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The bloody long spear that appeared in front of the Great Elder of the Matri, burst into a shocking slaughter aura, and suddenly burst a red light, moving straight towards the horizon, the little black spot representing Chu Yan, shot straight away.

call out鈥?

There was a scream in the air, everyone felt only a flash, the void exploded a wave of air, rushing through the crowd, that red light, like a world destroying meteor, thrust the void out of a deep blood trough, fast Such as a illusory shadow.

“Okay … terrifying Tenjin 10000 Espear!”

“It is worthy of assassination of countless powerhouse Malay Race Protecting Treasure!”

“This speed, 10,000 li killing people, just a ah!”

“too strong!”


The gangsters, their faces changed, and finally they saw the power of the Wu clan. They followed the direction of the red light flying and looked up together.

A smirk appeared on the face of the Matriarch Great Elder, with eyes full of killing intent, as if he had seen it, Chu Yan was stunned by a spear.

“Hmph! Chu Yan, must die!”

Under coldly snorted, the big guys all around, with grinning faces on their faces at the same time, quickly speed up and chase red light and Chu Yan.

When Tian Wu 10000 Espear, Chu Yan was killed, it is the time to win the treasure.

Uh …!

Moved towards Qiu Dao City, Chu Yan, who fell down suddenly, suddenly felt a coldness in his heart and blasted away.

The feeling of numbness of the scalp all over the body, within the body’s death, made Chu Yan’s whole body fall like an ice cellar, and suddenly turned his head to look.

At a glance, I saw a bloody long spear, with a horrible blood-reeking qi, like a blood rainbow, coming out of the sky.

“Not good! Tianwu 10000 Espear !?”

Chu Yan’s face fiercely changed, didn’t expect, Maori Great Elder, in order to kill himself, even Mazu Race Protecting Treasure, even directly used.

“Roaming Dragon covers the sky!”

Shout out loudly, Chu Yan’s whole body Qi Qi exploded, thirty two inner cores were running fast, and the surging True Qi poured into the Fleshy body.

In an instant, Chu Yan’s figure turned sharply, pulling out the afterimage of the sky, just like a golden Roaming Dragon. The figure suddenly pulled up, changed direction, and moved towards the sky.

call out鈥?!

However, almost at the moment when Chu Yan unfolded the movement art, the bloody long spear actually turned sharply, and also turned from low to high, still chasing Chu Yan.


At this moment, Chu Yan’s face changed suddenly, and he dare to hesitate a little, and his figure changed again.

call out鈥?!

Without any suspense, the bloody long spear also turned and chased again, and the speed of the blood spear was not weakened, but it was still constantly narrowing the distance with Chu Yan.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan’s face was dignified, and in his eyes, a thick battle intent suddenly broke out.

“Hmph! I don’t believe it!”

On the ground, Chu Yan flipped his big hand, and a thick Shooting Star Hammer appeared in his hand.

This handle of Shooting Star Hammer was used to beat Wumufeng and Mo 1000 in the battle of ancient martial arts.

Seeing that this blood spear cannot be thrown away, Chu Yan can only choose … meet force with force!

Shooting Star Hammer is held high, a lot of True Qi, like a flood tide, constantly infused with Emperor’s Shooting Star Hammer, a soldier who is nearly a hundred years old and shoots out.

“break for me !”

With a roar, staring closely at the blood spear coming directly, Chu Yan slammed down.

Boom … Rumble!

Emperor Artifact Shooting Star Hammer, bursting out amazing power, like a sledgehammer, fiercely hit the spear tip of the blood spear in front of him.


a The deafening sound of metal collision exploded, and Emperor Artifact Shooting Star Hammer collided with the blood spear, and the spear momentum and hammer momentum came to an abrupt halt.

At this moment, the wind is standing and the clouds are breathing, as if Heaven and Earth is quiet, 10000 things are silent.

Ka cha !

But soon, as a crack appeared on the Shooting Star Hammer body, the violent vigor, burst out instantly, 4 scattered surge.

