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For the reaction of Guo Tian City, all the people present were a little dumbfounded.

In fact, the master of this Sword Mark, during the Antiquity period, was the enemy of 6 Divine Sect, and 6 Divine Sect was also because of a war that annihilated the demonic path Sect, and then it rose from continent in the foreign domain.

Therefore, when Chu Yan commented on this Sword Mark and gave a poor and very bad evaluation, it was in line with Guo Tian City’s intention and naturally gave a high evaluation.

Originally, Guo Tian City was a Sect fanatic. The purpose of selecting this Sword Mark was to remind everyone of the glorious record of 6 Divine Sect.

Guo Tian City certainly didn’t like Chu Yan, but it did not hinder his approval of some of Chu Yan’s comments.

“Play a!”

The 2 Martial Emperor of 6 Divine Sect, who also smiled proudly, looked at Chu Yan nodded and announced immediately

The moment Chu Yan turned around, the 3rd piece of red cloth was picked up, and Sword Mark emerged.

Call … Call … Call …!

The ice crystal Sword Mark, as soon as it appeared, immediately blew a cold wind, ice crystal snowflakes, swept out.

Just in the blink of an eye, the temperature plummeted in front of the entire stone wall. The Sword Intent was like ice, like a crystal line, with a bone coldness, directed at Chu Yan.

“Vermilion Bird !”

Chu Yan stood up, Motionless As Mountains, let out a low cry, with the body Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire broke out in an instant, blocked in front of Chu Yan, and melted all the oncoming frost and cold air.

“This sword is mediocre! Sword Dao is authentic Dadao. Why use the ice attribute cultivation technique to enhance the power of Sword Intent !? Superfluous … Really superfluous …”

Chu Yan was disappointed, shook his head, waved his hand, and motioned to start the Formation.

Two Martial Emperor hearing this, looked towards Guo Tian City in the distance. After seeing the other party’s nodded, they turned the hand seal and opened the Lingzhen prohibition.

Suddenly, Binghan Sword Intent, like a north wind, rolled a path of Bingjing Sword Qi, waving anime sky snowflakes, rushing the audience.

The Martial Artist present only felt a sigh of cold air, rushing towards him, his body shuddered and twitched.

Some cultivation bases were low, and were invaded by the cold brought by the Sword Intent into the body. They suddenly froze all over with stiffness, straight lips, and pale faces.

“Extra !? Senior Brother Chu Yan, please!”

Among the crowd, a sword repairer, the same cultivation of the ice Sword Dao, heard Chu Yan’s words, he was stunned, and quickly opened his mouth to ask for advice.

“The way of Five Elements, the spirit of Heaven and Earth from the source, is integrated into the body with the help of cultivation technique. The powerhouse can wave hands and move mountains and break through the river, but after all, it is the source of Heaven and Earth. In the final analysis, it is It ’s just by force. “

“But Sword Dao is different, the body and soul are blended, Heavenly Sword is united, and the strength of the world is wiped out. Why do you need to use external force !? If you forcefully use the Five Elements way to blend in with it, the final result cannot be produced. Superimposing formidable power will make people confused, forget the power of Sword Dao itself, and chase the power of Five Elements! “

“This is by no means true … Sword Dao!”


The sword repairer, who heard Chu Yan’s words, seemed to be caught by Overhead Bang, and the whole person instantly stood still and lost his eyes.

“Good! Senior Brother Chu Yan makes sense!”

“It seems that the way of Sword Dao and Five Elements itself is originally two completely different forces …”

“The essential difference between cultivating the Tao with swords and entering the Tao with martial arts!”

“That is of course, True Qi is the spirit of the heavenly spirit, and Sword Dao Sword Intent, but from the heart, the two are of course different …”

“However, the power of True Qi can help the power of long sword, but it is also a way to improve the strength of the battle!”

“Wrong! Big mistake! Sword Dao has no limits, it is better to concentrate on cultivation, and constantly improve the power of Sword Intent, it is the fundamental.”

“It makes sense! It makes sense!”


Chu Yan’s remarks immediately caused a heated discussion in the scene with a large group of swords, Martial Cultivator.

The atmosphere at the scene instantly became warmer. Although there were differences in the ways, all the exchanges were rewarding.

Next, Chu Yan faced the remaining Sword Mark and commented one by one, completely seeing the Sword Art essence in it …

Black robe long sword, in the light of laughter, Sword Qi in the sky is excited, but Chu Yan is completely unaffected, constantly commenting.

At this moment, Chu Yan standing in front of the stone wall is like a mountain.

Even if 10000 1000 sharpened and added body, he could not shake his body at all.

Over time, all the genius present, looking towards Chu Yan’s eyes, began to change!

In a blink of an eye, 6 Sword Marks have passed.

If you change to other people, you will definitely be hit by these Sword Mark Sword Intents, but you will see Chu Yan, her face is not changed, aura is deep, and even a trace of True Qi is not used, so all Sword Marks are resolved.

“Okay! Okay! Okay! The person chosen by the Demi-God clan Great Elder, Chu Yan, really opened our eyes. Among the sword repairs in this audience, I am afraid that it is Chu Yan’s Sword Dao cultivation base. ! “

Among the crowd, Mo Wenjun had bloodshot eyes, looked at Chu Yan, and glanced at the throne again. Like other sword repairs, Guo Tian City, immersed in Sword Dao comprehend, flashed a haze in his eyes and directly exited loudly. Road.

This sentence fell to the ground, attracting all the swords to be nodded, but Guo Tian City above the main position was suddenly stunned, and a fine mans broke out in his eyes.

When he looked towards Chu Yan again, there was a very ruthless color, which burst out in an instant.

“Okay! Sure enough it opened our eyes! Then … halfway through the ten Sword Marks, next, the Spirit Formation Formation was removed, and everyone and Brother Chu Yan commented together. Next a!”

Guo Tian City shouted again, looked towards the two Martial Emperor in front of the stone wall, and at the same time, a Divine Consciousness sound transmission, crossed the void and fell into the ears of the two Martial Emperor.

Figure it out!

I am the master of this sword-fighting theory, and with his own Sword Dao innate talent, Guo Tian City has recognized Sword Dao cultivation base for ten years, and dare to recognize the second, no one dare to say the first One!

But now, after a Sword Dao meeting, that Chu Yan actually got the limelight.

This is by no means Guo Tian City, willing to see.

Therefore, Guo Tian City, who had already prepared, ordered the Martial Emperor Elder secretly while ordering the removal of the Spirit Formation.

In this way, the “surprise” of a Sword Mark will definitely be immediately, let everyone see, Chu Yan’s embarrassed state.

When the time comes, look at who else dares to say that the Sword Dao strongest present is Chu Yan!


After receiving Guo Tian City’s Divine Consciousness sound transmission, two Martial Emperor complexion changed, surprised looking towards Guo Tian City, seeing the other party’s nodded, and immediately responded.

All Jianxiu Genius present at the scene heard face of Guo Tian City.

It seems that Guo Tian City is a little angry, I’m afraid it’s a Sword Mark, not simple.

Now that the Formation of the Spirit Array is gone, when Sword Mark is publicized, all the people present have lost their buffers and can only deal with it with their own strength.

A Martial Artist, who urged Qi Qi body protection together, looked nervously at 2 Martial Emperor Elder, crossed 2 red cloths, and walked directly to the 9th red cloth.

Oh la la !

There are more than 2 red cloths, the 9th red cloth is pulled away directly ….

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