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Seeing the other person’s eyes, Zhou Xiaoyun’s heart shook suddenly, his face pale, and he subconsciously stepped back half a step.

“You … who are you !?”

Looking at each other, a shallow blue long robe, Zhou Xiaoyun, of Sea of ​​Consciousness, flashed a name.

“When … When Yang Sect !?”

The sound of trembling trembling, while reading the name, Zhou Xiaoyun’s pair of spirit eyes flashed a look of despair.

“Ha ha ha….”

Seeing Zhou Xiaoyun’s expression, the fire of excitement in the eyes of blue robe disciple became more and more intense.

“Didn’t expect, you still know that I am Yang Sect, do you feel lucky !?”

“Yes, I am one of the ten disciplines inside the sect of Dangyang, Idongping!”

With a smug smile on his face, while speaking, Yi Dongping walked directly and moved towards Zhou Xiaoyun.

Yi Dongping’s steps are extremely slow, less than 100 steps away, but they are slower than ordinary person’s. A pair of triangular eyes are staring at Zhou Xiaoyun’s face and body, and the light flashes slightly.

Seeing Yi Dongping coming over, Zhou Xiaoyun’s charming face, more and more panicked, subconsciously kept retreating.

She has seen that Ito’s cultivation base has reached the lower Martial Emperor Realm Peak.

And her own cultivation base, but the lower Martial Emperor Realm 5th Layer, is 4 realm away from the opponent, and is not his opponent at all.

Hit, impossible hit, escape? When I was chased all the way, True Qi consumption was not recovered at all.

When I thought of Yang Sect’s reputation, Zhou Xiaoyun’s heart was cold.

The so-called Yang Sect is a foreign continent, a very sinister force, the discipline of the inside the sect, completely relies on the extremely physical harvesting Yin to supplement Yang Technique to enhance the cultivation base.

The entire Sect, the number of female Martial Artists in light enslavement and captivity, is not less than 10000000 million, all for them inside the sect disciple cultivation.

However, this harvesting Yin to supplement Yang Technique is to use the body of the female Martial Artist as the cultivation furnace cauldron. At the beginning, the cultivation base of both men and women should be rapidly improved.

But after a period of time, after the Meridian and Qi Sea of ​​the female Martial Artist nourish and grow up, it is the extreme Yin Qi that has adopted the female Martial Artist crazy, which is extremely harmful to the cultivation base and the body.

Legend has it that when Yang Sect’s mountainside veins, the number of blood-sucking Monster Beasts alone reached 1000000.

These Monster Beasts all feed on the female Martial Artist corpse who was dumped in the mountainside. After a long time, the number will increase.

“Hehe… .didn’t expect, in this ghost abyss, you can still meet such a beauty! Tsk tsk tsk, this posture, this skin, this cultivation base… .ha ha ha!”

Yi Dongping strolled towards Zhou Xiaoyun, while admiring the desperate color on the other’s charming face, the evil desire in his heart swelled more and more.

“You … what are you doing !?” Zhou Xiaoyun asked Diven Soul in shock.

“Ha ha ha, what are you doing? Of course it’s with you ah!” Itoh said with a smile.

“Looking at you in such a panic, it should have been chased here by the monster !? You see, in this ghost abyss, there is no strength, what a miserable result!

“Fortunately, you have good luck and met me! As long as you work together with me to ensure that your cultivation base is advanced, you can also survive in this ghost abyss for a while!”

“If you serve well, I can also consider to ensure your safety in Guiyuan, and finally take you back to Yang Sect. In a few years, I can help you, breakthrough median Martial Emperor Realm!”

Yi Dongping’s face was grinning, and he was seeing smallpox. It was as if Zhou Xiaoyun had met him. He really picked up a big bargain.


Hearing Yi Dongping’s words, Zhou Xiaoyun’s whole body shivered and shouted softly.

Back to him as Yang Sect, don’t say breakthrough cultivation base, I’m afraid I can’t even save my life.