The blood spear, like a spirit, stabbed on the Shooting Star Hammer body, as if plunging into a piece of wood. With the deepening of the spear tip, the cracks on the body of the Emperor Artifact Shooting Star Hammer kept appearing.

ka cha ka cha ka cha!

A little bit of fragments, constantly peeling off the Shooting Star Hammer body, the speed is getting faster and faster, less than 2 hours, the entire Shooting Star Hammer body bursts into a countless debris, and 4 flutters.

“Xuanshui Shield!”

Chu Yan’s eyes were full of blood, and Chu Yan was full of bloodshot eyes. He saw spear pointed a little and moved towards his chest, suddenly shouted loudly.

Buzz …!

The void burst, a mass of black light, rushing out of Chu Yan within the body, turned into an 8-edge black crystal shield, blocking Chu Yan’s chest.


There was another shocking sound, the Scarlet Witch spear, hit the 8-sided black crystal black water shield, and the spear tip rubbed a dazzling spark, as if stuck on a piece of iron, pulling out a long spark slot, Wipe the Xuanshui shield and draw to the side.

The Xuanshui shield shook violently, and finally blocked the Spear of Sky Witch Blood, and flew it to the sky in the distance.

However, after the Xuanshui shield blocked the 10000 Espear of the Sky Witch, it also turned into a streamer and returned to Chu Yan within the body.

“Hu鈥? Finally blocked!”

Chu Yan was long relaxed, looking at a bare Shooting Star Hammer handle in his hand, and his eyes twitched involuntarily.

This Malay Race Protecting Treasure, as it turns out, the name is not in vain, even the Emperor Spirit Armament can be smashed in one blow.

Obviously, this day Wu Wu 10000 spear, at least comparable to the existence of Divine Weapon.

It’s just that I don’t know what method the Wu clan used to refine it. The attack power is so strong, and they can chase down without control!

However, not waiting for Chu Yan to breathe a sigh of relief, above the sky, a shriek sounded.

call out鈥?

Tianwu blood spear, dropping from the sky, and once again brought monstrous blood light straight to Chu Yan.

“I rely, come again !?”

Looking up, Chu Yan’s eyes widened in an instant, his scalp exploded all over his body, his body spread out, and he quickly dodged.

As if stimulated by the Xuanshui Shield, when this time Tian Wuxue spear stabbed again, the speed was obviously improved, and it was amazingly fast.

Above the tip of the sword, there is a little cold glow, which makes the heart tremble slightly.

“No! Witch blood spear is too strong to escape this day!”

Chu Yan flickered fast, constantly changing direction, hoping to increase the distance from Tian Wuxue spear.

“Shooting Star Hammer is shattered, and the other Emperor Artifact can’t stop him!”

The Xuanshui Shield can only be used once a day and cannot be used continuously. At this time, Chu Yan has no way to deal with the spear of the Tianwu Blood Lee except for evasion.

call out鈥?

The blood light broke into the air, rubbing Chu Yan’s body, and stabbed a black robe rag, which was dangerously escaped by Chu Yan.


Seeing Tian Wuxue spear almost stabbing himself, Chu Yan suddenly felt a cold sweat.

Just as Chu Yan glared, rushing to the sky, and again hurriedly turned to Tianwu 10000 Espear, a distant thunderous sound sounded on the far horizon.

“Chu Yan, you are dead!”

Behind Wu Elder Great Elder, a crowd of people, like a dark cloud on the horizon, came violently, watching Chu Yan being entangled with Tian Wu 10000 Espear.

“Fuck, so fast !?”

At a glance, I saw that the bigwigs of all races were approaching 3000 li, and Chu Yan’s face suddenly plummeted.

In front of J Tian Wu blood spear, a group of big brothers chased down from a distance, Chu Yan at this moment, there is a feeling that Heaven has no way, no way to enter the ground.

“What to do !?” Chu Yan’s heart sank.

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