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Ling Shuangtian’s words made the bloody Saint Emperor present, as well as a group of bigwigs, all changed their faces.

Not paid! ?

How dare you surrender Chu Yan! ?

Does Ling Shuangtian simply fail to understand what is happening now! ?

“Ling Pavilion Lord, I remind you that today you only have 2 choices. One is to surrender Chu Yan. But if you want to do it alone, then today is your Human Race Nine Sects, the day of extinction!”

Cangxue Martial Emperor thundered like thunder, while speaking, the power of the Holy Emperor rolled like raging cloud, billowing sky blood waves moved towards Lingyun Great Array, rolled down again.

Boom … Rumble!

sect protecting Great Array, swept by the power of the Holy Emperor, tremored suddenly, and the mountain shook.

Ling Yun Great Array may be able to easily resist Martial Emperor’s attack after Situ Yang’s transformation, but in the face of Continent Supreme’s Holy Emperor, it is simply impossible to resist.

“I, Holy Blood Emperor, said it!”

In a word, the ten big races behind him, all aura rushing, all hit the Lingyun Great Array.

Suddenly, the sect protecting Great Array, which had some tremors, was hit by 100 powerhouse auras. It suddenly shivered violently. Obviously, it was impossible to resist how much time.

After all, a Holy Emperor, plus a few 100 Martial Emperor, any Sect’s Great Array, impossible how long it resists.

Across the square, all the 9 Sect gangsters saw the Lingyun Great Array trembling, and their faces fell together.

Is it true that the whole family will be destroyed today! ?

They knew that if two powerful races invaded, fighting the full power of 2 Sects, they might still be able to fight.

However, it is now the top ten racial forces, most of which are coming, plus other powerful races of continent in other domains.

Almost every one has several times the strength of Human Race. Such a terrifying lineup is not a declining Human Race at all.

“Cangxue patriarch, you continent top sect forces in foreign domains, this is to unite and bully me Human Race lineage !?” Ling Shuangtian sneered.

Hearing Ling Shuangtian ’s words, the gangsters, as if they had not heard, responded to this disgrace with silence.

“Okay! Since it is related to the life and death of Human Race lineage, then my decision alone is meaningless and I still ask everyone’s opinion!”

In a word, Ling Shuangtian turned around, glanced at Eight Sects Sect Masters such as Mu Feihuang, Yuanba, and more than a dozen 10000 9 Sect big brothers, their eyes flickered, opened the mouth and said loudly

“Today’s matter, you have seen it in your eyes. It is about the survival of my Human Race. Let everyone decide together!”

“If you agree to surrender Chu Yan, don’t move in place!”

“If you don’t agree to hand over Chu Yan, take a step forward!”

Everyone heard Ling Shuangtian’s words, first eyes flashed, and then shot a path of Jingmang at the same time, when a decision was about to be made, a strange sound suddenly exploded.

“Wait, wait a minute!”

The person who spoke was the Holy Blood Emperor, who interrupted everyone’s choice.

“En !?” Ling Shuangtian and all 9 Sect gangsters looked up together, looking towards Cangxue Shengdi.

Seeing the eyes of all the big guys in Human Race, looked towards himself, the bloody emperor was full of blood mist silhouette, a slight shock, laughter came out, opened the mouth and said again

“Oh, guys, I just want to remind you before your decision, if your choice results can not satisfy me, then all of you people, there is no need to exist!”

Speaking of which, Cangxue Shengdi stopped, and after a deep ponder, he continued

“But if your choices satisfy me, then my Ming tribe, as well as the major ethnic forces present, are still willing to live in harmony with Human Race!”

These words landed, and the eyes of the entire Human Race gangsters shook.

One thought of death, one thought of life!

The prestige of the Holy Emperor seems to be in charge of the world. In a word, it can determine the survival of the entire ethnic group.

Martial Soul World, strength is respected, weak are prey to the strong, how many weak races, Sect damage, the root cause, is that you are not strong enough to be bullied.

Without strength, it is the ants, and even their lives are pinched in the hands of others.

“En! Very good, you can choose!”

When the Blood Emperor saw the square, all the human race gangsters had a low complexion, and were immediately satisfied with the nodded. With a disdainful smile on their faces, they announced.

However, his words just landed, and with everyone’s movements in the square below, the smile on his face instantly solidified.

Tom …!

I saw more than a dozen 10000 Human Race gangsters, almost at the same time as the voice of the bloody emperor fell, they stepped out and roared at the same time.

“We … disagree!”

With a roar of unyielding will, like a tiger roar, he went straight to Nine Heavens.

Including the Cangxue Saint Emperor, all the strangers in the audience were shocked, and they couldn’t believe it.

“You … you …”

For a time, the head of Cangxue Shengdi was a little dazed, and he didn’t understand at all how these Human Race ants chose to rebel against themselves.

Are they dead? ?

A Chu Yan only, for him, these big guys of Human Race, really decided to lose all the lives of the whole family! ?

Even, rather than the entire genocide, he is not willing to give up a discipline that is only a quasi-imperial cultivation base! ?

Not only the bloody emperor, but the big brothers of the ten racial forces above the sky are all ignorant. I do n’t understand. Are these guys like Human Race crazy? !

“Oh, Cangxue, and you guys, have you seen it !? All of Human Race’s choice!”

Ling Shuangtian faced with a light smile on his face, turned around again, facing Mantian powerhouse.

“Ling Shuangtian, is the Golden Leaf Saint …”

Cangxue Shengdi looked at the smile on Ling Shuangtian’s face, and his heart suddenly shivered, with a pair of red eyes, shot 10000 red glows, and suddenly looked up, sweeping all around to the void.

In his view, Human Race is so confident that it must rely on it, and at the beginning, the Golden Leaf Saint Emperor who saved Chu Yan from his hands is the most likely!

However, after some exploration, the doubts on the face of the Cangxue Saint Emperor not only did not disappear, but instead became more solemn.

Because, this side of Heaven and Earth, within a radius of 10,000 li, there is no aura of the Golden Leaf Saint Emperor.

“Hmph! Ling Shuangtian, you can think clearly!”

The bloody Saint Emperor’s forehead was beating with blue muscles, and his eyes were red, staring closely at Ling Shuangtian.

Chu Yan’s face was dull, looking at all around, everyone’s decisive expression, his heart was full of shock.

This all around, there are more than a dozen 10000 Human Race gangsters, there is Peak Master, there is Elder, and even some who have had a holiday with themselves, but whether they know or do n’t know, this time facing the genocide Dangerous, all stood out.

Chu Yan at this moment, looking at all around everyone, the expression on his face, surprised and slowly changed, and finally fixed in the same expression as them, looking up at the bloody emperor of aloof and remote, face All is decisive.

At this moment, Human Race finally condensed together in the fight against the oppression of aliens, imposing manner shocking!

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