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Hearing Mo Wenjun’s words, Chu Yan sneered.

In order to save his life, Mo Wenjun moved out the last bargaining chip.

Directly threatened that killing him would lead to a crisis in Human Race.

“Dirty enemy of the Clans !?” Chu Yan said with a smile “Isn’t it right now?”

“And, even if it is enemies with the entire Ming clan, what about !?”

As soon as the words came out, Mo Wenjun’s face shuddered, and even the ear emperor next to him was all looking amazed, looking surprised towards Chu Yan.

“I’m irreconcilable between you and your underworld!”

On the ground, Chu Yan waved his hand, and Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire immediately poured out, directly wrapping Mo Wenjun on the ground.

“Ah … ah …”

Mo Wenjun’s screaming screams echoed the entire city of nether shadow, sounding like send cold shivers down one’s spine.

“Underworld! Compared to the pain you put on my mother, this is nothing! Wait!… .Hmph!”

With a loud hum, Chu Yan turned around and moved towards Asahi Martial Emperor, not far away.

At present, Chu Yan’s cultivation base has reached the median level of the 5th Layer. After devouring 3 Martial Emperor, especially 3 are all alive, so Chu Yan’s cultivation base is only one line away from breakthrough.

The cultivation base of Asahi Martial Emperor is the strongest among the few Ming tribes present.

Therefore, Chu Yan must use him to break through his current cultivation base in one fell swoop.

On the waste tile pile, Asahi Martial Emperor is still in a coma, True Qi with the body is in chaos, and even the Sea of ​​Consciousness is also in a closed state.

didn’t expect, 9 The trick of meditation, the formidable power is so great.

However, for the past few days, 9 Ming recovered half of his strength because of his strength, and the recovery speed is getting faster and faster.

The upper Martial Emperor Realm Peak, the median Martial Emperor Realm Peak, a realm difference, plus the power of Divine Weapon, even if he does not die good luck.

“Give me a fire!”

With a wave of his hand, Emperor Vermilion Bird fired out, swallowing the body of Asahi Martial Emperor, and the fire was magnificent …

The Martial Emperor in the coma just struggled a few times, and there was no movement, the might of the emperor’s fire, the might of the might, he was so badly hit that he could not resist.


The big qi and blood Spirit Power came back from the emperor’s fire, poured into Chu Yan within the body, cultivation base bottleneck, and burst instantly.

5th Layer of the median imperial rank….

6th Layer of the median imperial rank….

7th Layer of the median imperial rank….

… ..

In less than ten breaths, less time, under Chu Yan’s cultivation base, have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, he rushed through the 3 Layer realm in one breath, and directly rose to the median level 7th Layer.

“It’s still burning corpse to refine qi, and the speed is fast!”

With both hands clenched, I feel the power of within the body, such as the tide water moving Peng Bai, Chu Yan within both eyes, fine mango shot.

The former Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire can only incinerate dead objects. With the improvement of Chu Yan’s cultivation base, and the Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire variant, it can now incinerate living things.

“Chu … Chu Yan, you have become so strong !?” Huang Huang stumbled and walked to Chu Yan, said excitedly.

“No! Is not strong enough!” Chu Yan chuckled and took the head.

“Uh …” Ear emperor suddenly looked speechless.

“However, Chu Yan, you killed the Holy Son Holy Son, I’m afraid it will be a little troublesome!”

“Oh, it’s fine!” Chu Yan said with a smile “This is already 3rd!”

Plus before, in Ten Directions Divine Realm, Morey and Mo Siqian of Chu Yan kill, this Mo Wenjun, who can promote Holy Son, would also like to thank Chu Yan.

“What !? You …”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the ear emperor was shocked, his eyes wide, and he looked at Chu Yan as if he had seen a ghost move.

The Holy Son that kills the Ming tribe is the same as killing the chicken. This is only possible with Chu Yan.

How did the ear emperor didn’t expect, the foreign domain continent where 2 people came together, this is only about a year ago, the strength gap between him and Chu Yan will be so large.

In the previous battle, although it was Chu Yan’s puppet 9 that started his hands, the emperor also knew that the killing game of the nether shadow city was based on him as a bait, specifically for Chu Yan.

Moreover, the Mo Wenjun was also Martial Emperor Realm cultivation base, and the one beaten by Chu Yan was a miserable one.

The most important thing is that standing next to Chu Yan, the ear emperor can clearly sense that an invisible amount of oppression force makes his breathing stagnate.

“Well, you’re ruthless!” The emperor finally exhaled with a smile on his face. ,

After all, the stronger Chu Yan’s strength is, he, also of Vast Heaven Continent background, is naturally very excited.

“You heal first, let me look at this nether shadow city, what’s going on!”

Chu Yan while speaking, throw a bottle of Golden Pill, throw it to the ear emperor, while turning around, moved towards the center of the city.

“Hiss! Grade 5 Golden Pill, also … a bottle !?”

Ear Emperor took over Chu Yan’s jade bottle, opened it, and was shocked in a breath of cold air.

Now he is working in Tianqi Building, of course, the value of Grade 5 Golden Pill is of course clear.

A Grade 5 Golden Pill, worth at least 10000 Di Jing, this bottle is 30000 Di Jing, Chu Yan threw it over.

You know, he worked in Tianqi Building for nearly a year, and he earned less than 30000 Di Jing, which is equivalent to eating his income for one year.

People are more mad than people!

Ear Emperor watched Chu Yan walking towards the center of the city, his heart warmed and a smile appeared on his face.

“Didn’t expect, my demon genius from Vast Heaven Continent, continent in the outer domain, is also so strong, good! Very good!”

On the ground, the emperor sat cross-legged, swallowed Golden Pill, and began to recover.

On the other side, Chu Yan has reached the Central Square of the city, Divine Consciousness is like a net, and sweeps across the city in an instant.

“Strange, why is there no one !?”

In a remote small town like nether shadow city, generally speaking, there are not many Martial Artists, but there are many ordinary persons.

However, from Chu Yan’s entry into the city to the present, he didn’t even find an ordinary person’s aura, which was very abnormal.

“En!? Not right …”

Suddenly, Chu Yan frowned suddenly turned his head, looking towards the City Lord Mansion behind him, his face instantly dignified.


Body flashed, when Chu Yan reappeared, it had already fallen inside Inside the City Lord Mansion, and at a glance, the whole face was instantly cold!

“Damn clan, let you die too happy!”

I saw that the entire Inside the City Lord Mansion was covered with dead bodies and bones, and it was swept away at a glance. There were more than ten thousand people in the foot …

It’s just that these people should have been absorbed by blood essence, so the ground is like a withered corpse mountain, all shaped like a skeleton, and no blood can be seen.

The frightened face, the arms struggling to raise, and the various claw marks on the ground are enough to show how painful these people were when they died.

What makes Chu Yan angry the most is that everyone in the city, even the old man and the child, were slaughtered, drawing blood essence, and none of them lived.

You know, this nether shadow city belongs to the Azure Dragon World domain, the land of Human Race!

The people in front of them are ordinary persons of Human Race, most of them are not Martial Artists.

“Ming, wait for me! I will definitely settle this blood account with you!”

Chu Yan, whose face was killing intent, his eyes reddish, flashed out of the City Lord Mansion.

“Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire, burn me!”

The words landed, his hands waved together, and the endless Vermilion Bird Emperor Fire was like a fire sea.

In the majestic fire, a large illusory shadow rose from the flame, bowed slightly to Chu Yan, and disappeared between Heaven and Earth.

Emperor Huo Jing Shi!

Let all the lost souls rest in peace!

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