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These jade stones on the sword base are engraved with densely packed Spirit Mark. Each jade stone is different.

Chu Yan’s eyes flickered and stared for a long time, his heart moved.

Since it is not possible to directly induce the 8 Antiquity Spirit Armaments, you can only start with these jade stones.

After all, compared to other ordinary Spirit Swords, these 8 handles of Antiquity Spirit Armament are the most prominent of these jade stones.

“The spirit of Five Elements, melt!”

shouted in a low voice, Sea of ​​Consciousness Saint Spirit Mark devours the energy of a Five Elements and instantly bursts a powerful tide of Divine Consciousness.

Divine Consciousness gushes out, instantly enveloping the jade stones of 8 seats, and Chu Yan’s mind is quickly silent.

Divine Consciousness is divided into 8 and at the same time it senses 8 seat plates jade stone.

At this time, no accidents were encountered. With the immersion of Divine Consciousness by Chu Yan, the Spirit Mark pattern on the jade stone of 8 seats appeared continuously in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Chu Yan.

8 Pairs of Lingtu, each with a charm …

Some swords draw star charts, some Sword Qi is born with evil spirits, some cuts the sun to kill the moon, and some live tears …

8 handle Antiquity Spirit Armament, 8 kinds of Sword Intent, completely different!

“This first Antiquity Spirit Armament, Spirit Mark is bloody, demon qi is surging, there are too many creatures slaughtered, there have been breeding demons, the sword falls into the abyss, I am afraid it will be hard to wash …”

Chu Yan’s mind penetrated deeply and immersed in Panyu Spirit Mark. He continuously comprehend 8 kinds of Spirit Mark patterns, deducing the origin of Sword Intent.

Time lapse, slowly passing by …

An hour passed, Chu Yan was immersed in it, and had a deep feeling.

“En!? This is …”

After 3 hours, the pattern of Antiquity Spirit Sword in Chu Yan ’s Sea of ​​Consciousness turned into a set of Sword Art secret skill.

“Clean Sword Art!”

“Yuehui Sword Manual!”

“Fire Cloud Sword Art!”

One after another, the Spirit Sword pattern continues to evolve, and Chu Yan Divine Consciousness is in full swing. According to this Sword Art secret skill, comprehend cultivation continues …

After another 3 hours, Chu Yan completed the cultivation of 3 sets of Sword Art from comprehend.

So, True Qi turned the sword, Divine Consciousness condensed, according to each set of Sword Art, wrapped different Sword Intent with Divine Consciousness, and once again flocked to the 3 handles Antiquity Spirit Armament.

Weng! weng! weng!

3 Divine Consciousness of different Sword Intent, penetrate through, and tremble slightly in the handle Antiquity Spirit Sword.

“Yi !? It seems …”

Seeing that his Divine Consciousness entered the 3 Antiquity Spirit Armament, Chu Yan looked very happy …

However, without waiting for him to react, the 3 Antiquity Spirit Sword rioted again.

The outbreak of this time, the power is even stronger than the last time, the power of terror rushed out, and Chu Yan’s 3 Divine Consciousness was instantly twisted into a powder.

Immediately afterwards, 3 Sword Intents followed the Divine Consciousness route and counterattacked Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“What !?” Chu Yan’s face started

“Why is it wrong !?”

It took nearly 3 hours to cultivate the 3 sets of sword tricks on this plate of jade, but the result was still being hunted down by the Antiquity Spirit Armament in the handle! ?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Clear Sky Sword broke out and turned into 3 Sword Qi, which will flow into the Antiquity Spirit Armament Sword Intent of Chu Yan within the body, all annihilated.

Chu Yan’s eyes were tight and wrinkled, his face full of doubts.

“It may be Sword Intent, try something else …”

took a deep breath, Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness passed to the other 5 stems Antiquity Spirit Sword… ..

“Cang Sword technique!”

“Watson Sword Art!”

“Flying Sword …”

One by one, Chu Yan tried carefully, and every comprehend a Sword Art secret skill, he used the Divine Consciousness sword, and tried to penetrate into the Antiquity Spirit Armament.

