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A terrifying battle erupted directly.

Moreover, in the face of Antiquity, more than a dozen emperor list genius, all tried their best, battle intent skyrocketing.

Under such circumstances, there is a risk of damage at any time.

“These 2 Antiquity Spirit Armaments are already soldiers, not who, they can recognising Master!”

Chu Yan Divine Consciousness swept away, slightly shook the head, and continued to observe his mural.

For Chu Yan in front of the mural, Genius, the emperor list, was directly ignored, and there was only one piece of Antiquity Spirit Treasure in his eyes.

“Sadly, these two people are still lost after all!”

Chu Yan looked at the middle of the mural, white robed youth and white skirt woman, joined hands to lay the corpse, all around was a bloody war knife held by over 100 demons.

Obviously, in order to protect the white skirt woman, white robed youth put down the spirit sword in his hand to make up for his life, but eventually lost both.

“En !? The Spirit Armament they use seems to be …”

Chu Yan stared at the mural, and the two Sword Spirit knives on the edge of the corpse suddenly started, turned their heads anxiously, and looked towards the distant battle group.


In the hall, the one blade one sword suspended in midair, regardless of style or size, is exactly the same as that used by young men and women in murals.

“Don’t …” Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, his eyes flashing slightly.

The battle of dozens of emperor genius, although not using the kill card, is still extremely fierce.

Various martial skills and soldiers rush all directions, dazzling.

With a glance, Chu Yan could not help but tumbling with blood, there was an urge to rush up and over.

With the outbreak of the war, the strength of the strength appeared instantly, and an Antiquity Spirit Treasure was constantly robbed.

Mo 1000 Blade and Wumufeng’s strength was so shocking that they swept the audience. Two people took two Antiquity Spirit Armaments and one set of Antiquity Spirit Armor.

Others have their own gains, and at least some of Di Jing.

Only Stars Ranking genius, Yue Linglong, and other Antiquity Spirit Treasures are ignored. They will be suspended in the empty one blade one sword and snatched.

Speaking of snatching, simply, while Yue Linglong was shooting, no one else dared to play the sword.

But in the next scene, the genius of the emperor list was so shocked that his chin almost fell to the ground.


Yue Linglong fluttered in a white skirt, a flash, and fell beside Chu Yan, spirit eye looked towards Chu Yan, smiled into the moon, and handed the Spirit Armament in his hand directly to Chu Yan, said

“Chu Yan is it !? My name is Yue Linglong, this spirit knife is for you!”


Chu Yan froze, looking at the first Demoness of the Dark Temple in front of her, Yue Linglong, and he was suddenly dumbfounded!

“No! Not good at Spirit Armament now! Thanks!”

After the reaction came, Chu Yan bowed his hand as a gift and refused with a smile.

“En!? Don’t …!?”

Hearing the words of Chu Yan, the smile on Yue Linglong’s face suddenly solidified, a cold rose, slowly lowered his head, looked at Spirit Sword and Spirit Knife in his hand, and looked up at Chu Yan again.

Immediately, another Spirit Sword was handed out and said with an unrepudiable tone

“This Spirit Sword, dare not, I will kill you!”


In the sound of a sword whisper, the Spirit Sword appeared in front of Chu Yan, above the sword body, and sharp aura surged out.

sword body Here, the word “light moon” as soft as water, lustrous shine.

“hmph! ”

Not giving Chu Yan the opportunity to refuse at all, Yue Linglong turned around and walked away.

Leaving Chu Yan faced with the light moon sword, his face full of daze.

“This Yue Linglong, the way of doing things, is really different from ordinary people!”

Shaking his head and grinning bitterly, holding the light moon sword in front of him in hand, the faint Sword Intent surged, making Chu Yan feel excited.

“Good sword!”

The pupil light is shining, didn’t expect, this Spirit Armament does not resist Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness in the slightest, but echoes it with a clear sense of intimacy.

Chu Yan’s Clear Sky Sword is still being refined in Tianqi Building. For the time being, it only uses a good Emperor Spirit Sword.

In comparison, this light moon sword is obviously better than ordinary spirit Sword of ordinary rank.

“Many thanks Moon Girl gives sword!”

With a big wave of his hand, Chu Yan put the light moon sword into the Rakshasa Space, facing the back of Yue Linglong, and bowed his hand in courtesy.

