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Lingyun Pavilion Elder Hall 7 Elder is also one of the core Elder.

Chu Yan didn’t expect anyway. This 7 Elder who has only seen one side and has no intersection at all will appear here.

And, looking at the murderous aura on his face, it was obvious that he had to deal with himself.

However, Chu Yan had expected this situation, but it was only a surprise to those who appeared.

After all, in Lingyun Pavilion, it can be said that Ling Shuangtian is in power alone, and what other Elder, Supreme Elder or something, has no strength to fight Ling Shuangtian at all.

Therefore, even Chu Yan also got a great elder job.

“You come to kill me !?” Chu Yan put down the barbecue in his heart and turned his head towards 7 Elder.

You can be sure that someone’s enmity with 7 Elder impossible must be instructed.

“Good! At the order of Supreme Elder, Chu Yan commits chaos, endangers the interests of Human Race, and kills!” 7 Elder Shen Sheng announced.

“Ha ha ha….”

Hearing this sentence, Chu Yan was no longer able to bear and laughed out loud.

Say you have committed enemies! ?

Ling Shuangtian is his Master, and he hangs himself as the Great Elder. He can commit, of course, commits Supreme Elder Yan 10000.

This is obviously the sin of wanting to add!

What’s even more ridiculous is that he said he was in danger of Human Race! ?

cracking a joke!

All people in the world may endanger the interests of Human Race, but they are the successor and impossible of Divine Kingdom, the leader of Human Race!

“Who is that! Don’t hide, you come out!”

Slowly standing up, Chu Yan didn’t even look at 7 Elder. He directly faced a big tree 1000 steps behind him, and shouted.

Standing in front of Chu Yan, 7 Elder looked stunned and watched, behind the big tree, a silhouette flashed.

“Dragon Changfeng !? Tiangang Yulong Steward !?”

7 Elder saw the silhouette walking out of the tree, and the complexion changed suddenly. The cultivation base of the Steward of the Dragon House in Tiangang Domain was even higher than himself.

The long wind that came out from behind the tree was a haze, staring straight at Chu Yan, coldly said

“Boy, how do you know that I am here !?”

In a word, 7 Elder’s face was also startled, and a stunned color appeared on his face.


With the median Martial Emperor Realm cultivation base that I just broke, I didn’t even feel that someone was hiding after 1000 steps.

How did Chu Yan, who is a quasi-imperial cultivation base, find out! ?

This impossible ah!

Chu Yan looked at the amazed expression on the faces of 2 people, but just smiled slightly, slightly narrows the eyes, the voice was like ice road

“After waiting for the capital, you can ask Long Tianwu, He Yan 10000 Sea!”

“What !? Young Master !?”

“Supreme Elder !?”

2 people were stunned at the same time, and did not understand what Chu Yan was talking about.

“Soon, they will come down and meet you!” The killing intent in Chu Yan’s eyes became stronger and stronger.

A Long Tianwu and a strict 10000 seas, even daring to reckon themselves, such a sinister person, with a knife in the back, must not move.

Therefore, Chu Yan has decided that the next time he sees 2 people, he will remove them.

By that time, these 2 people were spears, and they could naturally be in the prefecture and have a good chat with the master behind them.

“Chu Yan, you are too arrogant! You do not look at it, what is the cultivation base of us 2!”

7 Elder drank sharply, flushed, fiercely said badly.

Today, he was ordered by Supreme Elder to come to kill Chu Yan and he must succeed.

If he fails, return to Lingyun Pavilion, facing Ling Shuangtian, what will be the result, he naturally knows.

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, no matter what secret skill you have, your cultivation base is nothing more than a quasi-imperial order, our two median Martial Emperor, wanting to kill you is easier than killing a chicken. Dare to speak out! “

Long Changfeng smiled, Young Master was right, this Chu Yan was really arrogant and arrogant, a kid who was a quasi-imperialist cultivation base, even dared to offend Young Master, it was courting death!

“7 Elder!”

Looking at Chu Yan, the smiling Long Changfeng, facing the distance with a karate

“This Chu Yan, I have promised Young Master, take his head back, can you let it go, I will be grateful!”

Hearing this, 7 Elder was startled.

