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Chu Yan looked at Long Changfeng who was kneeling to the ground, but turned directly, looked towards 9 Nether Dao

“Look, it’s so broken, it’s a waste …”

Chu Yan while speaking, with a big hand, Emperor Vermilion Bird burst into flames and burned the corpses on the ground in an instant.

in the sky, a grey qi and blood Spirit Power, wrapped in Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire, poured back into Chu Yan within the body.

“Yes, Lord!”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, 9 bowed his head in meditation and looked up towards Long Changfeng, a pair of demon eyes, shining brightly.

The meaning in his eyes is clearly that when he kills this guy, he just hits the head as he wants.

“You … what are you doing !?”

Seeing 9 Ming’s gaze, Long Changfeng looked at himself and was so scared that he was green.

In particular, when he turned his head, he saw Chu Yan refining 7 Elder ’s corpse directly into qi and blood Spirit Power, which was swallowed in an instant. .

Dignified a Martial Emperor, shameful ah!

Long Changfeng, whose face was ashes and shivering like chaff, looked at Chu Yan in this way, incinerating all the flesh and blood of 7 Elder into Spirit Qi, devouring it.

That feeling was like a lamb to be slaughtered, and every time he died, he was constantly bitten by terror.

Soon, Chu Yan aura was restrained and spouts out one mouthful of impure air.

“Unfortunately, the inner core spontaneously ignited, and the Spirit Power is too weak!”

In a word, Chu Yan turned his head slowly, looking towards the long wind on the ground.

“Ah …! Chu Chu, please don’t, please forgive me, I … I’m out of Emperor Jing, 1,000,000 … No 3,000,000 Emperor Jing, as long as you spare me!”

Long Changfeng looked up and saw 2 pairs of eyes full of killing intent looked towards himself, suddenly frightened, and his whole scalp was numb.

“Just wanted to kill me, now let me spare you !? Is it possible !?”

Chu Yan waved his hand, and Gang Yuanning grabbed, grabbed Long Changfeng’s neck, and dragged it directly in front of him.


On the right hand, the Emperor Vermilion Bird fired directly, accompanied by the roaring roar of the dragon and the wind, and instantly turned into a fireman, constantly struggling.

However, there are 9 Dimwei and Chu Yan’s True Qi suppression, this struggle has no meaning.

Less than 3 breaths, Long Changfeng’s body turned to ashes.

The majestic Martial Emperor Realm cultivation base can be burned through flesh and blood and turned into Spirit Power, at least has 30% infused into Chu Yan’s body.

“It’s about the same, like a median Martial Emperor!”

Chu Yan pats hands, black and gray flying, True Qi surging all over the body, clearly sensed, one step further from realm breakthrough.

“Dragon Talisman in Tiangang! Yan 10000 sea!”

Turning slowly, Chu Yan looked towards the distance with a cold voice.

Sending 2 median Martial Emperor to ambush himself is really great generosity.

You know, the median Martial Emperor, in each Great Influence, is Peak battle strength, which is directly related to the overall strength of the entire force.

Killing Long Changfeng and 7 Elder, these two guys who were treated as spears, Chu Yan will not let go, the people behind them.

Moreover, in such an assassination, Chu Yan hopes that he can come a few more times.

In that case, your cultivation base will be able to break through to Martial Emperor Realm as soon as possible!

When the time comes, even if you are alone, killing the Clan, and facing the Clan all 100 times Martial Emperor, it also has the power to fight.

“9 Ming, how much did you recover !?” Chu Yan turned around and asked.

“Lord, I have recovered 60%!” 9 Meng bowed.

“Okay! Go back to the pagoda and restore it as soon as possible!” Chu Yan nodded, with a big wave of his hand, took 9 Nether to Sea of ​​Consciousness directly.

This battle depends on 9 players. If it is yourself, it is okay to deal with one of them. But if the two join forces, I am afraid that Chu Yan will not be able to cope.

Therefore, the strength of 9 Ming will recover as soon as possible.

“Nether shadow city, He Mansion !? I want to see, you are a trap laid by that side!”

Chu Yan raised his head, looked towards the direction of the nether shadow city, and in a word fell to the ground, rising directly to the ground, rushing to the sky, moved towards the nether shadow city outside 7 100 li, and flew away.

The distance of 7 100 li, for Chu Yan, is only a short time away.

Lowering his body from the sky, he landed straight in front of the city gate in the nether shadow city, and Chu Yan looked up.

“The city is high zhang, but it is a small town-level city. It is no wonder that there is no record of the Tianqi Tower.”

I glanced at the city gate, Chu Yan shook the head, which was not too wide, but stepped out directly and moved towards the city.

“En!? Nobody !?”

Chu Yan just entered the city, and looked up towards the street, his face suddenly started.

I saw that the wide streets of the city were empty and could not even see a person’s mosquitoes.

Moreover, not only the street in front of Chu Yan, but also alleys on all four sides, even inside the building, there was no one at all.

“Empty City !? Right …”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, eyes twinkling, just preparing for Divine Consciousness to sweep out, covering the whole city for exploration, in the distance, a large dark shadow flew by quickly.

Tom …!

Almost those dark shadows, the moment they fell in front of Chu Yan, the city gate behind Chu Yan suddenly closed.

a Powerful force rushes out from the center of the city and instantly disperses the whole city.

The town and town Great Array opens!

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, this time, but you will die yourself!”

Among the large black robed man in front of him, a young man stepped out with a big smile on his face and walked in front of Chu Yan.

“Mo Wenjun !? Underworld !?”

Chu Yan lifted his head and glanced at it, his face suddenly froze.

Before coming, Chu Yan also thought that this nether shadow city has always been said to be the territory of the Ming tribe. Therefore, Chu Yan also believed that the Ming tribe would not be so arrogant, and really set a trap in the nether shadow city to deal with himself.

But now, Chu Yan suddenly saw Mo Wenjun appear, suddenly.

The nether shadow city, although it is just a small city, belongs to the sphere of influence of Azure Dragon World after all.

In order to deal with themselves, these Ming tribes quietly mobilized so many Martial Artists of the Ming tribes, and even set up a great town Array.

“Chu Yan, hand it over! Let you die a little bit happier!” Mo Wenjun waved his hand and placed 1000 black robed men directly surrounding Chu Yan.

“Hand over !? Hand over what !?” Chu Yan frowned.

“Chu Yan, don’t pretend until now. To tell you the truth, this time, but I personally lead the team at Saint Race Martial Emperor. As long as you step into the city of nether shadow, you will have a chance of impossible.”

Mo Wenjun looked smug, looked at Chu Yan, and abused said with a smile.

“So, I still advise you to get acquainted, and hand over the Spirit Treasure you got at Heavenly Sword 9 peak, lest I do it myself, when the time comes, let you die better than life!”

“Heavenly Sword 9 Peak !?” Chu Yan smiled lightly, suddenly suddenly.

It seems that the last time Heavenly Sword 9 peak was opened, the Ming Clan as the main force should have some special means.

Therefore, their own gains in the belly of Heavenly Sword 9 peak, they should have explored it afterwards.

This time, nether shadow lays traps on the city, on the one hand to deal with himself and the ear emperor, but also for the Zixiao sword.

“What a plan to kill two birds with one stone!” Chu Yan’s face was light and he laughed softly.

“However, I am very strange. To the underground pawnshop in Tian City, the person who sent me the news is not a person of the Ming tribe, who is going to help you!

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