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Chu Yan did not immediately leave the Sea of ​​Consciousness, so he floated quietly in the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky, and the pupil light shimmered.

For Yan Jia Giants, today’s weird move, as well as those without logic, Chu Yan seems to understand what.

I have to say that I am really different from this Martial Soul World person.

But now, the words of the blue armor giant seem to point Chu Yan to a less clear way.

“Divine King world ?! Interesting …”

After a long time, Chu Yan’s eyes flashed finely, his mouth light and light.

“I want to see what the so-called Divine King looks like, can it stand my sword!”

On the ground, Chu Yan raised his head slightly, looked at the sky dome from afar, then his body disappeared, and when he appeared again, he had returned to the true body.

“Big brother, how are you?” Situ Yang asked anxiously.

As a Spirit Mark teacher, I understand that Spirit Treasure is 100 times stronger than ordinary Martial Artist.

However, the amber just cracked in front of Chu Yan, Situ Yang couldn’t see through it at all, which made him nervous immediately.

After all, that thing rushed directly into Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Good stuff!” Chu Yan chuckled.

“Hu! That’s good …” Stuart Young suddenly relaxed, then grinned and said

“Big brother, look outside …”

While speaking, Situ Yang raised his hand towards the auction stand outside the box and followed his finger. Chu Yan saw at a glance that a series of numbers on the crystal screen on the auction stand were extremely dazzling …

“6000 4 million Emperor Jing !?” Chu Yan’s eyes narrowed, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

How long has it been since the auction price of Divine Liquid has been nearly tripled!

Moreover, the fiery atmosphere in the auction hall was rolling, and the scene was extremely fierce.

One after another, the asking price keeps appearing, and the horrible sky-high price of several billions cannot seem to stop those big brothers.

“There are so many rich people!” Situ Yang said with a smile.

“Don’t worry about them, follow the agreement with Tuoba Xiong, let’s leave first!”

Immediately, Chu Yan and Situ Yang left quietly together, went out of the Tianqi Building, and returned directly to the restaurant.

After returning to restaurant, fatty opened the room’s spiritual array ban, and began to study his harvest in Tianqi Building, preparing to go to the underground pawnshop at night and fight again.

Chu Yan directly began cultivation, comprehend Tian Bian Emperor.

Then, Chu Yan didn’t even notice that in his Sea of ​​Consciousness, the azure sky lotus hidden in the sea of ​​spirit clouds had been exuding faint azure glow, and had never fallen into a deep sleep.

Moreover, what makes Chu Yan even more unexpected is that at this time, the 9th Layer is above the sky …

Boom … rumbling!

On a snowy peak close to 10,000 zhang, imposing manner, majestic, Immortal Qi’s lingering golden palace group, a five-color Divine Pagoda, surrounded by Divine Bird Immortal Beast, greeted Feng Feiyang.

Blue yarn fairy shadow, a pair of beautiful eyes like stars, looking down at 10,000 li Immortal Realm at the foot, graceful eyebrows slightly twisted.

In front of her, 10000 stars are like sea, the stars are shining …

However, the quiet Star Sea, just now, suddenly made a thunderous sound, and then a star spiral suddenly appeared.

As if it were vortex in general, twist all around stars into it, so that its body shape is slowly expanding.

Beautiful eyes staring, her face sinking like water, staring for a long time, her face without a touch of emotion, finally slightly trembled.

“Nine domains connected to the sky tower, finally opened!”

“Fate !? Heavenly Dao !? Reincarnation !?”

All kinds of complex expressions constantly appear in her beautiful eyes, next moment, in her eyes, flashing a tall silhouette of azure, making her flowery beauty, suddenly startled.

“hmph! ”

Just half a breath, she woke up instantly, graceful eyebrows lightly wrinkle, red lips lightly opened, shouted

“It’s time! It’s time to go back and see …”

In a word, azure clothes fairy shadow, jade foot lifted lightly, foot stepped into the void, moved towards that star spiral, walked away lightly …

“My emperor …”

“My emperor …”

“My emperor, no …”

Almost at the same time that the azure clothes stepped forward, in the sky behind her, a large horror aura, a followed by a, kept flashing.

In just a moment, he knelt down to half of the sky, and at a glance, there were 1000 people.

However, there are only 1000 people in an imposing manner, noisy, 10000 stars, and instantly dim, as if they dare not stand side by side.

“You, guard Divine Emperor Palace, I will go back as soon as I go!” The green skirt fluttered, the voice was soft, but with a sense of irreversible.

“Yes, my emperor!”

“Yes, my emperor!”


1000 Will be ordered together, just kneel in the air, watching the shadow of the green dress, submerged into the depths of the star swirl, until it disappeared.

Boom … rumbling!

The star swirl that swallowed the silhouette of the green skirt, and once again sounded a thunderous sound, making the whole Heaven Realm shake like a Buddha Mountain, roaring and roaring.

1000 famous generals, their faces sank together.

At the same time, Ten Directions Star Domain, Primeval Beginning Palace, Forbidden Land!

This is a piece of death land without light, even if it is the Elder of Primeval Beginning Palace, they dare not set foot easily.

I do not know how many years have passed, this place has even been forgotten.

Only the Primeval Beginning Palace, the previous generations of the palace, when they took over, they only got the ban of “Do not enter without permission, and get out of the sky!”

However, in this lost place, there is an altar covered with weeds and moss.

Next to the altar, there is a faintly recognizable silhouette with a silhouette sitting on it, which also seems to be ancient and shaped like a stone sculpture.

Suddenly, a faint rays of light lit up on the altar …

The surface of the altar is thicker than the moss of several feet, a slit is split, and rays of light overflow from it.

“En !?”

Silhouette sitting sideways, suddenly opened his eyes, and in the sound of ka ka’s bone, his neck slowly twisted toward the altar.


Just glanced over, True Qi broke out, the sky was full of stone chips, gray robe silhouette stood up, a pair of blood-red eyes, looking at the altar, with an excited smile on his face

“Ha ha ha, finally came, finally came …”

“My emperor, I am finally coming back!”

It has been too long to wait for the endless years. It was so long that even he thought that he had been completely lost with this Forbidden Land.

“One year! At most one year, my emperor comes!”

“Ten Directions Star Domain, it has been quiet for too long, eh !? Old Guys at Primeval Beginning Palace, do you also notice it ?! ha ha ha… ..afraid right?!? Wait, wait, wait …. “

“One year … one year! Up to one year!”

First glanced up at the Primeval Beginning Palace in the distance, the gray robe silhouette laughed disdainfully, and then murmured the same sentence repeatedly.

The voice, along with him, aura agitated, moved towards the entire Forbidden Land, constantly rippling.

At this moment, no matter what is happening in the outer space of the 9th Layer or this Primeval Beginning Palace Forbidden Land, nobody knows at all.

Ten Directions Star Domain and Continent are not the same. The sun rises and the sun goes down. The Great Sect forces and Martial Artist monks of all levels, as usual, are pursuing their own ways and looking forward to the opportunity of heaven defying to change life.

Like a calm lake, a fallen leaf dropped, ripples splashed, and no one saw it, and then dissipated on its own.


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