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This iron rod in Chu Yan’s hand is one of many Spirit Armaments obtained before, which is extremely ordinary.

But before, when Chu Yan and Miaolian Anju joined hands in the trial, it seemed good to see him smashing people behind his stick.

Therefore, Chu Yan decided to give it a try, the goal, of course, is Mo 1000.

For the Mo 1000 blade, Chu Yan showed no mercy, and the iron rod of the emperor order in his hand, with the momentum of thunderbolt, fiercely smashed it.

Just as Chu Yan’s stick fell, on the high platform in the distance, the old man’s gaze had locked Chu Yan.

From the beginning, he discovered that Chu Yan seemed to be able to see.

“This kid, really strong pupil power, can actually break the prohibition of Ancient Battle Platform!”

Full of surprises and surprises, the old man’s gaze penetrated through the thick black mist, staring directly at Chu Yan’s actions.

On the other side, Mo 1000 is fully alert, and the body protection of the body is 3 times.

However, suddenly, a cold chill struck him, causing his scalp to explode.

“what happened!?”

Mo 1000 blade complexion greatly changed, the kind of chilly crazy increase, made him full of fear.

However, there was no time to respond at all, a thick black shadow fell from the dense mist and smashed hard on his head.


There was a loud noise, the intense pain exploded, and a mournful scream was emitted.

The Mo 1000 blade only felt dark in front of him, and countless Gold Stars appeared, shaking his body a few times, and retreating a few steps before barely standing.

Under the cold chill and fear, Mo 1000’s blades roared again and again, and when he looked up, except for the large thick black mist in front of him, simply was nothing.

Even if he just smashed him on the head, he just saw it, a thick black shadow.

“Who !? Dare sneak attack I don’t have 1000 blades, find …”

True Qi broke out in the whole body, fleshy body strength was raised to the extreme, the sword in the hand was held high, and the battle strength quickly reached the Peak state, but the sentence was not finished yet …


The thick black shadow broke through the black mist again and appeared at the back of his turning head.

A stick fell, Mo 1000 blade tall body, directly hit the spot on the spot, twisted with a painful face.

“Who !? Who the hell is that ?? There is a breed!”

Mo 1000 blade is unimaginable, with the top 10 genius of his emperor list, he was beaten to the ground, but he didn’t even see his opponent.

thump! thump! thump!

In the dark mist, a black shadow suddenly appeared. Each black shadow has thigh thickness, like a downpour, moved towards Mo 1000, and the blade fell and covered his face.

The giant stick didn’t keep his hand in the slightest, while the secret collection hit, the power didn’t weaken.

In the dark mist, Chu Yan, a ghost-like figure, was erratic. Every time he hit a stick, he immediately changed his position and shot again.

Let you overwhelm me!

Let me go against me!

Make me the eye of hell!

Let you crafty plots and machinations!

Today, you do n’t know why the flowers are red without beating your ass and blooming!

The calculation of the Mo 1000 blade, in this brief moment, completely broke out.

Originally, this time came to the ancient martial arts battlefield, Chu Yan never thought about dealing with Mo 1000 blades, but this guy, repeateded, calculated himself, and just thought about joining forces with Human Race garbage to deal with himself.

How can it be soft to deal with such people! ?

“Ah … it hurts! Stop it … please please … it hurts …”

Dignified Emperor Bang Genius, the Number One Genius of the Nether Tribe, was smashed all over the ground, and the original triumph of triumph was gone.

On the Ancient Battle Platform, the Mo 1000 blade is like a slaughtered pig-like howling sound, resounding through the whole black mist.

The emperor genius who were still invisible in the dark mist, or fought murky heavens dark earth against each other, heard the mournful scream, and all were stunned.

Could it be that the Mo 1000 blade met Yue Linglong! ?

It was so badly beaten, it seems that until the last moment, must avoid the Stars Ranking genius.


At this moment, beside Chu Yan, a white shadow flashed …

“Give me … give me … I come and I come!”

It is impossible to tell at all that as soon as Yue Linglong appeared beside Chu Yan, a pair of jade hands were stretched out, grabbing the emperor giant stick in Chu Yan’s hand.

“Little Chu Yan, your stick is so thick ah! Hehe, lend me a play!”

Holding a giant stick thicker than her waist, Yue Linglong while speaking, looked towards the ground with a 1000-blade twitching body, and a tyrannical light flashed in her smart eyes.

Seeing the rays of light flashing in Demoness’s eyes, Chu Yan startled, and then immediately disabled to bear, directly hit a chill.

Immediately afterwards, a piercing sky-splitting sound sounded, and the first Demoness of the Dark Temple, Stars Ranking genius Yue Linglong, shot!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It is more than double the strength of Chu Yan. The thick thigh of the emperor-level giant stick, the bursting soldiers, and the length of nearly zhang, almost like the Thunder Pillar, crashed down.

“Ah …! Ah ….! Ah …”

The stick shadow landed on the ground, and Mo 1000’s blade screamed more than before.

Even the black mist all around was stunned by the howl.

“what’s the situation!?”

Hearing the screams of Mo 1000 blades, the genius everywhere on the battle stage, all with terrified faces, turned their heads to the place where the sound originated, and were shocked.

What’s the matter, the more beating the more powerful! ?

Hearing the howling of the Mo 1000 blade, all genius, all of them scalp tingling, almost can imagine, how miserable Mo 1000 blade at this time.

“Remember, don’t provoke Yue Linglong!”

“Demoness! Absolute Demoness, too terrifying!”

“Listen to the sound, this simply suppresses absolutely, there is no chance of fighting!”

“Stars Ranking genius, terrible!”


In all the genius Sea of ​​Consciousness, the same consciousness flashed at the same time, looked towards the layers of black mist, the direction of the Mo 1000 blade, a pair of eyes, twitching together.

Not only these geniuses, but even Chu Yan, who was standing next to Yue Linglong at this time, also had the same look of surprise and twitched eyes.

Seeing that Emperor Order Spirit Stick, falling down time after time, kept hitting Mo 1000 Blade, and the tyrannical light in Demoness Yue Linglong’s eyes became more and more intense.

At this time, Yue Linglong looks like a little girl who finds extremely interesting toys, and simply enjoys it.

“Quick! Chu Yan, find another one! Hurry!”

Seeing the Mo 1000 blade on the ground, the whole body was almost smashed into a mess of mud. It is estimated that the bone on the body is not complete with a, and there are even odors on the body. It is very likely that the urine will be smashed.

Yue Linglong turned his head, his eyes glowed, looked towards Chu Yan, ordered directly.


Chu Yan’s eyes fiercely flicked, just to say something, then the head, body flashed, disappeared directly into the darkness.

Chu Yan is very clear that if he does not find something for Demoness, he is afraid that he will be the next victim.

“Oh, Wumufeng, you are bad luck!”

When Chu Yan Qilin’s pupils swept away, they saw the corner of the battle stage. The Wumu Peak, which had just ended the battle, hung blood on the corner of his mouth, kicking Anyue off the Ancient Battle Platform.

The corners of his mouth were light, Chu Yan turned over again, took out a hand of Shooting Star Hammer, moved towards stealth from Wumufeng.

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