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Cangxue Shengdi took the lead, a group of continent gangsters in the outer realm, and genius of the emperor list, like a flood, moved towards 9 mountain ranges.

“This is troublesome! Hurry to notify the Master!”

Xiao Wenliang was mixed with the crowd. Seeing that the situation was wrong, he quickly sent a message to notify the Master Yan 10000.

“This Chu Yan will really cause trouble, simply is Sect nemesis!”

“Guo Senior Brother, you also inform Sect, once we have an accident of 10000, our 9 Sects will be in trouble!”

At the same time, he sent a message to Guo Dongjun, Xiao Wenliang’s heart, and his face was blue.

“Already notified!” Guo Dongjun looked dull and replied.

Including several other Human Race emperor genius, all of them looked very ugly, looking at the grandiose crowd, flocked to 9 mountain range, anxious.

It’s one thing to deal with Chu Yan. Now that it affects Sect, that’s another.

“Guo Senior Brother, this Chu Yan can get the inheritance of the Southern God Emperor, is it also related to the Golden Leaf Saint Emperor !?”

“Impossible! The Emperor Jinye is the Elder of Primeval Beginning Palace, a little Chu Yan, that is eligible!”

“In this way, Chu Yan can get the inheritance of the Southern God Emperor on the battlefield of ancient martial arts, relying on his own strength !?”

“If he really got inheritance and Divine Emperor blood essence, 100 years of cultivation, when the time comes….”

“Yes, Divine Emperor inheritance, I am afraid that this Chu Yan has the opportunity to break through to the Holy Emperor !?”

“Fart, Holy Emperor is that good breakthrough !? You don’t look, this outland continent, how many Holy Emperors !?”

“The top ten racial forces, it seems that all the emperors are in battle! If we can produce a holy emperor in Human Race, then Human Race is also the top ten racial forces!”


Flying all the way, Human Race a group of genius, constantly talking about Divine Consciousness, everyone’s mood is very complicated.

At this time, the Maori Great Elder, following a blood cloud in front of him, kept pondering.

“Chu Yan, it must be removed!”

In both eyes, the red light flickered, and the more the Wu Clan Great Elder thought, the more Chu Yan terrifying it felt.

It turned out that no matter how powerful Chu Yan was, at least the Human Race behind him had weak power. When it was really unmanageable, when he joined several powerful races Sect and turned over his hand, he could bring 9 mountain range raze to the ground.

But now, the situation is completely different!

Because of the emergence of the Golden Leaf Saint Emperor, Chu Yan’s backing behind the mountain seemed to become Primeval Beginning Palace at once.

Moreover, outside the battlefield of ancient martial arts, the first Demoness of the dark temple called Yue Linglong seems to be for Chu Yan, blocking everyone’s path alone.

A dark temple, now added a Primeval Beginning Palace, Ten Directions Star Domain Two Great Influences, it seems to have a relationship with Chu Yan.

However, they have the Wu clan and the Ming clan, and they are irreconcilable enemies with Chu Yan.

This relationship, without blood, is impossible and clean.

“As long as you kill Chu Yan, Primeval Beginning Palace and the Dark Temple, you will never pay attention to Human Race again!” Maori Great Elder’s killing intent blinks.

As a Great Elder, he naturally knew that maybe Chu Yan innate talent was good, which attracted the attention of Primeval Beginning Palace and the Dark God.

But this kind of attention is just attention.

As long as you kill Chu Yan, Two Great Influences, how can you still pay attention to the small Human Race, and you will not blame the Hades and the Wu people for it, and provoke a war without carelessness, and do this kind of gains and losses! ?

“That handle Divine Sword …”

Among the crowd, the Great Clan Great Elder suddenly remembered the strange natural phenomenon at the peak of Heavenly Sword 9.

“Is it Tianji Building, the one that has been secretly refined, World’s First Divine Weapon !?”

Suddenly, his eyes flashed violently, and the complexion of the Elder, Great Elder, suddenly turned red.

Compared to the Wu people, he is more interested in the Divine Sword in Chu Yan’s hand.

On this way, the bigwigs of all ethnic groups, with their own thoughts, rushed all the way to the 9 mountain ranges.


At the same time, Azure Dragon World domain, 9 mountain range Lingyun Pavilion.

