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All the people in the hall, including An Yue in Cave Mansion, looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all became strange.

A recipe, challenge Sect Supreme Elder! ?

Why don’t you Heaven ah! ?

This is too arrogant, totally respectless of the law and of natural morality!

In theory, Supreme Elder, that is a Sect, second only to Sect Master.

Even, there are some Sect forces, Supreme Elder’s power, which is a bit stronger than Sect Master.

And now, this Lingyun great hall, in front of 1000 core Elders, Chu Yan, the Inner Sect disciple, even directly challenged Supreme Elder.

This kind of thing, not to mention in Lingyun Pavilion and Cape Mansion Cave Mansion, I am afraid that in the entire outer domain continent, countless ethnic Sect forces, it is the first time!

The whole hall, absolute silence, needle drop can be heard, 1000 eyes, trembling together …

“Why don’t you dare !?”

Chu Yan stared straight at Yan 10000, and spoke provocatively again.

The word fell to the ground, coupled with Chu Yan’s eyes in battle like a fire, counted 1000 core Elders, his eyes twitching.

This Chu Yan, actually played really! ?

If it was just Chu Yan, he was so angry that he would n’t even talk about it.

But now, there have been 2 provocations, and your unscrupulous look in the face of 10000 seas, what is the situation! ?

Is it true that Chu Yan is holding back and fighting against Supreme Elder! ?

Not to mention, according to Chu Yan’s thoughts at this time, I really want to follow Yan 10000 directly to have a Life and Death Battle.

In this way, regardless of Yan 10000 sea, whether there is collusion with the Ming tribe, and what he designed to frame himself, death ends all one’s troubles, a sum of money, all settled.

“Ha ha ha….”

However, after a brief absence, Yan Wanhai, who awakened, laughed directly, apparently not irritated by Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, I am the Supreme Elder of Lingyun Pavilion, how can I do it with your junior, this self-reducing identity makes Noble Guest jokes, and has no benefit to my sect door, I will never answer ! “

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s eyes darkened, slightly disappointed.

Because of Ling Shuangtian ’s indifference to himself, Chu Yan wanted to help Ling Yunge clean up the collusion of the Ming tribe.

Although, Chu Yan is not in Clear Sky Sword right now, if he really comes to life and death battle with the strict Martial Emperor Realm 8th Layer’s strict 10000 seas, Chu Yan does not know that he has several points of chance of winning.

However, for Chu Yan, the more challenging the battle, the more exciting Chu Yan will be.

at worst, if it is really invincible, summon 9 ghosts directly.

The 9 ghosts that Lian Xuwu Imperial Capital was able to kill, against a strict 10000 seas, was really easy.

Therefore, Chu Yan will continue to provoke Yan 10000 continuously, hoping to be able to fight against himself under his anger.

However, the result was obvious. The insidious and deceitful Yan 10000 sea did not fall into the pit at all. Instead, he raised his price and said it was particularly pleasant.

However, the meaning of the words, Chu Yan actually heard it.

Yan 10000 clearly told Chu Yan, I am a Supreme Elder, and you Life and Death Battle, won you no benefit, but shame.

“Chu Yan, you just explained, can you prove it !?” 8 Elder turned around looking towards Chu Yan and asked anxiously.

“Yes! Tianqi Building, Ear Emperor!” Chu Yan nodded.

“Okay !, I immediately contact Tianqi Building!”

8 Elder hearing this, suddenly eyes shined, took out the summons Jade Talisman, and began to contact Tianqilou over there.

As the largest Chamber of Commerce in Continent in Outland, Jade Talisman of Tianqi Building and Great Sect Elder are almost everyone.

So, without much effort, 8 Elder contacted the people in Tianqilou and found the ear emperor.

According to the emperor, the matter about the nether shadow building is almost the same as Chu Yan said.

However, in the record of Chu Yan, Ear Emperor added two Elders of the Ming clan and an elite Thousand Man Squad.

8 The communication process between Elder and the Ear Emperor is open from beginning to end. The questions and answers of the two people are heard clearly by everyone in the Lingyun great hall.

