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Chu Yan replied decisively that Tuoba Xiong’s entire face suddenly squeezed into a pile, which was uglier than crying.

“Chu Yan, haven’t we said yes before ?! If you get something, sell it to me first!”

Tuoba Xiong smiled bitterly, looking at Chu Yan and saying, “Golden Cauldron Jade Talisman, don’t you forget it !?”

“Our agreement is that if Antiquity Spirit Sword or ordinary Spirit Sword is harvested, this sword spirit divine liquid is of course not counted!”

Chu Yan twisted his face and directly pulled out Golden Cauldron Jade Talisman and threw it to Tuoba Xiongdao

“This is not rare, but you!”

This time, Tuoba Xiong is really stupid, didn’t expect, Chu Yan was so determined, but …

That sword spirit divine liquid is really too important for him. If it can appear on the auction of Tianqilou, it might make Tianjilou’s reputation soar.

Not to mention that even earning commissions for some of these auctions is a considerable astronomical figure.

Moreover, according to the artifact refining level of Tianqi Building, those who have succeeded in the auction will definitely spend more money to ask Tianqi Building to help dive the sword spirit divine liquid into a real Divine Weapon.

In this way, Tianqi Building can not only produce a Divine Weapon, but also earn a lot of wealth.

This business has not been encountered once in 10000 years, how could Tuobaxiong be willing to miss it.

“Brother Chu, Big Brother Chu, Chu Ye …”

A little deep in thought, Tuoba Xiong looked at Chu Yan, almost crying, and even the title changed, pleading constantly.

“This sword spirit divine liquid, it’s useless if you keep it! What are the requirements and conditions, you can mention it, as long as I … No! As long as Tianjilou can do it, I will never say 2!”

The throb of the chest sounded, and Tuoba Xiongdao said.

“En!? Let me mention the conditions !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s mouth was lightly raised, looked towards Tuoba Xiong, said with a smile.

“Yes! Yes! Let me mention it, whether it is cultivation technique, secret book, Spirit Treasure, Dijing, you can make any price.”

“This sword spirit divine liquid still belongs to you. I only need the auction right three days later! The wealth you have captured is all yours.”

When Tuobaxiong saw Chu Yan moving, he directly threw a huge temptation and said with confidence.

“I’m not uncommon with what you said! Forget it, I will keep it myself …”

However, what made Tuobaxiong didn’t expect was that Chu Yan shook his head again, making Tuobaxiong’s heart slammed.

“After all, this sword spirit divine liquid, the entire outer domain continent, has been one copy for 10000 years.”

Chu Yan chin high, faintly said….

However, this sentence fell into Tuoba Xiong’s ears, which was no different from a thunderbolt in a sunny day, which made him stiff on the spot.

“I keep it … I keep it … I keep … I stay …”

A path of echo-like thunder makes Tuoba Xiong’s face dull, and the entire Divine Soul is flying away from the body.

“No …! No way …”

A loud scream was heard throughout the great hall, and Tuobaxiong just saw hope, and it broke down in an instant, where he could bear it.

“Jiang … Jiang Great Elder, you …”

Suddenly turning his head back, he saw that Jiang Yuchuan, who had been standing beside him, said nothing but laughed, and looked at Chu Yan without a word.

Tuoba Xiong saw Jiang Yuchuan’s expression with a good look, and his mouth twitched.

“Jiang Great Elder, you … help me persuade ah! You do n’t know, the importance of this sword spirit divine liquid to my Tianqi Lou!”

Hearing Tuoba Xiong ’s words, Jiang Yuchuan is the hook the head, said with a smile

“Hehe, that … you know, my relationship with Chu Yan …”

“A piece of Tier 4 spirit source!” Tuoba Xiong didn’t even think about it, he said directly.

“Level 4 Spirit Source !?”

When Jiang Yuchuan heard it, suddenly the complexion changed, didn’t expect, Tuoba Xiong’s shot was so heavy, it seems that this busy really needs help.

