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Large black flashes flashed, silhouette after silhouette, constantly appearing.

The appearance of these silhouettes fell in the eyes of Mo Cangxue and the 3 Great Guardians. They suddenly surprised them with their mouths wide open, and their eyes almost fell to the ground.

“No … don’t die!”

Mo Cangxue couldn’t even imagine that there would be so many undead yin puppets here.

“You … you are Holy Master !? impossible!”

As soon as he asked, Mo Cangxue shook his head directly to deny that the selection of the Holy Master among the Nether tribe was extremely strict, and he was absolutely impossible to foreigners.

However, in front of them, the 130 immortal yin puppets, red eyes, simultaneously shua shua looked towards himself, so that his body was covered with cold hair, all of which would explode.

He certainly knows the battle strength of immortal yin puppets.

The 130 immortal yin puppets in front of you are enough to deal with the three great guardians, not to mention, there is also an antiquity monster emperor yin puppet.

“You … you are actually refining these puppets !?”

After enough time of ten breaths, Mo Cangxue finally reacted, looking towards Chu Yan’s eyes, full of unbelievable colors.

However, next, in the sneer of Chu Yan’s face, a large black light flashed again behind him.

Boom … rumbling!

The Void contracted to the extreme and suddenly exploded. A beast with a height of nearly 500 feet appeared in front of several people under the sky and chaos.

3 Da Mingwei and Mo Cangxue, if they were still horrified, then with the appearance of the black marsh lion and scorpion, it directly became fear.

“Great Desolate … giant beast !? This … this …”

The violent monster qi rushed away, the majestic monster qi was immediately sensed by the 3 Great Guardians and Mo Cangxue, this is one monster cultivator reached the median Martial Emperor Realm Peak Monster Beast.

“Do not….”

In Mo Cangxue’s heart, he was full of regret. Why didn’t he escape immediately when he met Chu Yan just now! ?

However, it is too late to speak now. Even in the presence of this horrible yin and puppet lineup, even if ten Holy Masters come in person, terror is not an opponent.


a In the sky-splitting sound like thunderbolt, the tail of the black marsh lion scorpion is like an iron whip, with a piercing scream, fiercely pulling down.

Mo Cangxue and the 3 Great Guardians saw the black marsh lion and scorpion attack, frightening soul flies away and scatters, where they still dared to think about it and retreated with their bodies.

At the same time, a path of bloody palm seal, blade glow moved towards black marsh lion scorpion, fiercely attacked.

These 3 Great Guardians are the most elite card strength of the Ming tribe. Everyone not only has a strong cultivation base strength, but also has very strong actual combat experience.

They knew very well that they just surrounded Chu Yan, but now they are surrounded by anti-encirclement.

Under such circumstances, if you simply escape, you will die faster and you must fight back.

“2 Young Patriarch, right?”

With a wave of his hand, Chu Yan made the Black Marsh lion and scorpion temporarily stop attacking, looked towards Mo Cangxue, and said

“What is the purpose of your coming to Heavenly Thunder mountain range !?”

“hmph! ”

Mo Cangxue was hearing this, but it was coldly snorted. Even with the terrified look on his face, he still showed an arrogant look and ignored Chu Yan’s problems at all.

“Very good! Bold, I hope your corpse can say nothing!” Chu Yan coldly smiled and waved again.

Roar! roar! roar!

130 undead yin puppets, a black marsh lion scorpion as high as a hill, and 9 ghosts holding Divine Weapon, all roared like a flood, attacked.

The monstrous monster qi, hiding the sky and covering the earth’s overcast Baleful Qi wave, rushed past, and the imposing manner alone made Mo Cangxue and the 3 Great Guardians, and their faces were green.

“I … I said! I said!” Mo Cangxue anxiously said.

“No more! You are too lazy to talk nonsense!”

Chu Yan shook the head, watching 9 Ming with a large Kuroshio, drowning Mo Cangxue and 3 Ming Wei directly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The 3 regiments exploded and exploded in the undead Yin-Yun group. The 3 Great Guardians saw that they were invincible and even detonated Qi Sea, destroying themselves.


Only Mo Cangxue, the explosive blast wave that was tumbling into the sky, directly rushed down to the ground and smashed into the deep soil layer, completely invisible.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan waved his hands and took back all the undead Yinyong and the black marsh lion and scorpion except 9 Nether.

Body flashed, fell into the ground pit, right hand grasped, True Qi surging, directly pulled Mo Cangxue out of the soil.


Mo Cangxue in front of him was beaten with flesh and blood, and his whole body was broken, only out of breath, and he couldn’t see it.

“Exactly! Look at your purpose to come to Heavenly Thunder mountain range!”

In an instant, Chu Yan’s eyes were sharp and bright, Divine Consciousness turned arrows, moved towards Mo Cang’s bloody eyes, and fiercely pierced.


Divine Consciousness pours into Mo Cangxue’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, breaking it apart, Soul Searching Technique unfolds.

As the soul search proceeded, the smile on Chu Yan’s face gradually solidified, and in his eyes, a path of bloodshot eyes continued to emerge.

“9 Star Altar !? Sacrificial refining the soul …. Wraith Temple !?”

Suddenly, Chu Yan shouted loudly, his face instantly turned blue, and his eyes were blood red.

“Ah … mother!”

In Mo Cangxue’s memory fragments, Chu Yan actually saw a familiar silhouette.

The silhouette was the silhouette of mother on the altar in the black great hall that Chu Yan saw when he wandered around.

“Damn the clan, give me … wait!”


A burst of flames exploded, and Mo Cang’s blood in his hand exploded in an instant, and in an instant it turned into a dark sky and dust, and fell to the ground.

“King of Blood Luo !? In this Heavenly Thunder mountain range, there is also King of Blood Luo!”

Chu Yan does not know what the Blood Luo King is.

However, from Mo Cangxue’s memory, he could sense that this blood Luo King is the top grade material for refining the undead Yinyong.

The Holy Masters of the Nether clan all take the Blood Luo King as their guardian and protect their safety. It can be seen that the Blood Luo King’s battle strength is absolutely not weak.

In Mo Cangxue’s memory, Chu Yan was affirmed once again that his mother is in the Ming tribe, a place called “Ning Soul Temple”.

If you want to deal with the Ming clan, it is obviously not enough by your own strength!

In particular, the last time in the 9 mountain ranges, the appearance of the Patriarch of the Nether tribe, the bloody emperor, made Chu Yan change his original plan.

A holy emperor, even if his breakthrough reaches Martial Emperor Realm, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with.

If added, the numerous cards of the Ming tribe, as well as those hidden in the dark and enshrined powerhouse, a single spear horse to kill the Ming tribe, I am afraid that even they are not enough to stuff their teeth.

Therefore, Chu Yan must accumulate power, and now, in his own hands, there is already preliminary power.

Although it is still not enough, Chu Yan believes that as long as you continue to work hard, continue to collect and refine undead puppets, when the time comes, the undead Kuroshio, and the destruction of the Ming tribe will never be far away.


With a big wave of his hand, Chu Yan stopped staying, and just had to take 9 hours. When he left here, suddenly, not far away in the sky, a crack exploded, a silhouette, and strode out.

“Ha ha ha….”

In the laughter, a silhouette wearing a leather armor and a long blade, striding out of the void, looked towards Chu Yan.

“Sun and moon Divine Sect !?” Chu Yan startled.

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