Boom … rumbling!

The originally quiet Lingyun Pavilion’s mountain gate, suddenly, above the sky, exploded a thunder.

Immediately above, above the sky, a twisted void, like a vortex opening, a silhouette, snapped out of it, and fell out.


The silhouette, like a falling meteor, fell straight on Lingyun Square in Lingyun Pavilion, hitting a big pit, and the dust was scattered.

“what happened!?”

“In the direction of Lingyun Square, something seems to fall from the sky!”

“I rely on, it’s a person! Look, come out!”

“God, Chu … Senior Brother Chu Yan!”


The sudden mutation made the entire Lingyun Pavilion seem to explode. On the main peaks, numerous silhouettes rose and moved towards Lingyun main peak.

A group of people landed on the square and watched, and Yan Yan, a blood-stained man, crawled out of the big pit and was dumbfounded.

I saw that Chu Yan was in a black robe, broken, with blood on the corners of his mouth, and aura scattered all over his body, obviously traumatized.

“Don’t even throw it …”

Chu Yan stood next to the pit, shaking his body twice, raised his hands to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth, looked up towards the sky, and scolded.

Just now, the Golden Leaf Saint Emperor, wrapped around himself, shuttled Space-Time, after a few breaths, he returned to 9 mountain range.

However, Jinye Shengdi directly spread a Space-Time crack, and incomparably, threw himself down.

Originally, because the cultivation base was too weak, following Jinye Shengdi’s rapid shuttling through the void, he was injured by Space-Time turbulence, plus he fell from 10,000 zhang high altitude, and he almost didn’t fall apart. .

“Chu … Chu Yan, why are you …”

8 Elder stared at Chu Yan for a while before finally confirming, and asked with a startled expression on his face.

Looking up towards 8 Elder, Chu Yan suddenly started.

At a glance, Lingyun Square on NuoDa University was densely packed, almost full of the Lingyun Pavilion discipline, and the number was no less than ten thousand.

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, pondering how to explain, suddenly, in the depth of the main peak in the distance, a horror aura rises into the sky.


From the main peak to the void of Lingyun Square, it exploded all the way, and a tall silhouette flew like a wave of light.

“God, Pavilion Lord is out!” 8 Elder turned his head, his face suddenly showing ecstasy.

Hearing his voice, on Lingyun Square, more than a dozen 10000 eyes, all turned around, all looked surprised.


The wind was raging and the silhouette flickered, and it had already arrived on Lingyun Square and fell in front of Chu Yan.

Looking up, it is … Ling Shuangtian!

“Higher Martial Emperor Realm 1st Layer! Not bad!” Ouyang Nantian softly nodded in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Less than a year after the retreat, Ling Shuangtian took the position of heaven defying from the median Martial Emperor Realm Peak, breakthrough in one fell swoop, and stepped into the superior Martial Emperor Realm!

At less than 60 years old, the cultivation base has reached the upper Martial Emperor. Looking at the entire outer domain continent, these heavenly postures are unique.

“Chu Yan, don’t need to talk too much, heal quickly!”

Ling Shuangtian’s face, not at all, showed any joy because of breakthrough. On the contrary, his face was plain, facing more than 10000 fiery eyes, turning around looked towards Chu Yan, said with a slight smile.

“Yes, Master!” Chu Yan startled, then nodded, sitting directly cross-legged.

Obviously, Ling Shuangtian knew everything about him.

It won’t take long for the Cangxue Shengdi, as well as the continent gangsters in Outland, to reach 9 mountain range. At this time, Chu Yan is also eager to restore his strength in case of an accident.

“8 Elder, the order opens Lingyun Great Array!”

“Pass me Supreme Order, 9 Supreme Sect, Peak Master, Elder, Wutang, Sect, all assembled!”

“Subpoena, open the Lingyun secret path, all disciplines whose cultivation base is lower than the quasi-imperial rank cultivation base, evacuate immediately!”

“Subpoena …”

With Ling Shuangtian a path of patriarchal order issued, a tense atmosphere quickly dispersed the entire 9 mountain range!

Woo! Woo! Woo!

In less than ten breaths time, the trembling horn sounded through the sky, 9 Supreme Sect, shaking together!

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