“You can rest assured that my relationship with Chu Yan is okay. I will persuade him …”

A piece of 4th-level spirit source, of great value, even Jiang Yuchuan’s Great Elder, also instantly moved, turned directly, looked towards Chu Yan, smiled and said

“Chu Yan, this matter will no longer be discussed …”

Tuobaxiong didn’t know Chu Yan, but Jiang Yuchuan paid the tuition fee. It has long been seen that Chu Yan is like the old fox Ling Shuangtian, and simply wants to hang the Tianqi Building.

“There is nothing to discuss! It’s useless. I’ll keep it, unless …” Chu Yan raised his eyebrows and grinned with a smile.

“Unless what !?” Tuobaxiong asked quickly.

“Recently pill refining, worse spirit medicine …”

Chu Yan looked at the two gangsters, staring at the eyes like a bull’s eye, looking at himself, his eyes flashing.

“I heard that Tianqi Building is dedicated to pill refining. In the treasure house, there should be materials I need …”

In a word, Jiang Yuchuan and Tuoba Xiong started together, looked towards Chu Yan’s face, and pumped at the same time.

This kid was actually eyeing the treasure house of Tianqi Building …

“Spirit medicine !? In the medicine storehouse of Tianqi Building, no matter what kind of spirit medicine, it is absolutely sufficient, no … don’t need to open a treasure bank !?”

Tuobaxiong didn’t respond, really, when Chu Yan needed pill refining materials, he quickly explained.

“No !?” Chu Yan’s eyes glared, “That’s fine!”

As soon as he turned his head, Chu Yan gave Tuoba Xiong a head back, scared that Tuoba Xiong almost sat on the ground.

“do not….”

Jiang Yuchuan shook the head, sighed, looked at Chu Yan, his eyes twitched twice, turned his head towards Tuoba Xiong, a Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

After receiving Jiang Yuchuan’s Divine Consciousness sound transmission, Tuoba Xiong’s entire face was instantly dark, with a color at the bottom of the pot.

“OK! The treasure house is the treasure house!”

Clenched the teeth, Tuobaxiong fiercely nodded, agreed.

“Ten pieces!” Chu Yan quickly opened the mouth and said.

“What !? Ten pieces, why don’t you grab it …” Tuoba Xiong jumped up, his face turned from black to green, fiercely stared at Chu Yan fiercely, and shouted loudly.

“Never mind!” Chu Yan turned his face, ignoring Tuoba Xiong’s gaze.

“Don’t! Don’t! Don’t! 2 pieces … 2 pieces, you choose, you can choose, 2 pieces will do!” Tuoba Xiong saw Chu Yan turning his face, quickly gathered his anger, and accompanied with a smile on his face.

“9 items …”

“3 pieces…”

“8 items …”


Next, Chu Yan and Tuoba Xiong fought red and scared, yelling at the prices one by one.

After one hour, 2 people finally negotiated and settled on 5 pieces.

In other words, Chu Yan handed over the auction right of “Sword Soul divine liquid” to Tianqi Building, and in return, Tianqi Building had to open the treasure house and let Chu Yan choose 5 treasures of town buildings at will!

In addition, the additional condition is that the latest auction of Tianqi Building will be held in 3 days, and Chu Yan must send the “sword soul divine liquid” to the auction site within 3 days.

And Jiang Yuchuan Great Elder, as a middleman, got the benefits of 2 pieces of 4th-order spirit source …

One hour later, when Tuoba Xiong left the cultivation hall, his eyes were covered with blood, and his whole body was shaking.

On the one hand, it is because the 5 treasures of the townhouse almost killed his businessman. In addition, he finally got the auction right of “Sword Soul divine liquid” and was very excited.

Contrary to him, Jiang Yuchuan’s Great Elder is full of red light, very happy …

Pingbai for no reason, got 2 pieces of 4th-order spirit source.

“Vice Building Lord, walk slowly, have time to invite you to drink tea …”

When Tuobaxiong had just stepped out of the hall door, Chu Yan’s voice came from behind.

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