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The power of Blood Soul of Wumu Peak, although powerful, is not enough to look at the power of 5 Divine Beast of Chu Yan.

A few hammers smashed down, the sky was full of blood, and all collapsed.

“Wumufeng, at Ten Directions Divine Realm, weren’t you arrogant ?!”

Chu Yan carried Shooting Star Hammer with a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and walked slowly towards the Wumu Peak in the corner.


The shadow of the hammer was as strong as a man, hitting it down heavily, blasting on the body protection gang yuan of Wumufeng, thunder bursts into the sky.

“At Devour Lake, aren’t you very difficult to deal with? Want me to be buried at the bottom of the lake ?!”


Another hammer hit, Wu Mufeng’s body protection Gang Yuan, directly exploded, shattered into countless energy, 4 scattered rush.

“You … don’t come over!”

Wumu Feng keeps receding, staring at Chu Yan with horrified eyes, as if looking at a Killing God.

“If you come again, I will … I will …”

Being forced into a dead end, Wu Mufeng’s voice was shaking.

“Today, you must not be left!”

On the ground, Chu Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense to him again, Shooting Star Hammer held high in his hand, and he dropped it directly.

At the peak of Wumu at this time, the power of Blood Soul was broken, the body protection Gang Yuan was broken, and it was simply impossible to resist. Chu Yan gathered a hammer of the power of 5 Divine Beast.

However, at this moment, in Wumufeng’s eyes, a glance of angry look flashed by.


With a big wave of his hand, a piece of bloody Jade Talisman appeared in his hand, and fiercely squeezed it, breaking it directly.

“En !? This is …” Chu Yan startled, a grave expression appeared on his face.

Boom … Rumble!

With the shattering of Scarlet Jade Talisman, a horrible destruction of aura, surging out like a boundless sea of ​​blood, with the power of Blood Soul devouring Heaven and Earth, all of them instantly poured into the body of Wumufeng.

“Ha ha ha… ..”

The Wumufeng, whose body is wrapped in blood energy, the imposing manner and cultivation base on the body, continue to improve.

A pair of fishy red eyes, covered with blood, slowly raised his head and looked at Chu Yan, with a greasy smile on his face.

“Chu Yan, want to kill me !? You don’t deserve it!”

On the ground, Wu Mofeng raised his hand and took a palm shot. The body’s strength of Blood Soul was several times thicker, and it instantly condensed into a blood palm and shot straight.

“Not good !”

Seeing this palm attack, Chu Yan was cold all over, and all aura and Divine Consciousness were instantly suppressed, and even the body seemed to be somewhat unable to move even a little bit.

didn’t expect, the sudden outbreak of Wumufeng was so powerful!

“This power has exceeded the median Martial Emperor!”


Without waiting for Chu Yan to react, the blood palm rushed across and shot Chu Yan straight.

in a flash, Chu Yan shouted loudly, all fleshy body power and True Qi, plus the power of 5 Divine Beast, all exploded.

Reluctantly rushing away the force of repression on his body, raising his hand with a horizontal hammer, blocking Shooting Star Hammer to his chest.

With a loud explosion, Chu Yan’s body was directly blown out, and the violent force reversed into Chu Yan within the body, almost making True Qi retrograde and Qi Sea injured!

“No! Among the power of the median Martial Emperor, there is a strong will!”

Chu Yan retreated a dozen steps, crashing to the ground, the right-hand Spirit Armament Shooting Star Hammer on the right hand, but it had been completely cracked, above the hammer body, the cracked cloth.

A palm of the hand shattered the Emperor Spirit Armament. This kind of power, even if Wumufeng used the hole card, the strength soared to the center of Martial Emperor, it was absolutely impossible.

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, recognize it!”

Seeing Chu Yan pull back Chu Yan, Wu Mufeng laughed and shouted loudly.

“I’m very forcing my Malay Number One Genius to use the life-saving hole card, Chu Yan, you really are strong enough!”

