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After entering the Xiaobao, the void entrance is slightly trembled and closed again.

The scene inside the cave made Chu Yan’s eyes bright, slightly surprised.

Because, in this cave, it turned out to be a place of ruins, with a small stone palace, and a small square.

At this time, more than 1000 fire crows were hovering in the sky inside the cave, illuminating the entire underground cave with light.

At the entrance, there is a full 3 Layer prohibition. In every prohibition, there is a rich Antiquity aura.

And close to the stone palace, there is a breath-holding array running, without any trace of Antiquity aura. Obviously, it was Chu Yan who handed over the 9th to the netherworld, and made by Stuart fatty.

“En!? There are already 3 prohibitions in this hole !?” Chu Yan startled and turned his head towards towards 9 Meng asked.

“Yes, Lord!” 9 Nodded.

“This place was found by Fire Crow. After I arrived, I inspired the three Antiquity bans and the effect was very good!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan nodded, a look of joy on his face.

These three Antiquity bans, not only have a good effect, but even just myself, they can’t sense the aura of 3 Fire Crow in 9 Ming and the cave.

“It seems that this battle for the Emperor Rankings was during the Antiquity period!”

Chu Yan looked towards the three banned divine runes carved on the stone wall, eyes could not help shimmering.

“This place should be in the Antiquity period. The people who participated in the battle for the Emperor List, after winning the Golden Seal, made a temporary shelter Cave Mansion.”

“Didn’t expect, for nearly a million years, it can be kept so well!”

Chu Yan walked slowly and walked over to the three prohibitions before staring.

In these three prohibitions, there are a lot of divine runes in the top 3 Spirit Marks. Although they are made temporarily, the workmanship is extremely fine and the materials used are also top grade.

If Situ Yang is here, he might jump up excitedly.

Because, not to mention the three prohibitions, even if it is a, it is also more than 3 times stronger than the resting spirit array refined by fatty.

“When you go, see if you can take it away!”

Chu Yan groaned a little, then walked to the cave square, sat cross-legged, and began to recover.

After swallowing the next Golden Pill, and feeling that the medical power has unraveled, Chu Yan flipped his hand and took out the golden seal, and looked carefully.

Above the Golden Seal, although aura is weak, but it does not disperse, the passing place is endless.

In this way, although it is difficult to find, as long as you find and track the aura left by the Golden Seal, tracking it all the way is extremely easy.

“En !? These Golden Seal aura !?”

Suddenly, Chu Yan looked at the Golden Seal all around in his hand, exuding pale pale-gold aura, his face startled.

These aura, faintly discernable, wrapped Chu Yan’s right hand, it seems to have the meaning of integration, but was blocked by the body protection gang yuan.

“Can these auras devour cultivation !?”

a Mind flashed, Chu Yan groaned slightly, and Divine Consciousness swept away, rolled over a tiny Golden Seal aura, and swallowed directly into the body.

Sure enough, the Golden Seal aura is like a body, Chu Yan within the body, originally staying in the Qi Sea, the large group of chaotic spirits suddenly shuddered, and directly divided into a strand, which was a faint golden seal aura, instantly Devour.

Nine colored flashes of different light, the rays of light of the chaotic spirit flash slightly, and then the speed at which the chaotic spirit merges into the inner core obviously increases by one point.

“It turns out that this Golden Seal aura also has this equivalent!”

Chu Yan’s eyes are bright, didn’t expect, this Golden Seal aura, can also help the spirit of Chaos merge with himself.

At the moment, Chu Yan no longer hesitated, directly recovered the body protection Gang Yuan, and began to engulf the Golden Seal’s overflowing imprint.

Chu Yan has found a way to improve the integration of Chaos Spirit under the mistakes. In fact, he guessed that this immortal gas may have great benefits for the subsequent battle for the Emperor List.

Otherwise, why are the rules of this round of the Emperor List Battle 3 hours! ?

Such a long time, I am afraid it is to allow time to devour and merge these Golden Seal aura.

At the moment, Chu Yan will be polite there, infused with all his energy, and begin to devour the fusion energy with all his strength.

At this time, outside the cave, above the Earth Palace, above 10,000 zhang.

A large number of emperor genius, hanging in the air, like a headless fly, looked up and down four times.

Just now they came here, no matter whether it was Chu Yan ’s aura or the golden seal ’s aura, all disappear without a trace, even in the sky, there was no trace of it.

Moreover, 4 directions in all directions, more and more Emperor Gengen, moved towards this valley, gathered.

Although they lost the traces of Chu Yan and Golden Seal, they all knew that this valley was probably Chu Yan’s hiding place.

As for this valley with a range of nearly 1000 miles, there is Chu Yan’s specific hiding body, which is not understood at all.

Pieces of rare treasure, a statue of Martial Soul, are constantly being released.

Some dogs of Martial Soul, with their sense of smell, probed under in the sky 4, and some spiders of Martial Soul released a circle of ripples, constantly rushing towards all around.

There are also Martial Artists, Spirit Treasure, all kinds of strange things, Yinzi Zombies, Blood Soul, etc., which are used to explore aura, and various methods are emerging in endlessly.

However, whether it is Martial Soul or rare treasure, it is tantamount to the difficulty of heavenly ascension to find a trace of aura that is weak to almost non-existent within a radius of 1000 miles.

On the 1000 emperor list genius, the whole valley was completely surrounded, and a carpet search began.

Time passes, an hour passes …

Some emperor list genius, with red eyes, has already begun to lose patience, exerting martial skill of emperor art, starting 4 ancient chaos, large voids are constantly collapsing, mountain peaks are collapsed one by one.

However, Chu Yan’s small hill with only 3 more then 10 zhang high is too unremarkable, just like a large river beach, 10000 1000 to 10000 stones, a small piece of pebbles ordinary.

Want to find it, easyer said than done.

Over time, more and more Emperor Genius began to join the destructive search.

Boom … Rumble!

The violent power swept through, the sound of gas explosion continued to the ears, powerful energy, 4 surges, the whole valley trembling.

The irritable aura spread out among the 1000 emperor genius.

Some genius, seeing that the situation is wrong, began to move away from the valley and look elsewhere.

While others, they directly find a place, cross-legged cultivation, not bothered by seeing.

The most is the emperor genius with bloody eyes in each and everyone, gathered together, panting like a cow, his face full of color and anger.

“Damn Chu Yan, how could it disappear !?”

“No! It should be in this valley, I am afraid that he has powerful means to hide his aura!”

“But why did the Golden Seal aura disappear completely! This is not normal!”

“Who still has the hole cards, get them out quickly, otherwise, the time is coming!”


A group of people, look at me, I look at you, and finally, they all looked at Qi Xuelian of 9 Baoge together.

As the Pavilion Lord direct disciple of 9 Treasure Pavilion, her top grade Spirit Treasure alone made countless people jealous.

Therefore, regarding rare treasure means, there are 1000 people on the scene, I am afraid that no one can match her.

“Okay! Let me …”

Qin Xuelian finally made up her mind after biting her teeth, flipped her small hand, and took out a dragon head.

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