Yan 10000 Hai asked him to kill Chu Yan, because he was worried about Ling Shuangtian, so it was also a strict order and he must bring Chu Yan’s head back.

Heads up! ?

Long Changfeng started, but he promised Long Tianwu Young Master to take Chu Yan’s head back.

“Dragon Steward, otherwise, I will give out 100,000 Di Jing, a little thank you, you see!”

7 Elder saw that Long Changfeng was silent, and thought of his cultivation base, which was one layer higher than himself, and he could only hold back his breath and gritted his teeth to take out 100,000 Emperor Crystal.

After all, when going back to Lingyun Pavilion, if there is no head as proof, Yan 10000 Hai and Xiao Wenliang, out of deterring Ling Shuangtian, fear that they will not easily believe in themselves.

“Okay! Since that’s the case, let’s give up the head to 7 Elder and be the right to be a friend!”

Seeing 7 Elder, Long Changfeng unexpectedly took out 100,000 Emperor Jing, so he would not refuse it. Long Tianwu Young Master can take the corpse as long as he takes it back to corpse.

The agreement between the two parties was reached. Jade Talisman of 100,000 Dijing was thrown out by 7 Elder with a painful face.

Looking back, looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes became full of killing intent and bloodthirsty.

This Chu Yan, he also lost 100,000 Di Jing!

“Chu Yan, blame, you blame you shouldn’t provoke Xiao Wenliang. Don’t you know, Supreme Elder is strict 10000, is he the Master !?”

7 Elder was walking, while turning his big hand, taking out a ghost axe, and moving towards Chu Yan with a murderous aura stride.

“Just broke through the median Martial Emperor 1st Layer, died in my hands, and unyielding you!”

The words fell to the ground, 7 Elder’s big axe waved, a heavy chop, with 100 axe shadows, the Chu Yan 4 square void, as many seals, hiding the sky and covering the earth straight down.


With a roar, 7 Elder’s True Qi spewed all over his body, and his divine power surged, and his strength instantly rose to Peak.

“It’s you who died! 9 Nether, start!”

Chu Yan has his hands on his back, Motionless As Mountains, his face is cold and indifferent, a pair of 5 thunder eyes, direct shot at 7 Elder, shouted softly.

As his voice sounded, a tall silhouette, holding a 3-pointed 2-blade knife, broke out of the air and instantly appeared in front of Chu Yan.

“Dark Thunder 9th layer cut!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A path of spear glow, like the sound of 9 Heavenly Thunder, with an endless monster qi, slashed into the sky and hit the axe tide of Heavenly Beast.

The prestige of Monster Emperor collided with Martial Emperor aura instantaneously, spear glow axe shadow, collided frontally, and exploded into the weather.

The endless gang wind rush, 4 rushed away, set off a turbulent weather wave, rushing all directions.

“This … this is …”

Seeing the tall Nine appear, 9 Elder’s eyes almost burst out of his eyes in horror.

“Antiquity Monster Emperor !?”

Long Changfeng, who was standing not far away, and the smile of a good emperor standing in an emperor, instantly solidified, and his scalp exploded.

“Destroy my dignity, die!”

9 Nine body flashed, Divine Weapon in hand, turned into a black light, with spear as an arrow, re-emerged.


Divine Weapon breaks into the air, like a shock, and shoots straight out, wherever it passes, the void is broken, Heaven and Earth loses its color.

“God … Divine Weapon !?”

Without waiting for 7 Elder to react, I saw a blade’s spear glow, which came straight, the spear tip was not reached, and only sharp aura locked his aura, making his body frozen like ice, and his blood solidification.

“Antiquity Monster Emperor, also … and Divine Weapon !?”

Long Changfeng was also shocked. Jade Talisman, with 100,000 Di Jing in his hand, all fell to the ground with a missed voice, and his voice trembled.

That terrifying Monster Emperor’s power instantly suppressed the emperor’s breath of both of them, so mighty, only Antiquity Monster Emperor can do it.

At this moment, the two people even froze, even breathing.

9 The appearance of Ning makes 7 Elder and Long Changfeng’s faces at the same time appear a look of panic and despair.

They could not have imagined that Chu Yan’s side was still a person Antiquity Monster Emperor guard.

Moreover, in the hands of this Antiquity Monster Emperor, there is a Divine Weapon!

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