However, what makes Chu Yan extremely disappointed and depressed is that the 8 handles of Antiquity Spirit Armament were all comprehend once, but there was no result.

All are the same as before, as long as Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness appears and is sensed by them, it is like a bloody vendetta.

“what’s the situation…..!?”

This time, Chu Yan was completely blind …

Realize the 8 Antiquity Spirit Sword, Divine Consciousness into the sword, suppress them with Sword Intent, this is the fastest way.

The advantage of Chu Yan itself is Sword Intent cultivation base, plus Sword Qi of Clear Sky Sword, which is far superior to these 8 antiquity Spirit Sword.

But now, none of these two advantages work, and even seem to be counterproductive.

Whether it is the use of Clear Sky Sword, or its own Sword Dao cultivation base, it will cause a crazy counterattack of 8 Antiquity Spirit Sword.

This … is not reasonable at all!

You know, Chu Yan also tried to spur the four sides of all directions, the mountainous and ordinary spirit Sword, and the reaction of those ordinary spirit Swords was completely opposite to these 4 handles of Antiquity Spirit Sword.

As long as it was Chu Yan Divine Consciousness, almost all of the ordinary Spirit Swords were very happy to fly in.

Chu Yan doesn’t even need to pull his sword, as long as Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness points nodded, those ordinary Spirit Swords will scramble to rush over.

However, Chu Yan is not interested in these ordinary Spirit Swords at all. His goal is only the 8 Antiquity Spirit Swords!

“Hmph! I don’t believe it …!”

8 The strange response of Antiquity Spirit Sword completely inspired Chu Yan’s fighting spirit. The more difficult it is, the more impossible it is to let Chu Yan give up.

So, next, Chu Yan began to use various methods, trying to communicate with 8 antiquity Spirit Sword.

However, no matter what method Chu Yan uses, the result … is the same!

Time flies, and a day passes quickly.

The sword repair genius of various sects of various races sat on the Heavenly Sword 9 peak for a whole day …

Many people have gained something.

“Haha, it works! I charged a Spirit Sword!”

“One handle !? I have received three handles!”

“This ordinary Spirit Sword is so difficult. I don’t know how difficult it is for the 8 Antiquity Spirit Sword …”

“The Heaven Ranking genius of the Ten Great Influence seem to be feeling the Antiquity Spirit Sword, and there is no movement at all …”

“That is, it is still cost-effective to mobilize these ordinary Spirit Swords.”


One day later, the originally silent 9 peaks began to be lively.

One after another, many young people have harvested some Spirit Swords of ordinary rank, each with different ranks, the most people, and even harvested 5 Spirit Swords.

Chu Yan startled, looked towards all around, browse tightly knit.

Successive attempts have all failed. Do you want to engage in a few ordinary spirit swords like them! ?

At this moment, the mutation is born!


There was a loud noise, above the peak, a plate of jade stone exploded, and the jade chips flew all over the sky …

a dazzling sword light, rising from the sky, the fierce Sword Qi, rushing into the whole sky, the whole 9 peaks trembling slightly, everyone was surprised, turned around and looked.

I saw that the Miaolian in the Da’en Temple on the sea of ​​Lingyun lived in peace, his face was excited, and his figure rose into the sky. The right hand grabbed the Antiquity Spirit Sword straight.

“God ah! An Antiquity Spirit Sword was born!”

“Miaolian in Da’en Temple is empty !? He … he inspired Antiquity Spirit Sword !?”

“too terrifying!”

“, …”

Including Elder outside, as well as all the youth on the 9th peak, they were all stunned by the natural phenomenon of Antiquity Spirit Sword, looking at Miaolian’s eyes, all astonished expressions.

“En !? There …”

Chu Yan’s heart shook, his eyes retracted from the sky, and he suddenly turned his head, looking towards the top of the peak, his face awkward.

I saw, on the top of the peak, another Antiquity Spirit Sword, on the base stone of Panyu, rays of light masterpiece, trembling constantly.

The violent Sword Qi went straight to Yunxiao. Obviously, he was about to be born soon!

At the same time, Guo Tian City was full of ecstasy and stood up in the sea of ​​Lingyun.

“The second … the second handle !?”

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