What else to say, it is good luck to meet him, this is simply more bad luck than to meet the strong demon that chased her all the way.

“No! Never be left alone!”

There was a cry in my heart. In Zhou Xiaoyun’s spirit eye, Jingmang suddenly burst into the body, with True Qi surging all over his body, pouring Spirit Sword in his hand, moved towards I Dongping, and fiercely cut it out with a sword.

Sword Qi is like light, igniting thousands zhang sword glow, splitting layers of magical qi, and the sword is shocking!

The sword was penetrating, and the formidable power was extremely strong. After a flash, it instantly fell to the plane gate of Ito.

This sword, Zhou Xiaoyun almost exhausted all his strength, hoping that he would receive a magical effect under a sudden shot.

“En !?”

Seeing the word glow coming, I Dongping is eyes shrank, didn’t expect, Zhou Xiaoyun’s sword glow will be so powerful.

She must have powerful rare treasure on her body!

“Ha ha ha, it seems that my luck is also good, this time, I want to get wealth 2!”

After turning his eyes, he saw Zhou Xiaoyun’s broken shirt, the 7-color inner armor shimmering with different lights, and suddenly eyes shined, laughing loudly.

At the same time, Yi Dongping’s right hand rays of light flashed, and raised his hand directly to the sword glow.

Above the glorious right hand, a Spirit Treasure glove directly grabbed the sword glow in his hand.

Ka cha !

In the noise, the word glow caught by Spirit Treasure’s glove was directly pinched and exploded, and the weather was bursting, and the 4 scattered.


Seeing his sword with all his strength, he was squeezed directly by the other party, and Zhou Xiaoyun was shocked.


Turning and flying, moved towards the valley not far away, flying and clouds, Qianying instantly escaped into the rich magic energy, disappeared.

This is what she had planned for a long time. If she can kill each other with a sword, of course it is good, but if it doesn’t work, she will run away immediately.

“Hehe, want to escape !?”

Regarding Zhou Xiaoyun’s escape from escape, Yi Dongping didn’t have any accidents, but instead grinning, the flames in his eyes became more and more intense.


Within a blink of an eye, Yi Dongping’s movement art unfolded, a flashing body, directly chasing Zhou Xiaoyun.

Less than 3 breaths, one escape and one chase, rushing out of the distance of 100 li, Zhou Xiaoyun was blocked by Yi Dongping and stopped.

“9 Thunderclaw!”

Seeing each other again, Yi Dongping’s face was rueful, and he didn’t say anything at all. He just started his hand and raised his hand to poke out.

Boom … Rumble!

A nine colored claw print of the heterogeneous gang, stormed out, dropping from the sky, and transformed into an incomparable gigantic cage, moved towards Zhou Xiaoyun straight down.

This move is Yi Dongping’s unique skill. Don’t say a Martial Artist who is worse than his 4 Layer realm, even a Martial Artist of the same level, is not necessarily and can be stopped.

“Not good !”

Tenderly shouted, Zhou Xiaoyun panicked, shying away.

However, rushing less than ten steps away, it seemed to hit a wall and was bounced back directly.

Looking up, I saw that above the top of my head, the cage formed by the nine large gang fingers had fallen, but even the space around her was blocked.

With a clatter, Gang Yuan’s claw fell like an iron cage, and Zhou Xiaoyun was covered in it. Under a sudden tremor, Gang Yuan’s claw contracted quickly and bound to Zhou Xiaoyun’s body.

“Little beauty, come here!”

Idong Ping saw his hand, and his eyes were suddenly bright. True Qi cited it. Gang Yuan giant claw grabbed Zhou Xiaoyun and pulled towards the plane of Idong.

At this moment, Zhou Xiaoyun’s face was full of despair. Even if he struggled all over the body, he could not get rid of it even if he urged Qi Caitianyi.

Obviously, the Spirit Treasure glove on Yi Dongping ’s right hand is a Spirit Treasure of the same rank as her 7-color sky suit.

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