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Came to Lingyun Pavilion, all Elders in Elder Hall gathered together, but, not at all saw a silhouette of Yan 10000 sea.

“En!? Yan 10000 sea !?”

Chu Yan stepped into the great hall, looked around, looked at Xiao Wenliang and asked.

“Bah! Chu Yan, Supreme Elder’s name, did you call it ?! You are a trifling Inner Sect disciple, and you are not eligible to let Supreme Elder wait for you.”

Xiao Wenliang had a look on his face, and before he walked to all Elders, he roared.

“Chu Yan, tell the truth about the crime you committed. If Supreme Elder comes out, you will be dead. Hmph!”

“Accounting crimes ?!” Chu Yan frowned “What is my crime !?”

Up to now, Chu Yan has guessed that in this scene, simply 10000 Hai and Xiao Wenliang took the opportunity of Ling Shuangtian’s secluded cultivation and wanted to deal with themselves.

However, this is Lingyun great hall in Lingyun Pavilion. If it is changed to other places, Chu Yan will draw his sword directly.

“What a sin !? Hum …”

Xiao Wenliang laughed, looked directly towards the audience Elder, opened the mouth and said

“Elders, today, at the order of Supreme Elder, gather all the Elders in Elder Hall to make a Sect ruling on Chu Yan’s slaughter of the entire audience in the nether shadow city!”

This sentence fell to the ground, nearly 90% of Elder’s face, his face suddenly changed, all turned around, looked towards Chu Yan, his face full of surprise.

The slaughter of civilians is a taboo of Sect!

What’s more, Xiao Wenliang said just now, Tucheng, in that case, the crime is even heavier!

“What !? Chu Yan slaughtered the nether shadow city !? No way !?”

“Isn’t Chu Yan heading towards Tian City !? Why did he go to the nether shadow city, is this wrong?”

“Xiao Wenliang, did you make a mistake, how could Chu Yan kill the city !?”

“Tianah! 70% of the nether shadow city are civilians, and there are very few Martial Artists, which is too much!”

“Mortal crime! Mortal crime!”


Xiao Wenliang’s words instantly made Ling Yun great hall, and the whole pot blew up.

Nearly 1000 Elders, some with surprised faces, some with angry faces, and some frowns shook their heads, and various voices sounded.

Obviously, most of Elder did not know anything about the important things that Elder Hall called in today’s 10000 seas.

Therefore, when I suddenly heard Xiao Wenliang’s words, the various reactions made the scene chaotic.

In an instant, the upper 1000 pairs of eyes with various complex eyes fell on Chu Yan in the middle of the hall.

“Slaughter City !?”

Chu Yan stared at Xiao Wenliang, his brow furrowed lightly, and then stretched out, lightly

“So that’s how it is….”

It seems that in Nether Shadow City, what Mo Wenjun said was all true.

The Supreme Elder of Lingyun Pavilion, Yan 10000, has been colluded with the Ming tribe, and this Xiao Wenliang may be the one in the game.

It turned out that Chu Yan also had a bit of suspicion, afraid that it was Mo Wenjun who deliberately framed Yan 10000 sea and wanted Lingyun Pavilion to fight inside.

However, today I just returned to Lingyun Pavilion. Under the situation of Ling Shuangtian ’s secluded cultivation, it is obvious that such a battle under the 10000 seas has been well prepared.

I came back from the city of nether shadow, and only delayed a day in the Tianqi Building. If this is not the news of the 10000 seas, what can it be if it is not coming to the Ming Clan

“So that’s how it is !? Chu Yan, you admit it !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s soft voice to himself, Xiao Wenliang’s eyes lit up and quickly shouted.

“Acknowledge !? Hehe …”

With a look in his eyes, looked towards Xiao Wenliang, and seeing how his 2 eyes glowed. Suddenly, Chu Yan came to be interested, and really wanted to see how he and Yan 10000 Hai wanted to play this scene! ?

“Okay! If you don’t speak, just accept it!”

Xiao Wenliang heard Chu Yan’s huh, his eyes flashed sharply, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and then turned his head towards the whole hall Elder, announced loudly

“Everyone, Elder, you have heard that, Chu Yan has admitted! So, according to the rules, he will be judged and sentenced to mortal crime, and I will hire you immediately!”

