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The wind teardrop is the Wood Element Supreme Treasure, and it is the extremely rare Wood Element variant attribute Supreme Treasure. For those who cultivate a popular a, it can increase the cultivation speed by more than 3 times.

“I have a dragon stone here, I don’t know whether it is!” A black robed man quickly opened his mouth.

“Okay! Changed with you!”

The two quickly reached a deal and exchanged Spirit Treasure.

Long Yunshi and Wind Teardrop are rare Spirit Treasures, but they all have special characteristics. Only those corresponding to the attribute can use it.

“This Little Brother, I have a good Spirit Sword, and I want to change your” Soul Yang Fruit “!”

A black robed man stood up and took out a golden emperor sword, facing Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said.

“Emperor middle grade! Ha ha …”

Chu Yan glanced at it and saw the Spirit Sword. Although the rank was good, it was completely incomparable with his own Clear Sky Sword.

“En!? I will add another” 1000 fruit “!”

Seeing that Chu Yan just glanced at it, there was no response. The black robed man raised without the slightest hesitation.

However, Chu Yan is still just the head.

“I want to exchange for a pill recipe, or artifact refining materials!” Chu Yan said softly.

As soon as this statement came out, there were several black robe Martial Emperor, and when he turned his head, the pupil light flashed slightly.

“Haha, by coincidence, I have a” Breaking Gold Stone “here, plus another bottle of” vital spring “, how do you see it!”

No. 1 black robed man, laughed, take out a purple jade stone, and a jade bottle, opened the mouth and said.

“Good thing! But …”

Seeing the appearance of these 2 artifact refining materials, Chu Yan pupil light shimmered, but then he smiled and shook.

“These two distinct things don’t seem to be enough!”

At the gate, a fat black robe silhouette appeared, but Situ Yang walked in quickly and opened the mouth and said directly.

“En!? You …”

No. 1 black robed man, just about to yell, it can be seen that he walked directly behind Chu Yan, and he knew that the two were together, and his brow was lightly wrinkled.

The rules of the underground pawnshop not only do not ask the source of Spirit Treasure, but also, regardless of status or status, cooperation is a deal, and disagreement is a distraction.

Therefore, the other party looks down on his transaction item and he has nothing to say.

“However, for your vitality, I can use” Ray Heavenly Talisman “to trade with you. How do you think?”

Situ Yang raised his hand and took out a blue Jade Talisman and placed it on the Spirit Treasure shelf in front of Chu Yan.

“Ray Heavenly Talisman !?” No. 1 black robed man, eyes shined suddenly.

“Okay! Change it!”

Without hesitation at all, he quickly agreed to come down and waved away the Heavenly Talisman with a big wave.

At the same time, Situ Yang also reached out and put the bottle of vital water in his arms.

For Spirit Mark teachers, the vital water is the best spirit water for polishing jade stone when engraving Spirit Mark.

If used properly, it can also increase the rank of the charm, which is a good material for Situ Yang.

And Ray Heavenly Talisman, can provoke a Heavenly Thunder, equivalent to the median Martial Emperor’s Peak hit, if met with Thunder Element Martial Artist urge, the formidable power is stronger.

Obviously, the No. 1 Martial Emperor should be a powerhouse for cultivation.

“Little Brother, here I have a piece …”

A black robe Martial Emperor sitting opposite Chu Yan stared at the “Soul Yanghua” in front of Chu Yan for a long time, but hesitated when he spoke, and seemed extremely reluctant.

“Colorless stone!”

In a word, the black robe Martial Soul turned over with a big hand, and a transparent spar appeared with a shiny colored light.

“En !? Colorless stone!”

Not only Chu Yan, but also all the black robed man in the audience, Qi Qi complexion changed, it seems to me.

Colorless stone is the Supreme Treasure material for refining Divine Weapon, especially for forging blades. Its special attribute-free property can destroy all attribute powers.

The most important thing is that this colorless stone can devour the power of the 9 series and continuously evolve itself.