“This piece of Witch Emperor’s Blood Talisman, even me, is only one piece!”

“Can die under the will of the witch emperor, Chu Yan, this is your great glory!”

Imposing manner like a rainbow, strode towards Chu Yan, Wu Wufeng body Blood Soul’s power, gathered madly, a bloody palm seal, condensed in front of him.

“Blood palm sealing the heavens!”

With a loud drink, blood energy surged all over the body. Behind the Wumu Peak, it condensed into a silhouette, a pair of bloody eyes, sweeping the audience, and a palm seal with the will of the witch emperor.

“Fuck! The will of the Holy Emperor !?”

Seeing this palm bang, Chu Yan’s cold hair stood upright, and a breath of death rose in his heart.

Even if Chu Yan guessed, Wumufeng had a life-saving card, but he did n’t expect anyway, it turned out to be a Matriarch’s will.

That is the powerhouse in the realm of the Holy Emperor!

As the continent of the Outer Realm, the Matriarch of the Ten Great Influence, the resources behind the Wumu Peak are horrible.

The huge bloody palm seal rushed past, the void was shattered, and even the dense black mist on the Ancient Battle Platform pushed a straight channel, which could not stop the Holy Emperor.

“This is trouble!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were slightly condensed, watching the blood palm hitting, and preparing for the summon green armor giant, suddenly, the mutation was born suddenly!

“The moon falls all over the world!”

Tenderly shouted, Chu Yan only felt atop his head, a white silhouette flew past, the endless snow-white sword glow, like a silver moon swaying, dumped down instantly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The silver moon sword light like water collided with the blood palm seal, and a path of shocking weather burst out, exploding the diffuse weather flow, and 4 scattered surges.

“Good Sword Art!”

Seeing that Yue Linglong shot, Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly lit up, didn’t expect, Yue Linglong’s Sword Dao cultivation base, so strong.

“10000 Dragon Power!”

Without hesitation, Chu Yan was also single fist smashed out, slamming straight towards Wumu Peak.

At this moment, the sky is full of silver moon sword tide, the golden dragon shadow on the ground, roaring and shaking the sky, two people attacked together.


Without any suspense, the a shot by Wumufeng contained the palm seal of the will of the Holy Emperor, and was instantly cut by Yue Linglong’s moon shadow sword tide.

At the same time, Chu Yan’s dragon fist fist, hit the Wumu Peak, causing him to retreat 3 steps.

“You … you guys …”

Wumufeng didn’t expect, he used his unique skill, and when he was about to kill Chu Yan, Yue Linglong would suddenly appear at this time.

What’s more, Yue Linglong’s battle strength is far beyond his imagination, and it is just a trick to directly chop up his will of the Matriarch Saint Emperor.

“Little Chu Yan, I saved you again! Hehe, remember the owe to me!”

Yue Linglong hung in the air, holding a silver dagger, looked towards Chu Yan, hehe smiled, his face smug.

“This guy gave it to you, I will deal with others!”

In a word, Yue Linglong rises into the sky like a silver lightning, rushing into the air.

“Monthly 9 states!”

xiu! xiu! xiu!

The endless silver sword tide comes again, and this time is no longer attacking the Wuwu Peak, but is like a round of silver moon, releasing 10000 moonlights, swaying to the entire Ancient Battle Platform.

In an instant, the Ancient Battle Platform has a radius of 10 li and is covered with silver swords. All the emperor genius have changed their faces.

“God ah! Who is this …”

“What a terrible Sword Qi, fast block! Buddha is angry and pale!”

“Who the hell !? How could this be so strong !?”

“Not good! Yue Linglong of the Dark Temple!”

“Run away!”


Yue Linglong this move chopped down, and on the entire Ancient Battle Platform, the still alive Emperor Gengen, all exploded.

Although they know, Stars Ranking genius Yue Linglong has amazing strength.

However, I never imagined that it would be so!

Only one person can suppress the audience!

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