The words landed on the floor, and everyone’s face changed instantly, looking towards Xiao Wenliang’s eyes, full of consternation.

This … this is convicted! ?

The mortal crime was also sentenced and executed immediately! ?

“Chu Yan, can you be convinced !?” Xiao Wenliang stood in front of all Elders, full of excitement and excitement, as if at this moment, he felt that he had become the Pavilion Lord of Lingyun Pavilion.

This kind of act wilfully feels very good!

“Idiot!” Chu Yan shook the head, speechless, raised his head gently, looked towards Xiao Wenliang, sneaked said

“What things are you, qualified to convict me !?”

“Let Yan 10000 come out, why hide behind like coward.”

This sentence fell to the ground, and suddenly Elder’s face in the whole hall changed again, and his face was stunned.


Although Xiao Wenliang is the younger generation of Lingyun Pavilion, Number One Genius, and also the direct disciple of Supreme Elder Yan 10000, it seems that in Lingyun Pavilion, he only has the authority of ordinary Elder …

“Xiao Wenliang, it seems a bit wrong for you to be so convicted!”

Among the crowd, 8 Elder stood up, his face deep, directly opened the mouth and said.

“Yes! Chu Yan seems not at all to admit personally that he committed the crime of slaughtering the city, so he was determined to be a mortal crime, and it seems that he ignored the Sect Law!”

Another Elder stood up, looked towards Xiao Wenliang, and refuted the exit.

“Yeah, Xiao Wenliang, it seems that from beginning to end, you are saying, what is the crime of Chu Yan, in the end, do you have any evidence !?”

“The nether shadow city belongs to my Azure Dragon World domain. In recent years, rumors have been controlled by the Ming clan and want to kill the city, it seems not easy!”

“Yes, it makes sense! The crime of massacre is not trivial! To convict, the best conclusive evidence!”


8 Elder’s words caused a lot of Elder’s objections in the hall, and opened the mouth and said one after another.

“You … you …”

Xiao Wenliang saw dozens of Elder standing up, apparently maintaining Chu Yan, his face flushed red and his face blue.

I was just immersed in it, and I was about to kill Chu Yan. The vengeance and the ecstasy of revenge, but in a blink of an eye, I did n’t expect that someone would object.

“Xiao Wenliang, Chu Yan is the direct disciple of Pavilion Lord, and has the authority of Great Elder …”

8 Elder’s eyes flickered, staring straight at Xiao Wenliang and said.

“So what !? As long as you commit Sect iron law, you have to adjudicate!” Xiao Wenliang said with roaring eyes.

“Of course! My Lingyun Pavilion has always had strict laws, but what I want to say is that in your identity, do n’t say that the crime of Chu Yan has not yet been determined, even if Chu Yan really committed a serious crime, you have no right Ruling on him! “

8 Elder’s words fell to the ground, and suddenly caused an Elder in the hall, all nodded, echoing in unison.

“Yes! Chu Yan has Great Elder permissions, Xiao Wenliang is only acting as Elder’s job …”

“Can’t … can’t … this is the act committed above, can’t do it!”

“Identities are different, and status is poor, which is unreasonable and unruly …”

“Well, that’s right! 8 Elder makes sense, this Xiao Wenliang ordinary Elder is not Law Enforcement Hall….”


The 1000 core elders in the Lingyun Pavilion are normally in charge of the halls inside the sect, and manage the entire family of affairs. The most important thing is the difference between rank and status.

So, 8 Elder’s words, it is their point, naturally speaking in unison.

“You … you …!”

Xiao Wenliang blushed into a pig liver color, suffocating retrogradely on his chest and almost exploded.

To put it bluntly, the meaning of these old guys is the same as that of Chu Yan, which means that they are not qualified! ?

However, just as Xiao Wenliang was about to go viral, a strange sound rang from behind the palace.

“Hmph! Wen Liang is not qualified, so I personally adjudicate Chu Yan!”

The words spread, and the whole hall was quiet, all looked towards the direction of the back of the hall, and I saw Yan 10000 sea, with a face full of color, striding forward.

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