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It turned out that the Sword Intent assessment was also required for the various ethnic disciplines of Heavenly Sword 9.

Following that Deacon, Chu Yan walked to a great hall gate, where a registration desk was placed, followed by an elder derby wearing an ordinary Elder robe.

Chu Yan came, and the Elder just looked up and swept the token in Chu Yan’s hand. When he saw the Demi-God family’s discipline, the smile on his face was full, and a look of disdain appeared. .

“Report the name and race!”

Impatiently speaking, registering Elder didn’t even look at Chu Yan.

Originally, the Hmong was a racial force affiliated with the Witch, and the Demi-God and Witch have never dealt with it, so this registered Elder naturally has to find a way out for Chu Yan’s emergence.

“Human Race, Chu Yan!”

Chu Yan’s mouth was light, with a smile on his face, and shouted.

“Oh, Human Race, Chu … Huh !? What !? Human Race !?”

The registered Elder, who just wanted to record, wrote half of it, and suddenly woke up with a pair of eyes like a ghost, looking at Chu Yan.

“You … you are that Chu Yan !?”

The elder’s abnormal performance suddenly caused all around, and many eyes looked in unison.

Chu Yan! ?

Human Race Chu Yan! ?

Human Race simply is not eligible to enter the Heavenly Sword 9 peak, and between Human Race and the Matriarch, it is a great enemy …

This guy dare to come alone, and it seems to be called … Chu Yan! ?

“You … you are Lingyun Pavilion … Chu Yan !?”

After registering with Elder, he looked at Chu Yan in amazement. His head was dazed. He couldn’t react at all and asked again.

“Good! I am … Chu Yan!”

Chu Yan chuckled lightly, leaving Yun Dan with a clear face, but in the enemy’s nest, it seemed to be a walk in the court.

This sentence fell to the ground, just like a thunder, suddenly all around everyone, complexion greatly changed, and even some other races, the genius who are being evaluated, all turned their heads together, looking full of shock.

“Chu Yan! Isn’t it !?”

“He … how dare he come here !? Is this too crazy !?”

“Fuck, isn’t this guy rewarded by my Saint Race !? Or is it the felony of the ranked 1st reward list, dare to come to Heavenly Sword 9 and courting death is coming !?”


Hearing the exclamation of all around, Chu Yan’s face, instead showed a playful smile, looked towards the elder elder in front of him, raised the token in his hand, and asked

“You see clearly, this is the token of the Demi-God clan! You Ming clan is here in the Heavenly Sword 9 sword, but it is just a watchdog. Are you qualified to block the Demi-God clan token !?”


Registered Elder’s eyes twitched and looked at Chu Yan, his face flushed red, and he didn’t know how to answer.

Chu Yan’s words are ugly, but they are true!

They are only responsible for guarding and maintaining the order of Heavenly Sword 9 peaks in exchange for an additional qualification that allows young people in their own families to come to Heavenly Sword 9 for trial.

In this regard, still rely on the face of Wu clan rewards.

To put it nicely, it is the manager of Heavenly Sword 9 Peak. It’s awkward, it’s really a group of people looking at the door.

And this Chu Yan, holding the Demi-God family token, the identity at this time, needless to say, of course represents the Demi-God family.

If you start to deal with him now, it is tantamount to disrespecting the Demi-God clan. This charge is not a little Elder he can afford.

The Demi-God clan is one of the top ten races in the Outer Realm, and it is definitely not comparable to the Wing clan vassal.

“You … you wait for me!”

The registered Elder, who was full of lose one’s head out of fear, took out a piece of Jade Talisman from his arms, a message, and immediately shot out.

shua! shua! shua!

Almost at the moment when his message came out, in the distant building complex, a path of aura powerful silhouette, like lightning, flew by.

There are ten elders of the Netherworld, aura is like a rainbow, passing by in the sky, and the powerful aura swept out, pulling a large gang of wind to cross the border.

Tom thump!

Ten elders, Elder, landed heavily and smashed the entire square, slightly trembled.

Ten pairs of eyes stared at Chu Yan together, as if he had seen a ghost, and his face was incredible.

“Is it Chu Yan?”

“Looks like it !? black robe long sword, about the same age!”

“Yes! That’s right, it’s Chu Yan, I’ve seen …”

In just a few breaths, ten elders, Elder, immediately confirmed Chu Yan’s identity.

After all, even if they wanted to break their heads, they couldn’t understand why Chu Yan dared to run here to die.

Therefore, every time I saw Chu Yan’s elder elder, the first reaction was that someone was impersonating …

However, after the elder who really saw Chu Yan spoke, all the dermal Elder’s faces appeared a smile.

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, crazy enough! Arrogant enough!”

“Heaven Hall has a way, you don’t go, there is no hell, you have to break through! You don’t look at it, where is this! How dare you come to courting death!”

The headed Elder laughed loudly, and looked at Chu Yan’s eyes, as if he saw the countless rewards of Saint Race, and would soon fall into his own hands.

Originally, he thought that the person who registered Elder had his brain kicked by a donkey, and he saw the wrong person and so on.

But now, the result is that Chu Yan really came!

At this moment, all the elders present in the scene, Elder, were all excited.

For the Chu Yan in front of him, that is the dead enemy of the Ming Clan, and even the Wu Clan, they have come up with astronomical figures, and they want this kid’s head.

Originally, Chu Yan was hiding in the Azure Dragon World domain, they are not easy to get started, now, they send themselves to the door, there will still be polite with him.

This is an absolute good opportunity!


At this moment, the void burst, a Transmission Passage, suddenly opened, an old man in heavy armor, holding a long blade, with two young men and a woman, stepped out of the void crack, with a violent Di Wei , Swept the audience.

The few elders of Elder’s face were startled and saluted as soon as they saw them.

“Pay respects to Great Elder! Pay respects to Holy Son, Saintess!”

“Pay respects to Great Elder! Pay respects to Holy Son, Saintess!”


A group of elders, Elder, met with two old men and a man and a woman, with respectful attitude!

“En !? Great Elder !? Holy Son Saintess !?”

Chu Yan’s face started, looked away, and his eyes fell on the two young men and women. I saw that the woman had a beautiful appearance, her eyes were red, and her eyes were red as blood, and the man, with the same eyes of blood, was just in the middle of the forehead , Born a Spirit Seal.

“So quickly, the new Holy Son Saintess was selected !?” Chu Yan chuckled.

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, everyone in the audience was stunned, and then everyone’s eyes burst into anger at the same time.

Dare to say this guy! ?

The original Holy Son Saintess of the Ming tribe is very likely to be done by you Chu Yan!


The Great Elder of the Ming tribe has eyes like ice, and his face is blue, looking at Chu Yan, his eyes are constantly flashing, he ponders for a long time, and finally opened the mouth and said

“Chu Yan! Get me lost immediately! This is not where you can come!”

In a word, the elders of all around, Elder, were all stunned …

what’s the situation! ?

Listening to the meaning of Great Elder is to let Chu Yan leave! ?

“Great Elder, no …”

An elder of the Hades, who just wanted to dissuade, Great Elder turned his head suddenly, his eyes widened, and he broke his words, saying

“To shut up!”

Then, Great Elder Divine Consciousness sound transmission

“This Chu Yan, now holding the Demi-God family token, we can’t move him here at Heavenly Sword 9! As long as he is away from the range of Opening Heaven Sword 9, we will kill him! Understand !?”

Receiving the sound transmission from Great Elder, a group of elders, the elders, all came together.

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