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With 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul and the reinforcement of Saint Rakshasa true body, the 10000 thunder roar of Chu Yan within the body finally subsided slowly.

Next, the endless power, like a river of spirit vein, pours into Chu Yan’s whole body, every corner, and blends into every flesh and blood cell.

Just like a long dry drought, Chu Yan couldn’t believe that she was so eager for the power of these Divine Emperor blood essences when she encountered the spring rain.

Crazy devouring, crazy growth.

Even his own skeleton is changing, releasing a touch of lightness and aura.

“Good … good mysterious feeling!”

Chu Yan felt the change in his body, his eyes were dull, and he couldn’t believe it.

A small drop of Divine Emperor blood essence has such a powerful force.

You know, Chu Yan ’s Fleshy body is not weaker than the median Martial Emperor.

However, after this drop of Divine Emperor blood essence came into the body, Chu Yan’s whole body flesh and even skeleton have been nourished, all of them are being madly promoted, and even some strange variants have occurred.

Boom … rumbling!

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, a lightning splits the sky, and the sound of thunder and thunder is endless.

A large area of ​​light, like the light of God, dropping from the sky, dazzling the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

In an instant, countless voices sounded in Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

These sounds are like the sounds of the airflow flowing in the sky, and they are like the power of Heavenly Dao, which is running in the dark, and the sound of empty mystery.

“This … what is this !?”

Chu Yan’s face was confused, and his eyes were distracted. The entire Divine Soul seemed to fall into it completely.

However, without waiting for Chu Yan to react, the mutation in the body is suddenly born!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Among the Qi Sea, thirty inner cores suddenly broke out, and the endless True Qi frenzy caused a turbulent weather wave to crash into the cultivation base bottleneck.

At this moment, the fusion of Divine Emperor blood essence and fleshy body finally changed qualitatively.

At the same time, Chu Yan’s cultivation base skyrocketed again.

7th Layer of the median imperial rank….

9th Layer of median imperial rank…

High-level 3rd Layer…

The 5th Layer of the High Level

The 7th Layer of the High Level

8th Layer…

9th Layer…


Almost in an instant, Chu Yan’s cultivation base, as if sitting on a rocket, jumped from the median 7th layer of the quasi-imperial class directly to a Great Realm, and leaped all the way to the 9th layer of the quasi-imperial class.

Although the True Qi power behind is still violent, but it is stuck by the Martial Emperor Realm bottleneck.

Even Chu Yan was full of excitement, constantly urging True Qi, and even swallowing the next bottle of Golden Pill, but this last step, after all, did not cross over.

In the end, Chu Yan, who took the head, was disappointed in his face, the cultivation base soared, and he also settled in the quasi-imperial peak environment.

Chu Yan at this time is only one step away from Martial Emperor Realm.

However, the distance of this layer of window paper is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

“I lean, boy, what expression do you have !?”

Ouyang Nantian stared at Chu Yan, seeing him shaking his head again, sighing, and suddenly his face twitched.

“In one breath, raise a realm, you brat is not satisfied !?”

Martial Dao cultivation, after reaching the quasi-imperial rank, one step heavenly ascension, which is extremely difficult.

Ordinary Martial Artists, if you want to upgrade the 1st Layer cultivation base, it almost takes several decades, or even 100 years.

Chu Yan, directly from the mid-level emperor level, flew to the high-level peak level, which suddenly improved the cultivation base of nearly 3 1rd Layer.

But this kid, what expression! ?

Ouyang Nantian, although the cultivation base reached the horrible Half-God Realm, how could he forget how much life and death and hardship he had experienced in this cultivation process before he could break through.

Moreover, Ouyang Nantian breakthrough to Half-God Realm, but it took a full 300,000 years.

Every layer of cultivation base promotion is extremely difficult and painstaking, but now, watching Chu Yan, instantaneously promote more than a dozen cultivation base, not satisfied.

This makes Emperor God of Southern China feel so good! ?

“This is Divine Emperor blood essence, I think, you can directly break through to Martial Emperor Realm!”

Chu Yan took the interest and slowly stood up, looking towards Ouyang Nantian, whose face was twitching, and explained.

Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, Ouyang Nan ’s Heavenly Eye twitched violently again twice, looking towards Chu Yan, who was indifferent, suddenly born in his heart, and wanted to go up and strangle the kid.

“Boy, don’t you know it! Realm of Martial Emperor can’t be improved by cultivation base True Qi, then it depends on the perception of Heavenly Dao and the improvement of one’s will to be able to break through!”

“So, don’t say a drop of Divine Emperor blood essence, it’s a pool of Divine Emperor blood essence, and it’s impossible to let you directly break through Martial Emperor Realm!”

Ouyang Nantian flustered and exasperated roared.

“So that’s how it is!” Chu Yan hearing this, his face suddenly appeared.

Immediately after the breakthrough, he could still feel that the mysterious and majestic power in his body was not weakened.

“Boy, this drop of Divine Emperor blood essence has exerted less than 30% of its power. I believe that in the future, as your cultivation base improves, you can only help you a lot!”

Ouyang Nantian exhaled for a long time, and finally suppressed his inner madness.

“Okay! Boy, release your 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, I will seal it for you!”

In a word, Chu Yan suddenly complexion changed.

Seal … Martial Soul! ?

“Senior, you …” Chu Yan subconsciously stepped back half a step, looking towards Ouyang Nantian, with a vigilant look on his face.

“What kind of eyes do you have, as if I were to hurt you!” Ouyang Nantian smiled with a grin.

“Isn’t it !?” Chu Yan said.

What is Martial Soul! ?

That is the source of all the power of Martial Artist!

Any Martial Artist knows that if Martial Soul is damaged, it means that all Martial Dao cultivation base disappears and becomes a waste.

And the so-called seal is not the same as Martial Soul, is it? ?

Chu Yan clearly remembered that when she first met Yue’er, her Martial Soul was in a sealed state, so there was no trace of Martial Artist’s power in Yue’er at that time.

“Boy, I have just said that the one at Divine Realm has already set off, and the goal is to connect the nine towers with you!”

Ouyang Nantian’s complexion gradually became solemn, and he solemnly told Chu Yan.

“Her first destination is definitely Ten Directions Star Domain, and you brat is ready to participate in the Stars Ranking battle!”

“As long as you step into the Ten Directions Star Domain and make a splash, you, the source of Five Elements, will be recognized by her at a glance, when the time comes, Great Principle Golden Immortal will not save you!”

Hearing Ouyang Nantian’s words, Chu Yan startedled and finally understood his purpose.

“But Senior, Martial Soul is sealed …” Chu Yan suspiciously.

“Relax, who am I ?? I’m Emperor God of South, Vault of Heaven Number One Blade, the existence of invincible Star Domain!”

“The emperor technique I have is more than 10000000, seal your 4 Martial Souls, and at the same time, leave a ban, so that you can break the ban when you are in crisis, and release all Martial Souls. Trivia … “

Chu Yan heard this, and finally fully understood, then nodded.

After all, now Ouyang Nantian has saved himself, and the residual knowledge is also sent to him within the body, It shouldn’t be harmful to himself.

“In addition, there is another very important thing that you must do as soon as possible!”

Ouyang Nantian looked at Chu Yan and said seriously, “Your Yin-Yang body, if you want to break through the Realm of Martial Emperor, you must find the spirit of Chaos!”

“The Spirit of Chaos !?” Chu Yan startled.

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