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10000 are both thunder and lightning, concentrated in a wide-hundred zhang channel, roaring together.

Five people, including Chu Yan, were present, their faces changed, and their hearts shook.

This scene reminded them involuntarily, the horror of Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation when heaven defying to change life.

You know, Thunder Tribulation’s fate is originally death deaths and still alive.

Now, the “Thunder Tribulation Avenue” in front of them makes them feel terrified together.

“Yi !? Someone !?”

Suddenly, someone cry out in surprise and made everyone look up together.

I saw that in the Thunder Tribulation Avenue, thunder and lightning, a path of silhouette, were traversed in the sky.

Some use movement art to dodge quickly, and it’s like swimming fish among the 100 Thunder Pillars around them.

Some people, with all their bodies and powers rushing, holding the Emperor Artifact, slashed out the terrorist attack and shattered the falling Thunder Pillar directly.

There is even a powerhouse. Between raising your hands and throwing your feet, you directly smash one side of the void, so that within the first 100 steps, thunder and lightning are emptied before you move forward steadily.

“Xueyuefeng, Haorimmen, Bingyuebao …”

Guo Dongjun glanced across the “Thunder Tribulation Avenue”, and reported the Martial Artist Sect, one after another, after the trip.

At the same time, every time Guo Dongjun reported a Sect force, his face would be dignified.

Not only Guo Dongjun, but every one of us present at the scene saw the various sects powerhouse that broke into Thunder Tribulation Avenue, all with a look of astonishment, and the expression was also dignified.

“These elite disciple of Great Influence are really powerful!” Chu Yan chuckled, slightly nodded.

Under the pupil of Qilin, each of the Martial Artists in Thunder Tribulation Avenue has Martial Emperor Realm cultivation base.

“They came a step earlier than everyone, and they have already begun to pass the barrier!” An Yue nodded, and the aura in his body slowly rose between the words.

“Everyone, get ready! This” Tiandu Level 3 “is not easy! But …

On the one hand, An Yue was ready, while turning his head, glancing at the genius of Human Race and Cave Point Mansion, said with a smile

“However, if even the first test of” Tiandu 3 customs “can’t be broken, then it will not be qualified to enter the battlefield of ancient martial arts! Ha ha …”

The words landed, and An Yue’s gaze swept to Chu Yan intentionally or unintentionally, with a trace of pride and contempt in his eyes.

Guo Dongjun and the others also noticed An Yue’s gaze, and at the same time turned his head, looked at Chu Yan, and laughed together.


Drinking the word An Yue, True Qi broke out throughout the body, and body protection Gang Yuan covered the whole body, his figure dashed straight towards Thunder Tribulation Avenue.

“Go, let’s get out!”

Follow closely from behind, a genius, Qi Qi broke out, take out various Spirit Armament rare treasure, protect yourself, follow An Yue, moved towards Thunder Tribulation Avenue.

Chu Yan was behind everyone, his face was light, unlike others, there was no trace of tension.

Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation may be a threat to others, but it has no effect on him.

At the beginning, when Vermilion Bird Martial Soul did not have Full Star, he resisted Thunder Tribulation of 100,000 miles, and the cloud of Thunder Tribulation in front of him looked at an area of ​​up to 100 li.

Ordinary thunder and lightning, this is the variant attribute of Fire Element, and this kind of Heavenly Punishment Thunder Tribulation, just one more Heaven and Earth Might.

With Qilin Martial Soul in town, this level of Heaven and Earth Might has no challenges at all.

Therefore, Chu Yan didn’t even urge the body protection Gang Yuan, so he flashed into the “Thunder Tribulation Avenue”.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With the entry of 6 of them, the entrance of Thunder Tribulation Avenue was suddenly thunderous and thundering, and counted 7 Thunder Pillars.

100 thunderbolt, falling at the same time, the might is strong, can be called horror, into the eyes, the sky is thunder and lightning, thunderous deafening sound, making the scalp a bit numb

“break for me !”

“1000 shadows 10000 absolutely cut!”

“Xianglong flying strike!”

“Bawang moves his fist!”

“Aurora Shield!”


Guo Dongjun and the others, where they dare to be negligent, all kinds of Spirit Armament rare treasure, all shot together, to resist the thunder and lightning that bombarded themselves.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

For a time, the scattered thunder and lightning exploded the lightning snake in the sky, 4 shots scattered, and turned into a grid of hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering the entire entrance area.

Colliding with body protection Gang Yuan, the violent Power of Thunder and Lightning shocked everyone and flew in 4 places.

“Everyone be careful! The more people there are, the stronger the might of Thunder Tribulation Avenue!”

Among the people, only Anyue’s condition was slightly better. Forcibly resisted the first wave of thunder and lightning attacks, his face was sullen, and he reminded others loudly.

“Speed ​​up and rush over!”

Without any hesitation, Guo Dongjun and several people, while urging body protection Gang Yuan, resisted the Thunder Snake of the power grid, while constantly shooting, threw the falling Thunder Pillar, the movement art unfolded, speeded up, moved towards Thunder Tribulation go with.

The youths present were all elite disciple of various sects and ethnic groups, ranked in the top 100 of the emperor list, and they were fully cultivated by the forces. Heaven defying to change life naturally has experienced this kind of thing.

Therefore, Heaven and Earth Thunder Tribulation is no stranger to them.

As long as you do your best, basically, you can cope with it without any danger, just to see who is faster.

As several people accelerated, they quickly crossed the entrance area of ​​Thunder Tribulation Boulevard.

Anyue, the fastest, has even reached the middle of the avenue, which is only a few miles away from the previous batch of other powerful young people who entered Thunder Tribulation Boulevard.

At this time, no one noticed at all that Chu Yan, who was at the end, suddenly stopped.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A path of thunder and lightning is like a roar of a mad dragon, slamming directly on Chu Yan, but it seems that Roaming Dragon has entered the sea, directly immersed in Chu Yan within the body, and immediately disappeared.

Manly Heavenly Thunder has no effect on Chu Yan …

“Crazy thunder and dragon, Heaven and Earth roaring …”

Body bath 10000 1000 thunderbolt, Chu Yan’s eyes shine with 5 different colors, but his eyes are straight, as if falling into a loss …

“Thunderbolt whacks, suppresses all directions! Fang Cheng ….. the sky-bending trend!”

“Crazy Dragon … Crazy Dragon … so that’s how it is!”

With a whisper, Chu Yan, who was originally absent and sluggish, woke up instantly, and the 5 different colors of light in his eyes burst out 2 dazzling rays of light, which passed by the lasing. nothingness.

Immediately, on Chu Yan’s body, True Qi surging, his body imposing manner changed greatly, the sky grid thunder snake, moved towards Chu Yan rushed, even gathered around his body all around, turned into a giant thunder and lightning The ball surrounded him.

“10000 Dragon Style Seventh Style, Long Xiao is crazy!”

“Ben Celestial Emperor 2nd Style, Mad Dragon!”

With a stern drink, Chu Yan raised his hand to punch out. Suddenly, a roaring Golden Dragon hit the thunder and lightning ball around him, roaring and shaking, thundercloud moved towards the top of his head, straight out.

This fist blasts out, thunder and lightning are like tide, dragon terrifying, endless Power of Thunder and Lightning, fusion of Long Wei, what has passed, collapse of the void, everything is turned into nothing.

In an instant, within 10000 steps of Chu Yan, all Thunder Tribulation poles and lightning snake nets were emptied.

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