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Chapter 1932

The real divine powerhouse … blood essence!

But with this sentence, the audience completely boiled, all the emperor genius, directly exploded!


“Shenjing powerhouse !? There is a real Shenjing powerhouse!”

“God, this drop of blood essence is enough for my 100 years of cultivation, no, 1000 years!”

“This is the powerhouse blood essence of the Divine Realm. Among them, there is also the will of Martial Dao and Heavenly Dao.


At this moment, all the emperor genius is not only excited and excited, but with horrified eyes, almost every genius present is going crazy.

Wonderland powerhouse!

That is the true Peak of the Martial Dao road in legend!

Do n’t say in the eyes of ordinary person, even in the eyes of Martial Artist of cultivation Martial Dao, it is like God like existence!

Although many have heard of it, there is a piece called Divine Realm in the outer space of the 9th Layer. Among the powerhouse of cultivation, there is the powerhouse of God.

These break the shackles of Martial Dao and Heavenly Dao, break the Mortal World rules, and the Supreme existence of heaven defying to change life is definitely Legendary.

I have only heard of it before, but now, a drop of blood essence from the powerhouse of God Realm instantly makes them feel that those god-like deposits, in this brief moment, are so close to themselves.

Do they also have the opportunity to touch the slightest chance with the sky! ?

At this time, among the dozen genius in the audience, only Chu Yan was brows tightly knit, with a grave expression.

“what happened!?”

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, riots, roaring in the sky of Sea of ​​Consciousness, roaring in the sky.

It seems that the appearance of the blood essence of the drop of gods has caused them all to be stimulated.

“Is there anything about me in this blood essence !?” Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, looking at the drop of golden blood in front of the old man, secretly said in one’s heart.

I just learned about the Heavenly Dao Ming mantra in Ouyang Nantian, and now a drop of Divine Realm powerhouse blood essence comes directly from Divine Realm.

Could it be that all these things are in heaven! ?

“No matter what, it can make the 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul so riotous, indicating that this drop of blood essence is extremely important to me! Must get it!”

Above the platform, the old man saw the boiling Ancient Battle Platform and was extremely satisfied, slightly nodded.

“Below, get ready!”

“Ancient Battle Platform has been opened. On this battle stage, there have been the blood of countless young people who want to become the powerhouse of God Realm!”

“Most of them have failed, but there are also individuals, which have succeeded!”

“Everything depends on chance, of course, on yourself!”

Speaking of which, the old man waved his hand with a huge force, sweeping towards the Ancient Battle Platform.

Boom … rumbling!

With the urging of the old man, the numerous prohibitions on the Ancient Battle Platform continue to awaken and operate in unison, and the entire Ancient Battle Platform continues to tremble.

“Tiandu 3 levels, the last level, ancient martial arts battle, start!”

In one word, the whole list of genius, True Qi broke out, and instantly opened the distance, and looked towards all around others.

“Tiandu 3 pass, if the first 2 pass is a test, then this 3rd pass is fighting and elimination!”

The words of the old man, like thunder, thundered the whole space and buzzed.

“The battle of ancient martial arts was passed down from the Antiquity period and the strongest assessment of continent genius!”

“The rules are … no rules!”

“Enjoy the battle! Enjoy the slaughter! The last person standing on this ancient martial arts battle stage is the winner, who is eligible to get all the inheritance of the Southern God Emperor!”


With a stern drink, on the edge of the ancient martial arts battle stage, rumble raised ten or two black pillars.

On each a pillar, the mysterious divine runes, the violent tremors and the aura of the domain rushed out like a tide.

As if ten floods flooded the gate, within a few breaths, the dense black mist completely swallowed the ancient martial arts battle stage of 2 li.

“Not good! This dark fog, isolate Divine Consciousness!”

“I can’t see! The hearing is also affected, how … how to fight !?”

Very terrifying Antiquity Lingzhen, this is to stop the joint! ? “

“What an ancient martial arts battle stage, such a terrifying spirit array, it was the first time I met it!”

“No matter what, this inheritance, I have to make up!”


Hearing the rules, the audience’s genius, his eyes are getting red, especially looking towards all around. Under a dim, nothing can be seen or heard at all. Divine Consciousness is out of the body, and only ten steps away distance.

Under such circumstances, everyone suddenly became nervous immediately.

I ca n’t see anything like this, but I know clearly that all around has more than a dozen jumping out at any time. Why do n’t you feel nervous to kill you?

In an instant, the original friend, same sect, at this moment, all became enemies.

Although, if you want to win, you don’t have to kill everyone, just beat or drop the battle stage.

However, who can guarantee that same sect and friends will not stab you in the back! ?

In the face of the inheritance of the Southern God Emperor, there is also a piece of Supreme Treasure, Path to Heaven, which is in front of us, enough to make anyone crazy.

“Xiao Wenliang, Guo Dongjun …”

In the thick black mist, a roar sounded, it is easy to hear that this is Mo 1000 blade.

“The two of you are willing to join forces with Wumufeng to kill Chu Yan and suppress others. In the end, any one of Wumufeng and I will get inheritance and Supreme Treasure, and your benefits will definitely be indispensable!”

The roar contains True Qi, resounding throughout the ancient martial arts battle stage, enough for the first emperor genius to hear.

However, such an arrogant proposal to form an alliance to deal with other people, of course, also caused everyone’s anger.

However, others also know that of the fifteen emperor genius on the battle stage, the strength is naturally Yue Linglong strongest on the Stars Ranking.

But the second place is of course Wumufeng and Mo 2.

If two of them join forces, plus Xiao Wenliang and Guo Dongjun, there will be 2 at once.

Such strength is enough to sweep the entire battle stage. In fact, there is hope in competing with Yue Linglong.

“Kill me first !?” Chu Yan slightly startedled.

This Mo 1000 blade, in Snake Attack on Snake Lake, hasn’t settled his account yet, and still dare to face everyone, so announced, it’s courting death!

“Ancient martial arts battle !? Want to form an alliance, it seems not so easy …”

Pupil light is like thunder, sweeping all directions, into the eyes, a dark, almost 5 fingers outstretched.

In this case, even if you want to form an alliance, want to find each other’s position, or the position of others, it is tantamount to an adventure.

The price of adventure is your own life!

Sure enough, Xiao Wenliang and Guo Dongjun, not at all answered that Mo 1000 blade, the entire ancient martial arts battle stage, fell into a dead silence.

Facing the inheritance of the Southern God Emperor, there is also the opportunity of heaven defying to change life, no matter who, I am afraid that it will not be easily given up.

“The pupil of Qilin!”

shouted in a low voice, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly burst into a five-colored brilliance, looked towards all around a dense black mist.

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