“hehe …”

With his back to Chu Yan, Yue Linglong waved his hand, a smile on his cold face and small mouth.

Boom … rumbling!

At this time, deep in the hall, above a wall, a gap was suddenly cracked, and 10000 golden lights were burst out, moving towards 2 and the side continued to open.

A downward staircase appeared, not knowing where to go.

“Fast forward!”

The genius of the emperor list couldn’t wait, until the stone wall channel was fully opened, they rushed into it.

With this level of experience, they have probably guessed that there are countless Antiquity Spirit Treasures in this castle.

Therefore, if you seize the opportunity, you may be able to reap huge profits.

As the crowd rushed into the channel, Chu Yan was not in a hurry, and walked in at the end, stepping into it.

This passage is not long, but after 1000 stone stairs, everyone appeared in the underground karst cave World.

Oh la la !

Deep in the karst cave, a sound of water sounded, and the cave space all around was full of Spirit Qi, which made people feel excited.

In a hurry, I walked along the path of the cave for 1000 steps, and finally could see the situation of the cave.

This is an underground river, the river is clear, and the sound of water gurgling …

However, above the river, the thick Spirit Qi forms a mist, hazy and Immortal Realm, which is striking.

“This is spirit water!”

a A cry of exclamation sounded, everyone eyes shined at the same time, looking at this underground river.

Although the entire river contains Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, the concentration of Spirit Power is lower than that of the genius present.

Even if you drink a large barrel, it will not help to improve the cultivation base.

However, even so, the spirit of an entire river still surprised the genius.

At least, it proves that there is a powerful spiritual source in this underground karst cave.

“Go! Go up!”

With a hello, the genius walked along the small river in a hurry, looking for the source of the spirit.

However, not long after walking, a vast underground lake appeared in front of everyone.

“God Lake !?”

The Heaven Ranking genius swept across the underground lake at a glance, and everyone’s face changed in unison.

“Fuck! How could there be a Devouring Lake here !?”

Even Yue Linglong was complexion changed, looking at the dark blue lake, his face dignified.

“What is Devouring Lake !?” Chu Yan startedled, muttered.

In a word, all around all the emperor list genius, turned their heads together, looked towards Chu Yan, black lines all over their faces.

This Chu Yan didn’t even know that it would eat up the Divine Lake, but he dared to come to the battlefield of ancient martial arts.

“Chu Yan, this Devour Lake can devour Martial Artist Divine Soul. Even if it is Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, Divine Soul will be hurt. In severe cases, the mind will be completely lost, the crazy slaughter, and finally True Qi will die and die! “

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Yue Linglong’s voice sounded, making Chu Yan complexion changed.

“In this way, this was left by the Demon Race to secretly calculate and suppress this old castle !?” Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart.

“Good! The God and Demon Great War in Antiquity. It is said that this place of the old castle, the slaughter is the most prosperous, repeatedly lost, and finally became Death Land!”

Yue Linglong was replied again.

“What should I do now !? Do we have to go through this Devouring Lake with Fleshy Body !?” Xiao Wenliang exclaimed.

“Impossible! No one can cross this Devouring Lake like this. The evil spirit in it is too heavy. Even if it is the upper Martial Emperor Peak, falling into it, it is impossible to live an hour!” An Yueshook the head.

“Hehe, is it ?!” Yue Linglong hearing this, looked towards An Yue, with a contemptuous smile.

This smile fell in the eyes of Anyue and genius in the Emperor List, just like 100 flowers blooming, bright and colorful.

“Uh, besides you …”

An Yue, who responded, looked at the first Demoness of the dark temple in front of her, and suddenly twitched the corner of her eye twice, and quickly added.

In the God Lake, the evil spirit has a much smaller effect on Yue Linglong of the cultivation demonic path.

“But how do we cross the river !?” someone asked.

“Wait!” Wumu Feng said.

“There is also one hour, the lake water will run through the spiritual river, when the time comes, there will be a row of Stone Pillar under the lake surface!”

“Stepping on Stone Pillar is the only way!”

Boom … Rumble!

Wu Mufeng’s words just fell, above the lake, a large wave of water was set off, slapped and fell, and it was shocking.

“Come … come!”

All genius, startled together, intently, stared under the lake, lifted by the wind and waves, a row of black stone Pillar faintly discernible.

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