So, after 8 Elder broke off the communication with the Ear Emperor, his frowned eyebrows suddenly stretched out.

“Supreme Elder, did you hear the testimony of the Emperor of Heaven and Earth just now?” 8 Elder said.


nodded, Yan 10000 Hai’s face was low, and his face was unhappy.

He absolutely didn’t expect that the people of the Ming tribe, not only did not kill Chu Yan, but even the ear emperor did not kill, but also let him go back to the Tianqi Building alive.

As a result, it is a bit tricky to deal with Chu Yan.

“In this case, there is An Yue’s testimony here, and the Emperor’s testimony on the other side. The two have different opinions. I am afraid it is difficult to make a ruling in a short time and only a detailed investigation can be conducted.”

8 The long voice is high and sounds like a thunderous thunder, shaking through the great hall.

The whole hall counted 1000 Elder, and heard 8 Elder’s words, nodded one after another. At the same time, looking towards Chu Yan, Yan 10000 Hai and An Yue’s eyes, there was a little more doubt.

From their point of view, the incidents of the two parties are clearly in conflict now that this has happened.

That is to say, either Chu Yan is lying, or Yan 10000 Hai and An Yue are lying, which is true and false, and it is really difficult to distinguish.

Therefore, the 8 Elder’s method is currently the best method. 1000 Elders are in favor of more than 70%.

However, above the gold level, Yan 10000 has a face full of iron and blue, and he can no longer sit still, standing up directly and drinking loudly.


In one word, Yan 10000, the sea emperor, rushed to suppress the audience and bloodshot eyes appeared.

“The city of nether shadow has been slaughtered and has spread to the continent in the outer domain. If it is not disposed of, it will be a great crisis for me Lingyun Pavilion, even the 9 Supreme Sect, and even the entire Human Race.”

“So, there is now the testimony of Cave Mansion An Yue, plus Jade Talisman, it is enough to judge Chu Yan!”

Hearing Yan 10000’s words, 8 Elder is just looking at the head and speaking directly

“Supreme Elder, I’m afraid it’s a bit unreasonable!”

Just now, without Chu Yan’s explanation and the emperor’s testimony, 8 Elder was still worried.

But now, the situation is completely different. In addition, the 1000 Elders in this temple are 70% full, and they are loyal to Ling Shuangtian. Yan 10000 Hai wants to take advantage of Ling Shuangtian’s absence, act wilfully, fearing that it is fundamentally impossible.

“Emperor of Tianqi Tower, the testimony has been announced, enough to prove that Chu Yan is not guilty, and kills the tribes who slaughtered our Human Race people, but has merit!”

“Hmph! 8 Elder, don’t forget, I’m Supreme Elder of Lingyun Pavilion, I have the power to dispose of any discipline inside the sect!”

Yan 10000 was shocked by the sea, and suddenly had an angry look on his face, directly competing with his worth.

“Yes! Too old to grow up, is entitled to dispose of Sect disciple, but …”

8 Elder sneered, directly to the point, “However, Chu Yan is not ordinary inside the sect disciple, he is the Great Elder of Pavilion Lord, strictly speaking, or the head of the Elder Hall of Lingyun Pavilion!”

“With the value of the head of the Elder Hall in Lingyun Pavilion, and your position of Supreme Elder, simply equal, you have no right to dispose!”

With a word on the floor, Yan 10000’s eyes flickered suddenly, and his face was completely suffocated into purple red, and he was speechless.

He almost forgot, Chu Yan also has the identity of Great Elder.

Moreover, 8 Elder said that it was polite to sit on an equal footing.

The other Elders in the Lingyun Pavilion know that the three Supreme Elders are just vain duties, strictly speaking, but only enshrined in the pavilion. Normally, they basically do not participate in Sect management.

Therefore, there are obviously 3 Supreme Elder, and the other 2 people, simply do not appear, that is, he is strictly 10000 seas, always relying on Supreme Elder’s worth, jumping around.

“Hmph! 8 Elder, what if I have to deal with Chu Yan !?”

Yan 10000 sea binocular killing intent surging, fiercely staring at 8 Elder, the whole body is dignified, rushing out, sweeping the whole hall.

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