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In Divine Kingdom World, stayed for 7 days.

Chu Yan and Yue’er built a hut on the top of Spirit Peak.

Although simple, but the cabin with the yard, each a wood, is made by 2 people.

After planting the full house of Heluo flowers, in the eyes of Yue’er happiness and perseverance, Chu Yan left Divine Kingdom World and returned to Lingyun Pavilion.

Before going to Soul Demon Purgatory, Chu Yan still has a lot to do.

One is to consolidate the cultivation base of the early breakthrough, and at the same time, we should re-recognising the 500 immortal yin puppies as soon as possible.

At the same time, Chu Yan also has to try to cultivate the secret method of Yin Pup, to see if he can first defend the Dragon Race and refine it.

However, things not at all Chu Yan thought so smoothly.

The first is the 500 immortal Yinyang, because the Ming tribe used a special method to extract the living soul of the Martial Artist and inject it into it.

Therefore, it is very difficult to re-cognising these immortal puppets and recognising Master.

And Chu Yan was also stumped by a problem when cultivation the undead secret method.

That is, the Ming tribe can use the altar to extract the soul of living life, but he Chu Yan, but absolutely would not do it.

Therefore, the source of this soul has become a big problem.

“The mountain and river myriad beasts picture, but it is Divine Soul who can extract people, but this soul refining altar, you still have to find Situ fatty to find a way!”

Chu Yan thought about it for a long time, and after Divine Consciousness sound transmission ended with Situ Yang, he devoted himself to cultivation.

At the same time, all 500 immortal yin puppets were handed over to 9 Ming Refining.

This time closed, after a full 3 months, Chu Yan, who was fully prepared, finally bid farewell to Ling Shuangtian, and dangdang with Little White Bear, moved towards Soul Demon Purgatory.

Little White Bear’s current cultivation base, like Chu Yan, is stuck in the quasi Monster Emperor environment Peak.

It harvested in Ten Directions Divine Realm, which is much bigger than Chu Yan. During the time that Chu Yan went to the ancient martial arts battlefield, Little White Bear slept in Lingyun Pavilion, madly improving the cultivation base.

The speed of the cultivation base’s improvement was even shocking to Ling Shuangtian.

More than once, Ling Shuangtian confessed to Chu Yan, the bloodline of Little White Bear must be Antiquity Sacred Beast.

On the battlefield of ancient martial arts, Chu Yan, who got the jade beetle, thought of the powerful and terrifying Antiquity War Soul, he always speculated that Little White Bear had a chance to be promoted to Antiquity War Soul.

Therefore, this time I went to Soul Demon Purgatory, and Chu Yan was full of confidence, and took the Little White Bear without the slightest hesitation.

One person and one bear, all hope to find the opportunity of breakthrough emperor realm in Soul Demon Purgatory.

The vast ocean, Heaven and Earth is like a curtain!

Soul Demon Purgatory, where it is located, is almost at the border between Continent and Ten Directions Star Domain.

Chu Yan took Little White Bear and flew for a full 2 ​​months before gradually approaching the area mentioned by Southern God Emperor.

What made Chu Yan didn’t expect is that the outer area of ​​this Soul Demon Purgatory was actually wrapped in a thick fog.

This barrier that could make Wu Imperial Capital lost, and it took Chu Yan and Little White Bear again. It took nearly a month to break in.

This is still under the premise of the little white Bear innate talent’s ingenious demon sense induction. If Chu Yan alone is used, it may take half a year to break through.

In the area with strong barriers, Chu Yan and Little White Bear encountered some powerful ghost monsters.

These monsters wandering in the dense fog for 10000 years, each of them is no less powerful than the Emperor Realm.

Fighting all the way, Chu Yan and Little White Bear also have a deeper understanding of the soul demon purgatory, called the continent number one danger zone.

Stepping into the soul demon purgatory land, before it was too late, see the situation of all around, hiding the sky and covering the earth’s magic energy, and completely submerged the 2 people.