If it is refined into Spirit Armament, it means that it can endless improve itself.

“Okay! I changed it with you!”

After a little pondering, Chu Yan nodded pushed the “Soul Yang Flower” in front of him, and at the same time, took away the colorless stone.

This harvest is really unexpected.

didn’t expect, in this underground pawnshop, he actually encountered the best Spirit Armament blade material.

In this way, with Zixiao Sword as the body, and Sword Soul divine liquid as the soul, plus this colorless stone, a peerless Divine Sword, you can open the furnace and refine it.

Seeing the successful transaction of 2 people, a look of disappointment flashed across the black robed man’s face.

However, they have a treasure that is worth the eye. They do n’t have it. They do n’t need Emperor Jing in the underground pawnshop, so there is no other way.

Next, one piece of Spirit Treasure keeps on the table and trades, almost all of them are Spirit Treasure above the emperor level.

Both Stuart and Chu Yan have gained a lot and are in a good mood.

But next, when Chu Yan took out an Emperor Grade spirit knife and wanted to exchange a paper pill recipe, the mutation occurred.

“Little Brother, you spirit knife, I want to exchange a message with you!”

Among a potential crowd, a black robed man who rarely spoke, suddenly spoke.

“One news !? Change my spirit sword !?” Chu Yan startled.

This spirit knife was obtained by a subordinate Martial Emperor killed by Chu Yan. Although rank is only a low grade emperor, the Baleful Qi contained in it is extremely heavy, but it is a rare demonic weapon, very good at cultivation Martial Artist of demonic path.

Therefore, Chu Yan took it out and wanted to exchange a pill recipe in front of another person.

“Good! I’m afraid this news can only be exchanged with you, and, I believe, you will definitely trade with me!”

The black robed man appeared extremely confident and spoke slowly.

“My big brother’s Spirit Armament is worth at least 1,000,000 Di Jing, what news do you have, so much money !?” Situ Yang said directly, his face full of anger.

Not only him, but also Chu Yan, although they do n’t know who the black robed man is, they can sense that the person ’s aura, they should have met, is still hostile.

“Hehe, it’s about … Ear Ears!”

black robed man laughed, and said, “And, it’s about his life!”

“Ear Emperor !?”

Chu Yan suddenly changed the complexion, vacated, and stood up from the seat.

Including Situ Yang, looked towards black robed man, which is also a complexion greatly changed, full of surprise.

Chu Yan asked Tuoba Xiong during this trip to Tianqi Building, but the result made Chu Yan extremely worried.

Because, according to the news from Tianqi Building, the Emperor Ear recently went to a Danger Land, but suddenly lost contact, and there was no news.

Tianqi Building sent a powerhouse to Danger Land to find, but found that there were no traces of fighting there, nor any aura, as if the emperor had disappeared out of thin air.

Now, suddenly, at the underground pawnshop, hearing the news from the ear emperor, Chu Yan was certainly shocked.

“Do you know that Ear Emperor is there !? What danger is he ?!” Chu Yan asked.

“That spirit knife …”

Seeing Chu Yan’s reaction, the black robed man smiled and raised his hand to the Emperor Grade Spirit Armament.

“Give you!”

Chu Yan didn’t hesitate, waved his hand, the Emperor’s knife flew, and was picked up by the black robed man.

“Ear Emperor is in the city of nether shadow, He Mansion! He was hit hard and could not live for ten days!”

In a word, the black robed man took the emperor knife and turned and walked away.

“Nether shadow city !?” Chu Yan froze.

“Big brother, that seems to be the site of the Ming tribe!” Situ Yang reacted, brows tightly knit, opened the mouth and said

“Will it be fake news!”

“Regardless of whether it is true or false, go for a trip!” Chu Yan’s eyes were slightly cold, and he stood up directly, moved towards the hall outside.

Situ Yang quickly followed, and the two went out of the underground pawnshop and went straight back to the hotel.

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