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Ten days and five days, just passing by …

In the silent cultivation hall, Chu Yan’s identity, Jade Talisman, buzzed and trembled.

“Chu Yan, hurry to the main hall square to gather!” 8 Elder’s voice sounded

“En !?” Chu Yan raised an eyebrow.

“So fast, will the time be up !?”

Chu Yan breathed his breath, slowly recovered from the cultivation state, and stood up.

8 Elder summoned, let yourself go to the main hall square to gather, if there is no accident, it should be the battle of ancient martial arts.

“9 Nether, let’s go!”

Chu Yan’s eyes swept away, Divine Consciousness swept through the Nine Nethers not far away, but I saw that his strength seemed to recover a lot.

“Yes, Lord!”

9 The bow bowed into a black light and disappeared into Chu Yan Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness, returning to the tower hall.

Withdrawing the defensive spirit array of the cultivation hall, Chu Yan moved towards the hall, walked out of the ground, and moved towards the main peak of Lingyun.

In less than ten breaths, Chu Yan flew to the main peak of Lingyun and fell to the square in front of the hall.

At this time, a lot of people had already gathered on Lingyun Square, including 8 Elder and Xiao Wenliang, as well as Peak Master, Hall Lord and some other Elders.

There were several young people standing behind them, all looking up, looking towards the fallen Chu Yan.

“8 Elder, this is the Pavilion Lord’s intimate discipline in the Pavilion, Chu Yan !?”

The speaker is a robust man standing next to 8 Elder, tall and burly, with muscles all over his body.

In his body, a strong and strong aura, with a strong power aura, 4 scattered surge, is obviously a powerful Martial Artist of cultivation power.

This man, named Guo Dongjun, ranks 78 above the continent emperor list in Outland, and is Number One Genius of Limitless Immortal Sect.

As his words landed, several young people all around turned their heads together, looking towards Chu Yan who came.

This time, Chu Yan’s name, spread throughout continent, naturally aroused their curiosity.

“Dare to ask, how many ranks in his emperor list !?” Guo Dongjun asked.

“Women Chu Yan, 500 ranked in ranked 87!” 8 Elder replied.

“En!? More than 500 people !?” Guo Dongjun frowned, the smile on his face disappeared instantly.

Not only him, but also several other youths around him, also sneered in unison, and a look of disdain and pride appeared in his eyes at the same time.

These are all among the young generation of Human Race, the genius of the cream of the crop, and the ranked in the emperor list are all around 100.

Each of them, almost the Number One Genius of the 9 Supreme Sect, is opposed by the Sect’s full cultivation and protection, and rarely appears in the outside world.

All cultivation and efforts are all to improve the rank of emperor rankings.

Therefore, when they heard that Chu Yan ranked more than 500 in the emperor list, all of them were contemptuous.

“It seems that continent rumors are mostly untrue!”

Guo Dongjun glanced at the corner of Chu Yan’s eyes, and then turned around and left.

“500 87 people !?”

The conversation between Guo Dongjun and 8 Elder was naturally heard by Chu Yan, especially when he heard that his emperor ranked and started immediately.

“8 Elder, when did I also rank the Emperor Ranking !?” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“This emperor ranking is controlled by mysterious power and changes at any time. After you joined Lingyun Pavilion, it was originally more than 3000. In the latest change, your ranked has increased several times, and it ranks more than 500. It is very fast! Ah”

8 Elder looked at Chu Yan with a smile on his face and explained softly.

“The emperor rankings are said to be connected to the outer heaven continent Heavenly Dao. The most basic ranked is ranked by the ten-year emperor rankings. Normally, it will also be because of the youths in the emperor rankings, strength improvement and fighting, And change. “

“Connected with Heavenly Dao !? This emperor list, is there also a ambassador !?” Chu Yan froze.

At the beginning of Vast Heaven Continent, there was a Taoist ambassador, representing the will of Vast Heaven Continent. Like some powerful Spirit Treasures, it was transformed by Spirit wisdom bred by Heavenly Dao himself.

“Maybe it is! But this way, if it does not exist, no one can tell, after all, no one has seen it!” 8 Elder nodded said again

“However, on this emperor list, there is Stars Ranking, which is the Heaven’s Chosen Ranking List of Ten Directions Star Domain. The Heaven’s Chosen above is strong, and it is afraid that even the famous Martial Emperor of the continent in the foreign domain is not an opponent ! “

“Stars Ranking !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly brightened, and the battle intent rolled in his heart.

Ten Directions Star Domain is like the vast Star Sea, and the outer domain is continent, but it is just one of the corners.

It is said that the end of Martial Dao Peak is at Ten Directions Star Domain, among which Primeval Beginning Palace and Dark Temple are the strongest two forces.

In each of their Sects, there is the power of the Holy Order powerhouse, which is far beyond the existence of Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse.

“Heaven’s Chosen of Ten Directions Star Domain !? Stars Ranking, not bad!”

Chu Yan nodded, no more words.

Soon, in less than breath breaths, Human Race has a total of 5 people, all in one.

“Everyone, everyone is here, let’s go!”

8 Elder fell down with 5 silhouettes, rising into the sky.

It’s just that these 5 silhouettes, one litre of Heaven are empty, will be directly converted into 2 batches, a batch of 4 people, including Guo Dongjun and Xiao Wenliang.

In the other batch, Chu Yan was the only one.

Of the 5 people, 4 are Realm of Martial Emperor, and only Chu Yan’s cultivation base is allowed to be Emperor.

In addition, Chu Yan’s ranking is only 500, so Guo Dongjun and the others, to disdain as beneath contempt.

shua! shua! shua!

Silhouette breaks through the sky, Guo Dongjun and the others, with a smile on his face, pushing the speed to the limit, sweeping his eyes to Chu Yan behind him, his face full of tyranny.

“En!? Want to get rid of me !?” Chu Yan saw this, the corner of his mouth lifted lightly, movement art unfolded, follow closely from behind.


The figure is like a thunder, where it passes, rubbing the void, making the sound of dragons, 10 li in one step, just like the Roaming Dragon sky, the speed is fast, and the potential is like thunder and lightning.

“This guy, the speed is not bad! It should be cultivation speed a!”

Guo Dongjun turned around and saw that Chu Yan hadn’t got rid of him, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

“Hmph! A quasi-imperial order kid, who wants to be our Captain, is really a dream!” Xiao Wenliang followed Guo Dongjun closely, coldly snorted said.

“Captain !?” Guo Dongjun started.

“Good! On Lingyun great hall, those Elders, let Chu Yan lead the team, take care of me and wait!” Xiao Wenliang flashed his eyes, said with a smile

“Ha ha ha鈥? Lingyun Pavilion Elder, also tell jokes !?”

“Ha ha ha … laughing at me! Let him take care of us !?”

“Ha ha ha, laugh … joke!”

Several young men were hearing this, all of them rolled back and forth with a smile, almost fell from the air, and fell directly.

A junior imperial kid, take care of their 4 Martial Emperor! ?

If it weren’t for Lingyun Pavilion that was the head of Nine Sects, this Chu Yan did not even have the qualification to go to the battlefield of ancient martial arts with them.

“Wait a minute, I’m going to teach him a lesson !?” Guo Dongjun opened the mouth and said, a proud look flashed across his face.

“Don’t think that it is Ling Shuangtian’s direct disciple, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, a kid with more than 500 emperors, hmph!”

Coldly snorted, Guo Dongjun body flashed, rushed directly into the sea of 鈥嬧€媠pirit clouds above, the silhouette disappeared instantly.

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