the previous time, Chu Yan True Qi attracted and fiercely covered the emperor soul tree in front of him.

“The ninth time, must succeed!”

Boom … Rumble!

It didn’t even wait for Chu Yan to react. When his Divine Consciousness was in contact with the Emperor Soul Tree for the 9th time, a vast force rushed out of the Emperor Soul Tree.

Taking Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness as a guide, the powerful power of the Emperor Soul Tree, like the tide, back into Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“what’s the situation!?”

Chu Yan was shocked by the sudden mutation, Chu Yan shouted.

You know, in the first 7 levels, there has never been such a situation where the Emperor Soul Tree proactively issued counterattack power, and suddenly Chu Yan was completely unprepared and surprised.

Buzz …! Buzz …! Buzz …

Emperor Soul Tree poured into the power of Chu Yan within the body, powerful but not violent, more like a trickle, flowing through Chu Yan’s whole body meridian.

This feeling is exactly the same as before when Chu Yan was in Lingyun’s great hall. When the 3 saints used Divine Consciousness to investigate Chu Yan, they were exactly the same.

“This Emperor Soul Tree actually probed my bloodline !?” Chu Yan startled.

However, Chu Yan is not worried, because the power of this silver emperor tree, not at all impacts the Sea of ​​Consciousness, mainly aimed at his meridian blood, and it seems that he is conducting bloodline verification.

After a while, the power of Emperor Soul Tree flowed out gently and returned to Emperor Soul Tree, leaving only a bit of residue.

“Passed !?”

Chu Yan suddenly felt that he had a special connection with the Emperor Soul Tree in front of him.

And the remnant of the Emperor Soul Tree that stays within the body is the key to connecting this connection.

However, what made Chu Yan’s expression tight was that the remnant of the Emperor Soul Tree was slowly dissipating.

“Isn’t it !? And … time limit !?”

Chu Yan was speechless, didn’t expect, this 8th Guandi Soul Tree, not only verified the Human Race bloodline, but also limited the time for comprehend to integrate the Emperor Soul Tree.

“7 days!?”

After taking a closer look, Chu Yan found that according to the remaining time of the Emperor Soul Tree remaining within the body, the dissipation time was almost exactly 7 days.

At this time, according to the previous comprehend speed, ordinary genius is simply not enough. Even half of the Emperor Soul Fruit may not be enough.

However, for Chu Yan, it is completely different.

“Oh, it should be almost …”

Chu Yan smiled gently, no longer wasting time, recondensed Divine Consciousness, moved towards Emperor Soul Tree.

Sure enough, with this trace of remnant connection, Silver Emperor Soul Tree has no resistance to Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, and allows Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness to be integrated into the tree body.

Next, Chu Yan was completely absorbed in comprehend and cultivation, and at the same time, carefully observed the time when the fragments disappeared.

After 6 days, Chu Yan crossed the 8th level and entered the 9th level.

When the silhouette of Chu Yan appeared on the Emperor Soul Square, more then 100 gangsters, his eyes were green.

10000 years!

Human Race finally has a peerless genius!

After Ling Shuangtian, the 9th level of Emperor Soul Cave, a tall silhouette appeared again.

Jiang Yuchuan and Ling Shuangtian stood side by side. Unlike the other people’s horrified expression, the two people’s faces were unsurprised and indifferent.

Ling Shuangtian has always trusted Chu Yan’s performance.

Although Jiang Yuchuan did not know Chu Yan, he knew Ling Shuangtian …

After the end of the serial gambling game, Jiang Yuchuan understood that Ling Shuangtian took the risk of being big and gambled with himself. The ultimate goal was to “Heavenly Sword 9 Peak”.

The Heavenly Sword 9 peak token, Ling Shuangtian can’t use it, only for Chu Yan.

As the leader of the 9 Supreme Sects, Ling Shuangtian did that for Chu Yan. If Jiang Yuchuan didn’t understand it, Ling Shuangtian valued Chu Yan, then he lived 10000 years in vain.

Therefore, in the face of the silhouette of Chu Yan going to the 9th stone gate, Jiang Yuchuan did not at all have too many accidents.

After all, Chu Yan is the presence of Qi Yue who defeated one of the ten genius of the Demi-God family.

“Ling Pavilion Lord, this Chu Yan, is your new direct disciple !?” Jiang Yuchuan said with a smile.

“Good! Fairy demon flying to the stage, he made 2nd place …” Ling Shuangtian smiled.

“2nd place !?”

Hearing Ling Shuangtian ’s words, Jiang Yuchuan ’s face started, his eyes turned, and he said, “putting it that way, 1st place, you were also included in Lingyun Pavilion !?”

“Ha ha ha, interesting to say, 1st place Chang Tianhe, is now a follower of Chu Yan!” Ling Shuang Heavenly Dao.

“Wh … what !?” Jiang Yuchuan’s eyes widened, his face full of surprise. “There is such a thing …”

“However, Ling Pavilion Lord, this Azure Dragon World domain, compared to the outer domain continent, like the difference between a pond and a vast ocean, Chu Yan this Flood Dragon, I am afraid …”

“Oh, Jiang Great Elder, I know what you want to say !? But …”

Ling Shuangtian turned around, facing Jiang Yuchuan, with a smile on his face, and a solemn expression on his face, saying, “It ’s not that I underestimate the Demi-God clan. With my observation of Chu Yan, this child, I ’m afraid it ’s the future. I ’m afraid even Ten Directions Star Domain ca n’t fit him. ”

“What !? This …” Jiang Yuchuan was shocked.

If someone else said this, Jiang Yuchuan would spit it out, but Ling Shuangtian was different. Especially in the case of Chu Yan, he saw it with his own eyes.

That was even Qi Yue, who was crushed by him.

Speaking of which is easy for this matter, but Jiang Yuchuan knows clearly that the entire foreign domain continent can do it, I am afraid there are not more than 100 people!

After all, Qi Yue is also a continent in the outer realm. Among the ten racial forces, among the dozens of 100000000 million young genius, the well-know figure that stands out!

It’s not who, it can be crushed by rolling.

After all, the strength and resources of the Demi-God family are there, without heaven defying aptitude, simply impossible!

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