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As the silhouette of Chu Yan disappeared, everyone only heard that at the end of Thunder Tribulation Avenue where the black robe silhouette disappeared, a violent and loud explosion sounded.

Immediately afterwards, like a giant wave, Thunder Tribulation Clouds rushing to the top of the head from far and near, a path of giant thunder snake, appeared in the sea of ​​thunder clouds, horror thunder and lightning might continue to gather.

“Why … what’s going on !? The interval of thunder tide is getting shorter and shorter !?”

An Yue looked towards the top of his head, seeing the cloud movement of Thunder Tribulation, countless thunder and lightning jumped among them, and suddenly the complexion changed, knowing that the next wave of thunder was coming soon.

“Everyone, get ready, Lei Chao wants … not good! Fast block!”

I just wanted to remind you, but I didn’t finish a word. There were nearly 1000 Thunder Pillar above my head, pouring down.

The genius who had just gasped, heard An Yue’s roar, looked up, and suddenly the complexion greatly changed, and his face was gray.

This wave of thunder tide is not only more in number, but also mighty, which is more than double the previous wave.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The thunder tide fell and drowned dozens of genius again, into the eyes, the whole World seemed to be flooded with thunder and lightning.

After 3 breaths, the thunder tide passed. Almost half of the people after the robbery shook their bodies, and True Qi collapsed. Apparently, most of them were consumed by the wave of thunder tide.

This is not the worst, there are 3 people genius, even directly by this wave of thunder tide, bombarded into scum powder, forever dissipated between Heaven and Earth.

In addition to the previous 2 people, so far, the genius who has broken through Thunder Tribulation Avenue has lost 5 people.

After understanding this result, all the genius present changed their faces.

In the past Thunder Tribulation Avenue, almost no one was damaged.

For genius in the Top 100, this kind of 100 li Thunder Tribulation, although powerful, is not unstoppable.

In addition, you can also take care of each other. It is not that the strength is particularly poor, or that the Martial Artist is alone, and the probability of loss is extremely low.

Now it’s good, dozens of genius, only halfway away, actually lost 5 people!

This is the top 5 genius of the 100 emperors, almost all of the major racial forces, the rank of the top 3 genius of Overlord Sect.

Now, it actually falls under a piece of 100 li Thunder Tribulation, and there are also same sects around.


Another is a violent sky-splitting sound, the thunder cloud sea above the head, 10000 thunder rushing sound, from far and near.

Immediately afterwards, the thundercloud above the genius’s head rolled like a tide.

“It seems … something is wrong!”

Anyue brows tightly knit, looking at the thundercloud above his head, it seems to be gaining momentum again, exclaiming.

“What’s the situation !? It’s that blast again …”

“Good! The thunder tide just broke out after this explosion!”

“No way !? Is it the sky-splitting sound that caused thunder tide !?”

“This is impossible !? Thunder Tribulation Avenue, is the most simple of” Crossing 3 Passes “. Why is this time completely different !?”

“Yes, this Lewis seems to be several times stronger than before!”


An Yue’s words caused all around, dozens of genius’s voices of discussion, and everyone looked up at the top of their heads, seeing that the next wave of thunder was about to fall, all face was terrified, and the corners of their eyes twitched.

For 2 consecutive waves of Thunder Tide, most people’s True Qi has almost been consumed. If Thunder Tide continues, I am afraid they will have to use the hole cards.

However, this is the first test of crossing three levels, and they must be forced to use the cards that are used to save life later.

As a result, how did these self-owned World’s First Heaven’s Chosen accept it.

All genius, with a dignified complexion, constantly urge True Qi, or take out Spirit Treasure, preparing for the next wave of thunder.

Apart from the muffled thunder in the sky, the scene was dead.

“The Chu Yan just now …”

Suddenly, a Heaven’s Chosen spoke suddenly, although the sound was very small, but it seemed to be a magic sound, and it instantly attracted all around, a few ten lines of sight, all staring together.

Stared by dozens of bloodshot eyes, the genius with a loud voice suddenly shuddered and his face twitched.

At this moment, a question flashed in everyone’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

How did Chu Yan do it! ?

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dozens of genius, with their brains full of doubts, were once again overwhelmed by the Heavenly Thunder tide.

On the other side, Chu Yan walked step by step and walked on Thunder Tribulation Boulevard. Every 10000 steps, it was punched out and threw it into the Thunder Tribulation cloud above his head.

Every time a fist blasts out, it is a dragon’s thunder. Wherever it passes, whether it is a tribulation thunder or a grid thunder snake, it is counted as a powder.

Collapse Celestial Emperor 2nd Style, crazy dragon’s might, more and more scary.

This Thunder Tribulation Avenue, to Chu Yan, is like a cultivation, making his Heavenly Collapse Emperor’s art become stronger and stronger.

“En!? So fast !?”

Just after a sea of ​​thunderclouds shattered, Chu Yan looked up, but he saw a pure black land in front of him.

Thunder Tribulation Avenue has come to an end.


Body flashed, Chu Yan stood on the black land, Thunder Tribulation all around, disappeared instantly.

“Here … so rich and bloody aura!”

Chu Yan looked up towards all around, frowned involuntarily.

I saw that the World in front of me, whether it is the mountain range in the distance, or 10,000 li in front of Pingchuan, black and red, became the main color.

In the air, there is a thick bloody aura, and even a short distance away, you can see some gray and bare bones exposed in the soil layer.

Obviously, this is a battlefield, and there have been terrifying battles.

“Yi!? There is a building there!”

Chu Yan looked all around, 50 li away, a broken wooden building, falling into the field of vision.

took a deep breath, dispersed Divine Consciousness, Chu Yan strode forward, moved towards the complex.

This group of buildings is surprisingly large, covering an area of ​​100 li, with various broken wood houses, endless and endless.

“It seems to be a military camp …”

Chu Yan stepped into the wooden gate that had fallen halfway, and Divine Consciousness poured out, swept all around, and probed carefully.

After confirming that there was no danger, Chu Yan randomly found a wood house, directly entered it, laid a defense of the spirit array, and began to recover by adjusting interest rates.

Just walked through Thunder Tribulation Avenue, although the thunder tide, there is no threat to Chu Yan.

However, the 2nd Style of Celestial Emperor, the crazy dragon, is very expensive to display, and almost every punch must use Chu Yan’s True Qi.

Along the way, while walking and blasting, although Chu Yan swallowed Golden Pill to replenish, it was still somewhat consumed.

The most important thing is that just after comprehending Celestial Emperor for the second time, Chu Yan should quickly consolidate.

As a result, Chu Yan quickly sank into cultivation, waiting patiently for other Martial Artists.

An hour later, dozens of embarrassed silhouettes suddenly rushed out of the exit of Thunder Tribulation Avenue and stood on the black continent.

“Fuck! Finally came!”

A Heaven’s Chosen, with a swaying figure, almost fell to the ground with his body almost out of state.

Not only him, even An Yue and Guo Dongjun, they were all panting and sweating.

Looking back towards the gradually submerged Thunder Tribulation Avenue, dozens of genius, all with a lingering fear, a look of horror.

They never imagined that the first test of Tiandu 3 had actually lost 8 genius.

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