Among these magical qi, there is a very small purple and red airflow, which makes the magical qi have a strong corrosive power.

And this power belongs to the Yin attribute, a very special variant power.

Without Chu Yan’s urging at all, Saint Rakshasa true body appeared directly behind Chu Yan, the power of the majestic Saint Rakshasa surged out, swallowing all the purple and red airflows in those rich devil qi.

Little White Bear stared at Chu Yan with a shocked expression on his face, a bear mouth wide open, which could not be closed at all.

Magic energy can be swallowed! ?

Chu Yan, this saint Rakshasa true body, had swallowed Yin Fiend Qi before at Vast Heaven Continent, and Little White Bear had seen it.

But now, it didn’t expect anyway. Even such a powerful, devilish qi with Yin’s corrosive power, Saint Rakshasa can devour it.

Moreover, what makes Little White Bear even more surprising is that after Saint Rakshasa swallowed these demonic qi, the cultivation base aura on Chu Yan was obviously a little stronger.

“Don’t stare at me, hurry and go forward!”

Chu Yan had some surprises, but felt the improvement of the cultivation base, and immediately developed a strong interest in these magic qis. He was ready to try another place with more magic qi.

“These demons are like God and Demon Great War, when the damaged demons corpse evolved, and after countless years of accumulation and changes, they will become like this!”

The words of Emperor God Nan made Chu Yan and Little White Bear two people at the same time.

“Mozu !?” Chu Yan was a little surprised.

Could it be said that this piece of Soul Demon Purgatory is connected to the Devil Land, and there is still a connection! ?

You know, the result of God and Demon Great War 100 10,000 years ago, no one knows. Although the war stopped in the end, no one knows whether Divine Race won or Devil won.

However, in these million years, everything about Divine Race has disappeared, whether it is Continent or Ten Directions Star Domain.

Including the Ten Directions Divine Realm Danger Land that Chu Yan has been to, and the ancient martial arts battlefield, only the remains left by Divine Race, nothing else.

Mozu, it should still exist!

“Oh, Chu Yan, if good luck, maybe you can meet the Devil!”

Emperor God Nan saw that Chu Yan was very interested in the demons, and immediately said with a smile

“Although I only participated in the Initial Stage battle of God and Demon Great War at that time, I’m sure that this Ten Directions Star Domain must have a channel to connect to the Devil’s land, and there are also hidden forces of the Devil! “

“At that time, this area was a battlefield of God and Demon Great War!”

Soul Demon Purgatory was also born because of the God and Demon Great War, and because of this, Ten Directions Star Domain was famous.

“Do you mean that if we find a passage, we can also go to the Devil’s Land !?” Chu Yan asked, moving.

“Boy, are you crazy !? Enter the Demon Land, courting death !? That is equivalent to the existence of Divine Realm!”

Emperor God Nan was startled and shouted quickly, fearing that Chu Yan would be hot for a while and really wanted to go to the Demon Land.

“You still have to find the spirit of Chaos, that’s the right thing, otherwise, don’t think of breakthrough Realm of Martial Emperor in your whole life!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan smiled bitterly, and shook the head.

It is true that I am now only a quasi-imperial Peak cultivation base. If I really enter the Devil’s Land, or Divine Realm, I am afraid that it is not enough to stuff people’s teeth.

Divergence Divine Consciousness, and Little White Bear cautiously continue to move forward …

The closer to the central area, the more powerful the attribute corrosion power in the devil qi becomes.

Fortunately, Chu Yan has Saint Rakshasa body protection, which makes this terrifying magical power for others to become his own big supplement.

Saint Rakshasa true body, suspended above Chu Yan’s head, where the magical energy of all around, like vortex, poured into Chu Yan within the body.

“Yes! It’s here, go over there!”

When a black mountain range appeared on the horizon in the distance, the excitement of the Southern God Emperor immediately rang.

“That piece of Tianyang mountain range is, of course, the place where I sensed the spirit of Chaos!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan without the slightest hesitation, turning direction, moved towards the black mountain range on the horizon, flying straight away.

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